
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 5, 2011

Presumptuous Khairy rushes for PAS debate but keeps avenue to chicken out

Presumptuous Khairy rushes for PAS debate but keeps avenue to chicken out

In his usual spotlight-grabbing style, UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has rushed to accept a challenge from PAS over the controversial Bukit Kepong incident, insisting that he would take on only Mat Sabu, the PAS deputy president, and no one else.

But the latest 'Communist ' onslaught against PAS is already starting to get unstuck, just like most its other plots like the JAIS-DUMC raid against the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government and the Christian prime minister row against the DAP.

"It will backfire because UMNO is basing its allegation on falsehoods. They are twisting the historical facts to suit their own political motives, so how can it last unless the people are really so stupid. This time, UMNO has angered many established people in the Malay community. It has raked up bad memories for these groups who still remember how cruelly UMNO treated their families to win political power from the British," PKR vice president Chua Jui meng told Malaysia Chronicle.

Presumptuous KJ but keeps avenue open to chicken out

Meanwhile, the debate invitation was issued by PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man to his counterpart in UMNO over the weekend, and eyebrows in PAS were raised at Khairy's presumptousness in pushing himself forward.

"He is only the UMNO Youth chief, and while we welcome his acceptance, it would be better for him to meet his own level like our own Youth chief. But I noticed Khairy said he wants to debate Mat Sabu and no body elese. This shows he is not sincere and has already put a caveat so he can chicken out later," Kuala Krai MP Hatta Ramli toldMalaysia Chronicle.

The UMNO-owned Utusan newspaper had in the week leading to the Hari Raya holiday stirred up a ruckus over a speech made by Mat Sabu on August 21, where the PAS No. 2 had slammed UMNO as not being the true fighters for Malaya's independence as they have always claimed to be. For days, UMNO leaders one after another came out to attack him for being a 'traitor' and a 'communist'.

Yet the attacks have also created great unease towards UMNO. Indeed, the backlash is now swelling as more historians and experts point out the historical facts that support Mat Sabu's remarks. Additionally, within the Malay community, the incident has created bitterness at the memory of the many Malay individuals and groups which had also fought for independence such as Mat Indera, Shamsiah Fakeh and the PUTERA-Amcja. These had been victimised and betrayed by UMNO to the British, which had tended to favour the elitist UMNO.

Anti-Mat Sabu tour: No adulation for UMNO but maybe rotten eggs

A roadshow planned by UMNO Youth is now starting to come unstuck, especially in the wake of the fatal shooting of a Bernama cameraman while on a aid-mission to Somalia organised by an UMNO-linked NGO. Nonetheless, it did not stop the ambitious Khairy from trying to claim 'victory' for being the one who had pushed PAS into throwing the debate challenge, although he also made sure to keep an exit avenue open for himself.

“Done. Got invitation to rumble w/ Sabu. I’ll be there,” Khairy said on his Twitter. “No need to look for a neutral venue. Your lion’s den. See you there, Mat Sabu.”

According to Malaysian Insider, Khairy also said “only Sabu (will do) for me.”

Meanwhile, in his invitation, Tuan Ibrahim slammed UMNO for the concerted attacks against the PAS No. 2, who is feared for his oratorical skills. The PAS-proposed debate will carry the title ‘Siapakah layak digelar pejuang kemerdekaan sebenarnya?’ or 'Who are the real free fighters for Malaya's independence?'

UMNO had repeatedly tried to crucify Sabu as a 'traitor' and a 'communist' for his speech that alleged the true heroes were not UMNO but the other groups like PUTERA-Amcja.

"UMNO's accusations are the biggest joke, the most comical stupidity becasue between PAS and the Communist struggle, there is no similarity at all," Harakahdaily quoted Tuan Ibrahim as saying.

There is expectation that UMNO Youth leaders may have misjudged badly their popularity and chances are high that instead of adulation and standing ovations, they might be pelted with rotten eggs and tomatoes.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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