
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Remember how the Malacca Sultanate was brought down?

Bangladesh PM's chit-chat shows Najib offered citizenships for votes
The Malaysian Insider reported that a Bangladesh Prime Minister’s Office unit website has claimed that its citizens working in Malaysia have been asked to vote for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government, prompting PKR vice-president Fuziah Salleh to call for a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into the contentious issue. That article has since been removed from the original site but can be read here.

Till now, there has been no official response from both sides as to the authenticity of the claims in that site. DSAI reportedly said here that he is asking his friends to verify the truth of that allegation. If that allegation is true, history may soon repeat itself if we are not careful to pay heed to all the signs of danger.

In the 16th century, the Malacca sultanate was brought down by merchants from India who were actually Trojan horses for the Portuguese who colonized Goa for 450 years.. The Sultan was stabbed in the back then by the Indian merchants who sold out the Sultan to the Portuguese.

According to this site:

Sultan Mansur took advantage of the breathing room he had won and gradually, through diplomacy, established good relations between the Thais and Melaka.

Would that all Melaka's rivals could have been won over by bluff followed by an olive branch! Unfortunately, a greater threat was to come from the West.

In September, 1509 European contact with the Malay Peninsula was established when a Portuguese squadron sailed into Melaka. They were considered oddities at first: The Malays called them Bengali putih, meaning "white Bengalis."

Melaka's Indian merchants are said to have pressured the sultan into attacking the Portuguese both because the merchants feared trade rivals and because word had reached them that the Portuguese were cruel to Muslims. The small squadron was duly driven off, leaving behind 20 Portuguese prisoners. (Curiously, one of the men who escaped was Ferdinand Magellan, whose fleet was later to become the first to circumnavigate the world.) Read more here.

Wikipedia says that "the Portuguese was helped by Guy Arojo, Chinese Capitans who supplied small ships to enter the Port of Malacca and the southern Indian and Javanese group who were in dispute with the Sultanate of Malacca."

Now, if that allegation is indeed true, we may have a situation where the status quo are depending on foreigners to keep them in power and once again, they WILL BE SOLD OUT - just like in the past!

In their greed for power, they have not learnt from history! If this were to happen, the 'imported voters' will eventually become so significant they can grab the powers that be by the balls and demand all sorts of things and they will have no choice but to say yes.

Even if this is not true, let us not forget other incidents that happened in the last thirty years.

Southern Thais have been known to have fled to Kelantan as reported HERE and here although denials have been issued here refuting a Thai politician's claim that more than 200,000 southern Thai Muslims have fled the violence in the region and have taken refuge in Kelantan. Whatever the case, in the last 20 years, there have been concerns as to how even in Kelantan, foreigners could tip the scale in the ballot box.

For more information, please read Imposition of NOC-type of rule in Kelantan a subversion of the democratic basis of the Malaysian Constitution and DAP calls for general elections in Kelantan to return the mandate to the People of Kelantan and also A Vote For Continuity:The 1978 General Elections in Malaysia by Diane K. Mauzy.

Across the South China Sea, it is well known that Sabah has experienced an “extraordinary” population growth during the last decades. This site states that "illegal immigrants are said to have been issued Malaysian Identity Cards based on false statutory declarations. The so-called “Project Mahathir” changed Sabah’s ethnic make-up as well as the participation in elections. Politicians are said to have made use of “Phantom voters” in order to decide Sabah elections. Finally, with the help of a petition Sabah-based NGO’s demand an investigation into the case: Those who are responsible for the massive influx of illegal immigrants may soon be charged." CLICK HERE to read this excellent write up (a must -read!!!)

Free Malaysia Today also carries an excellent article here where the writer said that recent figures seem to show that the population of illegal immigrants in Sabah has not only increased, but no action has been taken to stem the tide. Political activist Dr Chong Eng Leong warned that Malaysia may one day lose Sabah. The report said:

“Already the 2010 Census told us that of the total Sabah and Labuan population of 3.309 million there are 2.654 “Malaysians” of which 1.617 million (68%) are genuine Malaysians and 737,000 Project IC citizens (32%).”

He said this was shaping up to be not just a Sabah dilemma but also a Malaysian dilemma.

“The question is, does KL want to protect Sabah’s sovereignty within Malaysia or not?” he asked.

The article about the Bangladeshis which fizzled into thin air is actually talking about an ongoing scenario that goes back more than thirty years - public knowledge but one denied by the powers that be.

So why are the authorities silent about this report? How should we interpret their silence?

A government must NEVER depend on any one group to deliver the votes that they need to form the government. In America it is the Unions. In New York - the Jews and Italians. In Sabah, it would be the illegal Filipinos.

Centuries ago, the British used a divide and rule policy to control the people in the peninsula. Once they united such in pre-independence days, their days were numbered.

And now, we have the same scenario. Our nation has never been so divided even if we may give ourselves a false feel good feeling with sloganeering of 1Malaysia and what other crap. The Malays are split. So are the Chinese. The Indians are also split. Then we see how within DAP/PAS/PKR - each may have differing factions. MCLM supporters are also split. Fine. That is normal. How we deal with the divisions will be the one important factor that will unite us to fight the common enemy. So, why are we fighting amongst ourselves? Who IS the enemy?

Imagine this - if indeed BN-Umno are also split and if indeed the allegations/claims/statements about the Bangladeshis/Filipinos/Thais or other illegal immigrants are true, what will happen if they later become ONE BIG GROUP?

HAH! Matilah BN if that were to happen!

It is common knowledge that Bangladeshi illegals/workers in Malaysia chase Indonesian women. If they do marry them to stay on in Malaysia, their numbers would put a strain on our nation's resources such as on our medical and education facilities. They would tip the scale and the national pie would be smaller for the original bumiputeras! By then, there would be no need to import voters. (I have also written about reverse takeover here.)

Remember - such 'imported' voters do not share the same type of patriotism,loyalty or values as genuine true blue Malaysians. They are economic refugees or immigrants. Their loyalty is to money. That is what they are here for. And that is dangerous!

If money is their 'God', they are akin to mercenaries. Imagine what mercenaries have been doing in other countries and we can have an idea of what MIGHT be ahead IF indeed those allegations are true.

Indeed, IF the allegation as reported in The Malaysian Insider is true, and that there are those who could be depending on them to stay in power, remember - mercenaries can change sides for more money!!!

It is imperative that the authorities concerned in both countries respond officially to the reports and even explain the delay in their responses!!

Wikipedia says that "although their presence in Malaysia is against the law, the Malaysian government has not made a serious effort to deport illegal migrants until early 2005, when it was feared that displaced Indonesians affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami would swamp the country. On June 15, 2009 the US State Department included Malaysia as one of the worst offenders of human trafficking in their blacklist of governments it believes are not doing enough to stop it in their "Trafficking in Persons" report." Read more here.

And so, will history repeat itself? Let's hope NOT!!

Please vote wisely if you want to see changes in our country. The country's destiny is in the ballot box. Remember - CHANGE IS IMPERATIVE and NOT an option any more. We HAVE to make it happen!

- masterwordsmith

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