
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Part 1 - Partai Komunis PIS

A few of us Bloggers spent a very interesting morning with Dato JJ Raj today. Dato JJ Raj was the OCPD of Pagoh in Johor on February 23rd 1950, the day the Bukit Kepong Police Station was attacked and burnt to the ground by the communist terrorists or CTs.


Treacherous and traitorous elements in the country are twisting the facts about a sad period in our modern history for what ends I really dont know. There are other, more clevere elements who wish to deny the history of the country and replace it with their own twisted version. Here is one example I read in the newspaper today :


"It is essential to get the facts right, but we should seek not just truth but also a sense of perspective from an accurate interpretation of the facts".


This is a carefully considered statement that actually says nothing. Does it support the already known and well established events that happened in our country since the Japanese occupation of Malaya until 31st August 1957 when the Union Jack was lowered in the country (which was also reported in all the newspapers in the country everyday over that period)


does it take the side of Mat Sapu B.O and the Pakatan maniacs who are now saying that Chin Peng was a freedom fighter, that the murderer Mat Indera tried to get the dying policemen (whom he had just shot and burned) to 'mengucap kalimah syahadah' before they died?


Read the statement again. It is left intentionally ambigous. It is designed to be read either way.

To cut the argument short, it is much easier to use what the other side has said. It becomes easier when they put their thoughts down in writing. Was Chin Peng a freedom fighter? Mat Indera was trying to teach the Policemen he had shot to 'mengucap kalimah syahadah'?

Here is an extract from Chin Peng's biography "alias Chin Peng - My Side of History' as told to Ian Ward and Norma Miraflor.


It does give us a "sense of perspective from an accurate interpretation of the facts". The facts here are the statements (in black and white) as written by Chin Peng himself in his own 516 page biography. I have read the book twice so far. It is on pages 256 and 257. I call it the "Siew Lau Land Episode". Chin Peng says,


"It was brought to the attention of our Politiburo discussions that Siew Lau was now insisting on diverging from agreed Party policy on the delicate subject of land distribution. The Party line called for the broad nationalisation of the rubber industry. Siew Lau was demanding we announce publicly that the CPM, when it came to power, would seize all plantation land, irrespective of ownership and redistribute it to Malay peasants. To make matters worse, he had already begun to propagat these thoughts by distributing a badly written booklet expanding on his theories.
Siew Lau's ideas were preposterous. They would never work and could only spawn horendous communal problems. On the British plantations, most of the workers were Indians. The next largest racial group was Chinese and the remainder were Indonesian Malays. As an exercise in damage control, we despatched Ah Koek, a member of the Central Malayan Bureau, to Malacca with orders to pull Siew Lau back to the Party line and dissuade any of those he may have influenced.
Ah Koek had no problems with the rank-and-file but Siew Lau proved recalcitrant. Reports we received from our Central Bureau man intimidated that the top communist in Malacca was on the verge of forming a splinter group. The Politburo demoted Siew Lau thus isolating him from the rest of his state committee. As our orders impacted, Siew Lau planned a dash for Sumatra. His intended escape route was revealed and together with his wife, also a Party member, and two bodyguards, he was found hiding in a coastal village. A fishing boat had been ordered to take the group across the Malacca Straits. All four were immediatey detained, sentenced to death as military deserters and executed on May 15, 1950. The execution order was issued by Ah Koek. The Malacca problems were dissipated, but the overall incident would have a shocking backlash several months later."


Siew Lau did not know it at that time but he was already a member of Perkasa - he was fighting for Malay rights. Siew Lau wanted to take the rubber estate plantation lands and redistribute them to the Malay peasants - from whom the lands were usually appropriated in the first place.


For this flash of benevolence, FOUR PEOPLE ie Siew Lau, his wife and two others were killed by the 'Party Politburo'. A small massacre in Malacca. And who was the Head of the Party Politburo who ordered the executions? The same 'alias Chin Peng'. This was 'freedom fighter' Chin Peng and Party Politburo style. If anyone comes up with ideas that do not toe the Party line - just kill them.


I know Chin Peng is lying through his teeth here too. He says the four people were "sentenced to death as military deserters" - only after they were caught trying to run away to Sumatera. Why would they want to run away to Sumatera in the first place - if it was not to save their own lives? They knew they would be executed. That is why they wanted to run away to Sumatera.


Chin Peng's goon Ah Koek ("we despatched Ah Koek, a member of the Central Malayan Bureau, to Malacca with orders to pull Siew Lau back to the Party line") already had orders to kill Siew Lau. That is why Siew Lau, his wife and two bodyguards were running away to Sumatera. They were running for their lives.


The book has 516 pages. On the last page, Chin Peng lies again : "I have been reported to have thrown out of the CPM people who were not even members of the Party; to have ordered the executions of those who opposed me. Again, baseless."


Well the late Siew Lau, his late wife and two other dead people would certainly disagree. Chin Peng the freedom fighter, Head of the Politburo, had had them killed.

1 comment:

  1. i donk trust any histoy foretold...unless i see with own eye or used brain to think of..


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