
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Missing 'clone' voters puzzles PAS

Three pairs of so-called 'cloned' voters, which a newspaper tracked down and claimed are bona fide voters, have had each duplicate name removed from the electoral roll.

On Aug 17, it was claimed that the three pairs had the same name and date of birth - Azhar Ahmad, Besah Mat and Mansor Abdullah - but slightly different MyKad numbers.

Johor PAS Youth chief Suhaizan Kaiat had told the press then that it was likely that only one identity from each pair was authentic while the others were proof that the electoral roll's integrity is questionable.

NONETwo days later, Malay dailySinar Harian claimed to havetracked down all three pairs to prove that they were indeed three pairs of different people with similar names.

The Mansor Abdullah pair even lodged a police report against Suhaizan.

Since then, the Election Commission has often cited this incident to back its claim that most allegations questioning the integrity of the electoral roll are dubious.

In a sudden twist today, Suhaizan said the names of one from each of the three pairs have been deleted from the EC database.

"From the search done by PAS Youth on Sept 13, we found that the record of three out of the six identities, which have been verified bySinar Harian as valid voters, are missing from the electoral roll.

"How can data of voters who have been verified be removed from the electoral roll?" Suhaizan asked at a press conference at PAS headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.

All six are Umno members

A check on the EC website confirmed Suhaizan's claims.

The six are also Umno members.

Suhaizan also claimed that PAS Youth has detected more than 10,000 voters removed from the electoral roll in just two months.

Each of these voters, he said, share the same name with another voter but has a slightly different MyKad number, as in the cases of Azhar, Besah and Mansor.

He urged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to form a royal commission of inquiry to investigate all electoral flaws exposed by the youth wing.

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