
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 3, 2011

On the rise, Muhyiddin watches while Najib sweats out a 'loaded' September

On the rise, Muhyiddin watches while Najib sweats out a 'loaded' September
For both Prime Minister Najib Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin, September is a busy and anxious month with far-reaching and opposing implications for each.
This is a month that will keep Najib extra restless as the DCN commissions scandal over the Scorpene submarines go to open court in France. At home, the 58-year-old Najib is also unspared from worry. Both he and his wife Rosmah Mansor are due to appear in the Malaysian court, summoned to sit in the witness box for the Sodomy II trial they pressed against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
For the 64-year-old Muhyiddin, he is also on high alert. He has no court cases pending but he would be busy monitoring the landmines that Najib and Rosmah are expected to step on during the Scorpenes and Sodomy II trials.
Needless to say, coming on top of a 6 percentage point plunge in approval rating, Najib knows only too well what is at stake. Already, speculation is red-hot that come December when the UMNO general assembly is held, Najib will be asked by the party's supreme council to lay down a succession plan in favour of Muhyiddin - the same that his predecessor Abdullah Badawi was ordered to do for him.
Very different paths up the UMNO ladder
Muhyiddin does not come from a privileged background, unlike Najib who is the scion of one of the country's most powerful political families. Muhyiddin is a working man, someone who has spent time in the corporate world and who knows how it feels like to slog his way up the ladder of success. He has faced the bitterness of defeat and plays politics like an old general.
His political career began in 1971 where he signed up as an ordinary member at the UMNO Pagoh division. Five years later, he was elected as the division’s Youth Chief and Secretary and subsequently rose to become the Johor UMNO Youth Chief. In 1984, Muhyiddin became the UMNO division chief for Pagoh. From this point on, there was no turning back for him as he rose through the ranks to assume the role of Johor Mentri Besar, then national Vice President and now Deputy President of UMNO and Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Najib may have had his path up the UMNO ladder laid out for him, but Muhyidden carved one out for himself. There were many times when he lost, but he never seemed to let it get to him.
In 1984, Muhyiddin contested one of the UMNO Supreme Council seats but lost. In 1990, he offered himself for an UMNO vice-presidency but lost again. It was only in 1993 that he finally made it as an UMNO Veep, only to lose it back in 1996. In 2000, he regained the post and eventually in 2008, he contested and won the post of Deputy President, taking over from Najib Razak who went on to become President following the ouster of Abdullah Badawi.
Malay-first Malaysian-second speed bump
In March 2010, when Muhyiddin said that he was “Malay first and Malaysian second”, it was not rhetorical, he was serious. This earned him the reputation of being a racist. And even though he tried to water it down by stating that there was nothing wrong for a Chinese or Indian to also utter the same statement, the racist label has stayed with him.
Ultra Malay rights group Perkasa has found some measure of support from Muhyiddin. On July 23, 2010, he stated that anyone was free to form an association like Perkasa to champion their cause. His words were immediately taken to be an indirect endorsement for Perkasa, its inflammatory rhetoric and activities.
Muhyidden does not only play politics, he usually means what he says and he often backs it up with action.
One of his first acts as Education Minister was to revert the teaching of Mathematics and Science from English to Malay language, an action that irked even former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, whom many regard to be Muhyiddin's 'patron'.
Endorsement from Mahathir
Yet, it is in Mahathir that Muhyiddin has found an ally for his own personal agenda, especially with Najib proving to be a major liability to the BN's chances of retaining power.
Mahathir still holds authority in UMNO and there is widespread talk that with Muhyiddin as premier, Mahathir’s own son Mukhriz will surely take over the top job soon.
The Muhyiddin-Mahathir tag team also seems to be solidifying despite desperate attempts by Najib to spoil the relationship. Najib has tried to curry favor with Mahathir in the Tajuddin Ramli court case. The Najib administration's rather illogical move to settle all claims against Tajuddin out of court ended up embarassing the PM even more - defeating their original purpose to gain Mahathir’s good graces.
Giving Najib enough rope to 'hang' himself
And as Najib Razak continues to embarass himself and the nation through his mismanagement of the country’s affairs, Muhyiddin is slowly moving into the forefront as someone with better management aptitude.
However, while Muhyiddin may have hands-on experience in all things politics, he may still not be the right person to lead a multi-racial Malaysia, so long as he maintains his “Malay first, Malaysian second” stance.
This is something that only time can tell. For now, September is indeed an opportune month for Muhyiddin, as he watches the drama of Najib’s down-fall begin its play-out.
All the DPM needs to do, is merely play the part of an able and steady administrator. And most important of all, allow the public's discontent with Najib to grow and swell.  - Malaysia Chronicle

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