
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Merdeka. What it means to some

I'll be honest. Merdeka means much more to me these days than it did when I was younger.

Although I was part of the parade when I was in lower six, due to my being a Cadet Corps member, it really did not gave me a true sense of being 'independent'.

Yesterday, whilst lazing in bed and realising that the parade was not on as it was postponed till the 16th of September, it dawned on me that my kids too were looking forward to the parade.

In the past week, we have heard Mat Sabu, Vice President of PAS praising the communist insurgents as the 'real heroes' for fighting for Mereka. I wonder if Mat Sabu realised the significance of the very notable 'Bukit Kepong'? Could it be that he want us to think that because the attack was led by a Malay Communist?

I have always wondered why there are some people out there who have now placed their allegiance with such political parties like PAS.

Scratch that. Rather, I have always suspected the type who have now placed their believe in PAS.
(a bit more on this later)

Yesterday, I had a wonderful dinner with my Aunty and Uncle from Australia. They have migrated to Brisbane (some 25 years now) and hosted a dinner with the entire extended family as this would be their last visit here.

Seated at my table was the younger generation of Yews, and when the topic of discussion came to politics, I found out that a cousin of mine is now heavily involved in DAP.

Young people these days seems to believe everything the read on the internet, and when he pointed out that MCA is a subservient party to UMNO, it dawned on me that the message being drilled down by DAP is that and each of their members are singing that theme song!

I couldn't stomach that (and remember that I am not an MCA member) as I know and remember the contributions of MCA founding fathers and their role in Merdeka. However, these are convenientely forgotten and the message by such opposition members are just to focus on the negatives and expel fear and hatred towards the ruling government and its political allies.

The conversation got to MACC, and it was ultimately who gets more support that speaks the loudest. Sadly, it appears that yesterday my relatives who were at the table have all depended on information entirely from the internet. Reliable? I did say no.

But such is the situation. isn't it? whilst the government focuses on developing the country, the opposition who really are not interested in contributing are just going around expelling hate to try to unseat those democratically elected by the voters.

Do you know what it means for some who experienced terrorism communist style? Find out from this writer who explains it well enough.

Since observing objectively, it has become much clearer now how the younger generation have turned their backs on the government.

For those still using the excuse that the Government controls main stream newspapers, try reading Harakah, Rocket, Keadilan, Malaysia Today, MalaysiaKini and Malaysian Insider! They think they know the meaning of Merdeka, but if you read close enough they are all for dividing the country with the aim to rule it.

The kicker last night? My cousin asked if I read Raja Petra's article on my police report.
I can tell you that it was not written by him, and what's more, I used to listen to how RPK make up stories to suit his paymasters.

Just as there are some who seem to have placed their support and believe in the opposition, there are some whom I have met who believe in the government. This balance ought to be maintained.

I did my part in 2008, and I will certainly do my part to ensure that Merdeka willnever be hijacked by the likes of Mat Sabu and Karpal Singh.

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