
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


JAMMED….Edward at the Kolombong pipe laying site with long traffic jam.


THE sewerage pipe laying work in Kolombong Inanam has caused massive daily traffic jam during the peak hours in the morning and the afternoon hours. The morning traffic jam is particularly packed and the jam is as long as 4 kilometers long and sometimes motorists have to wait for up to 1 hour to get through.

There is no other way or detour available for the people to get to their destination in Kolombong and Inanam area. The works on the digging for laying the sewerage pipes are causing the road narrowing down to only a tight bottle neck, and the road surfaces in certain parts are settled and caving in which resulted in an uneven road surface.

Edward Ewol Mujie the Sabah DAP vice chairman has inspected the complaints on this section of the Kolombong road and found that it is real bad. The traffic jam is definitely caused by the digging work.

He contacted JKR sewerage work section and has been told by the engineer in charge that the pipe laying work will be over soon. There are just another seven more pipes to be laid and the work will be over soon.

The contractor said they will make sure the road surfaces be maintained and made level for the car to pass through. They also apologized for the inconvenient thereby caused.

Edward said the contractor should continue to speed up their work program and they have to carry out more night work and week end work when the traffic flow is low. During the peak hours they should try to avoid doing any work but to assist to ensure a swift flow of the cars through their digging areas.

This will help to ease the traffic jam and speed up the flow of cars. Their excavation work should also avoid the damage on the existing road, and there should be adequate precaution made to protect the ground from settling further.

Edward advices the road users if possible to avoid the road and try to come back from the Tuaran Road or turn in to Kolombong by the use of the Lintas Road. The drivers will have to bear with the agony of the traffic congestion for a little while longer until the work is finally done by the contractor. He also advices the JKR engineer to give closer supervision on this particular stretch of work to avoid further problems.

- Sabahkini

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