
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 5, 2011

Puppets on a string, BN parties to surrender seats for Umno to decide

Puppets on a string, BN parties to surrender seats for Umno to decide

It is quite clear that UMNO does not want to give room to its BN partners. UMNO leaders have brazenly and arrogantly instructed BN components which fared badly during the last general election to give up their seat allocations and return these to UMNO to contest.

In an unyielding tone, UMNO vice president Shafie Apdal told BN parties to listen with an open heart so that UMNO could win those seats back for BN. Shafie insisted that all BN components heed his advice to return the seats that they lost or have no confidence to win, which is in the spirit of sharing between each other in the BN.

So finally, it is out in the open. What Nazri Aziz, Prime Minister Najib Razak's spokesman, has been trying to do with all his stinging attacks against the MCA and Gerakan has now reached the public demand level. It is also a sign that the 13th general election is close by - within the next 6 months.

True colours

UMNO is showing its true colours by not respecting its coalition partners, neither honouring its agreements on seat allocations or valuing their membership as equal partners in the coalition.

If that is the case, what is the use of having a coalition? Only UMNO has the full powr to determine the choice of candidates even among the BN component parties, while the leaders of these parties leaders have no say at all!

Because of this demand, is it a wonder why there have been surprise announcements by the leaders of MCA, Gerakan, MIC and PPP to leave it to the BN leadership (the UMNO president) to determine the choice of candidates for their respective parties?

It sure looks like the leaders of the BN component parties are helpless and lack the full power to select their own candidates of choice, by leaving their fate to the UMNO president to determine.

In the 2008 election UMNO won 79 Parliamentary Seats, while Gerakan only mustered 2, LDP 1 seat, MCA 15, MIC 3, PBB 14, PBRS 1, PBS 3, PRS 6, SAPP 3, SUPP 6, and UPKO 3.

For state seats UMNO managed to take 239 seats, Gerakan 3, LDP 2, MCA 32, MIC 7, PBRS 1, PBS 12, SAPP 5 dan UPKO 6. Since then BN has also lost a number of Parliament and state seats as a result of a record string of by-elections, the SAPP's decision to leave the coalition, and the Sarawak state election held in April this year.

How long can the leaders of the BN Component parties stand such unruly behaviour from the BN that reeks of arrogance and supremacy? It is a tight slap to the partners of the BN component parties. Or are they going to close one eye, in the hope of safeguarding their positions and jobs in the government?

A suggestion for MCA, Gerakan and SUPP to leave BN?

Some time ago, there was talk of a secret discussions involving leaders of MCA, Gerakan and SUPP to unite under a new coalition, if these 3 parties were to leave the BN. Anyhow, this did not come to pass, as they were alleged to have chickened out, because everyone was afraid to lose their positions in the government.

A crisis in Gerakan

Lately, the negative news-flow about Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon has been glaring. He has been the butt of criticisms by the party's own leaders and some independent MPs aligned to UMNO who said his weaknesses had caused Gerakan to be swallowed by the tide of current politics. Party leaders also blamed him and his lame leadership for the downfall of Gerakan and the loss of Penang.

Other BN component partners like MCA, MIC and PPP seem to have escaped probably because all three have gone through some leadership change or tussle after 2008. Currently, despite their lack of credibility - from Chua Soi Lek to G Palanivel to M Kayveas - no one seems daring enough to challenge their leadership yet.

There are also problems in the BN component parties in Sarawak, such as PRS and SPDP, which are troubled by internal politicking. SUPP, the second largest after Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's PBB, has been stuck in a leadership crisis after its massive loss in the state polls. Fresh party elections are expected to be held soon and all of SUPP's top posts will be up for grabs.

While in Sabah, UMNO does not seem to have any competition, chiefly due to Joseph Pairin's PBS which is seen to be loyal and in total agreement with UMNO. Smaller parties like PBRS and LDP do sometimes show their dissatisfaction with the state BN on a variety of issues which includes seat allocation and positions in the government.

The final straw

But until when will the BN component parties continue to bow to the demands and the high handedness of UMNO? Isn’t it time for them to make a stand, and demand for equal rights and fairness as equal coalition partners?

Conceding seats and constantly bowing to pressure from BN boss UMNO, instead of making a clear stand is not going to be well received by the general public and nor by voters. Instead, it will be seen as a sign of weak leadership at the component parties, not to mention the damaging impact of loss of face and self respect.

Chances are high the parliamentary seats won by SUPP, MCA and Gerakan in 2008 will be even more at risk of being lost once they concede to UMNO. That would probably be the final straw, when even their long-standing members will mutiny.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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