
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Najib, strike now before it is too late

vox populi small thumbnail'Najib, better combine forces with Hisham and others who do not wish to see the rise of the Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Mukhriz trinity.'

Mahathir 'sees Najib as a liability'

Swipenter: As far as we can see, nobody can do a better job as PM other than Dr Mahathir Mohamad himself.

He can do no wrong and blames every one of his successors for all the problems the country inherited from his 22 years tenure in office.

The racial and religious divide, economic and income disparity, corruption and moral decay of our institutions, declining education standards, abuse of powers, etc, all started under his premiership.

One can say he was smart enough to step down when his star was waning.

KSN: Mahathir, you may or may not be right, but the biggest liability in our country's history was, and has been, you. Yes, you, and this is because of the unpardonable damage you inflicted on the very fibre of the nation.

The country and its people are paying a very heavy price for it. The irony, therefore, is that you, the biggest liability, talk and talk about other people being a liability. How do you see yourself, Mahathir?

Lets be fair: Mahathir is a kingmaker - but whose memory failed miserably during the VK Lingam's "correct, correct, correct" royal commission. When will he retire from interfering in Umno?

2CTS WORTH: The plot is thickening. The timing of the accusation is just about right. The PM's thundering silence is not of any help to his credibility.

Anonymous: Najib, better combine forces with Hisham and many others who do not wish to see the rise of the wicked trinity of Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz Mahathir. Strike first. In war, all is fair. Do not play to his tune.

Do not be afraid of Mahathir. Show him who is the boss. If I had to choose between Mahathir and you, it will be you - the lesser of two evils.

Black Mamba: Dr M has been passing many unsavoury remarks lately on Najib Razak's administration and the implementation of 1Malaysia.

If our memory doesn't fail us Malaysians, this is standard precursor of Dr M's trademark effort towards removing Najib from Umno, where he will let the news snowball into a negative avalanche to bury Najib completely prior to the next general election.

Mob1900: As Mahathir has shown us, it has never been about the people, it's all about elites struggling for power with money politics. We're nothing but lambs milked and led to slaughter. Our existence are to benefit these BN goons because they claimed they deserves it.

Passing Cloud: Najib cannot be working in Mahathir's shadow all the time. Mahathir did say Najib was not a PM material, if I remember correctly.

The only hope for Najib to remain is for him to get rid of Mahathir - or for God to take him away - before Mahathir does him in or gnaws him out!

But then, he's a known weakling with too many skeletons in the cupboard. Let's see how the old cunning fox manoeuvres him out.

Sodom Me Sodom You: This idea has been floating awhile now. An extension I heard was that Mahathir will topple Najib and bring Muhyiddin to succeed him.

While Hishammuddin is waiting at the sidelines to one day assume the DPM's role and move up to PM to fulfil his birthright, Mahathir actually has other plans...

Since Najib and Hisham are cousins, they have a pact and are working close to ensure their bloodline inherits the throne. But Mahathir's chosen son, Mukhriz is going to be fast-tracked to quickly move up to the DPM role by jostling out Hisham.

Musa denies framing Anwar in power abuse trial

Clean&Clear: So we are to believe Mahathir is totally innocent but was misled by these two? It may be possible if Dr M was a moron. I think he is not. Evil, maybe, but not moronic.

It's also possible that these two played as Dr M's tools and now they are so intertwined that even if Dr M is innocent, he is not able to disentangled himself.

Whatever it is, let former police chief Musa Hassan prove it is Anwar Ibrahim's plotting. Or swear on the Quran. Or at least, sue former CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim.

But I think to most Malaysians, we believe Mat Zain far more than all three combined.

Anonymous_4056: EX-IGP Musa Hassan can deny anything or even admit it, but what can you do? He was the most powerful person in Malaysia at one time and he is still powerful, he got all his men at the top.

But remember he cannot escape the one true God who hates those who pervert justice and bear false witness.

Who Is That Masked Man?: Actually it doesn't matter even if Anwar screwed a goat. I personally don't think he is PM material based on his other character flaws.

Nevertheless, what Musa and attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail did was absolutely wrong. They cannot be above the law.

To think they can manipulate justice in this way says much about our police force and our government's own legal representatives - supposedly to stand for justice, fairness and to protect the innocent, it has done the opposite.

KSN: Musa, why don't you sue Mat Zain for defamation if you dare and if he is lying. You can have the attorney-general for company. - Malaysiakini

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