
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Umno in trouble with grassroots after failing to discredit Mat Sabu

Umno in trouble with grassroots after failing to discredit Mat Sabu

People’s perception matters most in politics. Mohamad Sabu (Mat Sabu) is the newly crowned Vice President of PAS and his nemeses are not too pleased to have such a public persona leading PAS, as he is too popular among Malaysians. Just lately he has caused unprovoked fury among those who are politically motivated in the opposing political camp to demean him as a very popular moderate Muslim leader. The pro-UMNO media coverage over the Muhammad Indera (Mat Indera) Bukit Kepong issue (1950) and Malay states’ sovereignty before independence (1771-1957) has brought Mat Sabu into a remarkable frontage of publicity. This political propaganda has backfired for the sponsors and it has made Mat Sabu and PAS more popular despite he not being given a fair crack of the whip - thank pro-UMNO media for this enormous accomplishment.

It cannot be denied that Mat Sabu is a very charismatic leader who has mollified the image of PAS since his elevation to the post of vice president of this moderate Islamic party. If analogies were to be made, Mat Sabu is to PAS as Lim Guan Eng is to DAP and Anwar Ibrahim is to PKR. These three personalities have been given awe-inspiring publicity by the media that they have become the new Malaysian political icons, much to the displeasure of UMNO supporters and their soul mate, Perkasa.

Barisan Nasional is going to lose big

UMNO is now becoming nervy and jittery that PAS has now evolved to become the party of choice among the Malays who are disillusioned with UMNO’s hankering after power for the past six decades. The next general election would indeed see the UMNO-PAS share of votes favouring PAS. An empirical study on the latest voting response surface has shown that at least 52.7 percent of UMNO-PAS Malay votes’ share would go to PAS in the next general election. The portion is 62.3 percent skewed in favour of PAS in the urban constituencies. This is a calamitous symptom for UMNO and it is also giving qualms to their trifling soul mate. UMNO’s soul mate - a raucous team of political spent force – has no other viable choice but to ride on UMNO to stay relevant in the country’s political scene. To most Malaysians, however, the perception is that UMNO’s soul mate has become a liability to UMNO and Barisan Nasional. It has effectively alienated the Chinese, Indian and Malay voters from UMNO and Barisan Nasional. And this has opportunely become a bubbly premonition for the opposition. Barisan Nasional is going to lose big in the next general election.

Picking on Mat Sabu for political manoeuvre is akin to stirring up a hornet’s hive. Those badgering on Mat Sabu’s political kismet are now facing the consequences. Voters are sentient beings and when UMNO and their soul mate decided to dabble, puzzle and baffle the people by insinuating that Mat Sabu is a communist sympathiser without one iota of evidence, abhorrence creeps in. Perceptually, UMNO and their soul mate have now ended up being trapped and hounded by the society. The people are unambiguous neither are they ambivalent when it comes to communist ideology. Communism is no more their cup of tea, as it is no more a popular ideology in this modern world. Communism, it goes without saying, has since bowed to capitalism or Islamic socialism. Probably, UMNO and their soul mate are not aware of this political budge yet.

Political scheme to corner Mat Sabu

On the issue of Malaya as a colony before its independence, again they hit Mat Sabu real hard. Nevertheless, it does not seem to impair Mat Sabu’s image in the eyes of the people. Some UMNO leaders, backed by some dubious personalities, claimed that the country on the whole was never colonised by the British (1771-1957) as some Malay states were mere British protectorates at the time. This generated into fierce polemics among the intellectuals in our society. History as interpreted by some ‘mannequins’ claimed that before independence only three Malay states were colonised and the nine other states were British protectorates and by virtue of this, these other states were not under British influence. Regrettably, they were so badly informed that they are injudiciously ignorant of the historical fact that none of the Malay states before 1957 was a sovereign state and it has been a well-endorsed treatise that all Malayan states were under British control or power at the time. Suffice to say, the only entities that are cognitively ignorant of this historical fact must probably be UMNO and their soul mate. The political perception to this brouhaha is, in point of fact, another political scheme to corner Mat Sabu.

Interestingly, UMNO has to outsource part of this arduous task to convince the people to deride Mat Sabu. The general perception of the people is: to humiliate Mat Sabu, UMNO has to rope in their soul mate - expecting the latter to do the grubby job for them. Unfortunately, in this team only the unpopular voice of its leader could be heard the loudest. His megavoice could be heard over a mile when he speaks. To some critics it reminds them of Tarzan of former times. Alas, even with all these tremendous attributes he possesses he is not able to dupe the people into believing that Mat Sabu is a communist sympathiser. If for this theme of no-issue UMNO’s soul mate insinuated that Mat Sabu be detained under ISA then Mat Sabu could have rightfully demanded that the team’s leader could have many times more be detained under the same act as he had in the past touched on many issues that many Malaysians perceive as seditious. He should thank his star though that he is on the right side of the political divides - at least before the next general election. Once bitten twice shy, the saying goes. No way could he take advantage of Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat the Mursyidul Am or spiritual leader of the PAS for the second time.

The perception on the grounds is that when UMNO’s soul mate brought up this theme of no-issue on Mat Sabu, the people closed their ears tight. UMNO became intolerably dejected by this feedback. Then UMNO had to again continuously spin the theme using the pro-government media with the hope that the people could be still be conned into believing what they are propagating. The people seem to be adamant as they are turning their back on this thesis - knowing pretty well that it is a mere political propaganda. UMNO again has become deeply distressed and they seem to be on the verge of going bankrupt of new ideas to continue with their political propaganda of this nature against a cool Mat Sabu.

Propaganda against the opposition

Political deception to corner PAS seems to go beyond this. Politics of smearing the opposition is not something new in UMNO. True to form, UMNO’s soul mate has conveniently picked up this habit. UMNO had tried hard to woo PAS into forming a unity government and when PAS gave them the cold shoulder and refused to pick up the poisoned chalice, the political game of badmouthing the spiritual leader of PAS kicked off. They however failed despondently in their many attempts to tarnish the credibility of the spiritual leader. The Kelantan chief minister is too towering a personality to be clamped down with trivial issues. The Malays, Chinese and Indians revere this man of piety and would always have a soft spot for this God-fearing man who would not even harm a mosquito that nibbles him.

Following this downer UMNO and their soul mate then targeted the Penang chief minister to cause fissure to the opposition set up, describing him among others as anti-Malay. By virtue of the chief minister being of different ethnicity and in the opposition, he became their convenient punching bag. As expected, this too bungled and the whole mission of sham to bring down this competent leader backfired on them, as the majority of the Malays in Penang and in other parts of the country shored up the chief minister to the point of deference. An insightful analysis into Lim Guan Eng would reveal that he is much more suave and competent than those who are politically mugging him.

They have been endlessly despising the PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim since the latter was freed from prison (2004). This political fix has nastily boomeranged on them, as the people have had enough of their unwise political diversions to end Anwar’s political career. UMNO and their soul mate are aware that the people are still very much attached to this one-time deputy prime minister of the country and this political fervour for him has not ebbed since. The people are even pouring scorn on the on-going sodomy trial that implicates this charismatic personality. On the face of it this smearing political game does not seem to work all right for the incumbent torch bearers.

Seeing Khalid Ibrahim of Selangor doing a commendable job as the chief minister of Selangor, UMNO and their soul mate are becoming green-eyed. All conniving political means – including race and religious issues - are used to debase this admired personality in Selangor. With an educated urban force in Selangor who are well-informed of the many issues happening on the grounds the frivolous strategies adopted by these torch bearers have struck a brick wall. Their scheme has not an iota sullied Khalid’s reputation. After three years helming the state as the chief minister the people of Selangor are sturdily behind Khalid Ibrahim.

The popular Mat Sabu

As a political observer, appraising Mat Sabu as a rhetorician is akin to listening to the brilliant oratory skills of Winston Churchill (1874-1965) defending exalted human values before and after the Second World War. The only difference is that when Churchill spoke with a lisp, Mat Sabu speaks without any slur to his speech. Both seem to have the same rhetorical charisma in the political scene. In the current Malaysian politics, next to Anwar Ibrahim is Mat Sabu when it comes to oratory skills. No UMNO leaders could easily match these two personalities when it comes to rhetorical skills. Malaysia thus should be lucky to have a political personality the calibre of Mat Sabu, as he has indeed made politics in the country colourful and more vibrant.

The irony is that he has made himself more popular through the pro-government media propaganda promoted by UMNO and their soul mate. Mat Sabu’s name today is on the lips of every Malaysian - old and young. Many Malaysians of late have even named their newborn babies Sabu. To the younger generation Mat Sabu reminds them of the American professional wrestle Terry Michael Brunk, better known by his ring name Sabu - who is best known for his extreme wrestling style. Mat Sabu, however, does not promote extreme politics.

Mat Sabu may not have the good looks of a Bollywood silver screen star but he is presentable enough to become a politician. He has the appeal that every politician envies. One glance at his face reminds us of Charles Bronson (1921-2003) – the famous Hollywood actor who was known for his serious but pleasant and rugged good looks. Mat Sabu at times looks hot serious but on the whole he has a very pleasant personality as a politician with no craggy looks.

He is chivalrous and wears a permanent smile whenever he talks to people. He is soft spoken when not on the political stage. His speech is always tinted with wit and humour and he could keep thousands who attend his ceramah mesmerised for hours.

Mat Sabu is a knowledgeable politician as he is a voracious reader. He may not be a university professor but his unquenchable desire to seek knowledge has made him a wise man. As a politician he speaks well on any academic platform. His dynamic mind is full of zip and it often ticks better than some of our university dons. He could debate with anyone and on any political, social and economic issues. He speaks with wisdom when in a circle of academics and adjusts himself fine when discoursing with ordinary folks. It is unsurprising why most of his political nemeses cast covetous eyes on him. They are beginning to realise that Mat Sabu is becoming more popular despite all the political shelling he gets from them.

A sensible politician

Apparently Mat Sabu is admired by voters of all races – Malays, Chinese and Indians. They are happy that PAS has a moderate and appeasing leader by the name of Mat Sabu. He is always perceived as a moderate in politics. He does not subscribe to extreme religious rigidity neither is he bent towards communism. His views on national issues focus more on mundane concerns such as poverty, education and the economy that favours the rich as well as the poor. Mat Sabu’s political thoughts are based on Islamic socialism and not communism He believes that the country’s wealth should be shared by all and sundry. All Malaysians should be given equal access to education. He believes in the sanctity of human rights and providing benefits to all - irrespective of race and religion of the people. Social justice in the country is paramount to him. The police, judiciary and the anti-corruption agency must be seen to act impartially on matters of people’s concern. In other words, what Mat Sabu fights for in politics is justice for all and this to every Malaysian is fair and reasonable.

Mat Sabu did not choose any socialist or communist platform to express his political thoughts anytime in the past though he has read books on these ideologies as most politicians do. He has never aligned himself to any communist ideology or party in his political career. He chose PAS as his political platform throughout his political career. He believes that the religion of Islam promotes justice for all and his conviction is that not communism but liberated capitalism and Islamic socialism that could see real social and economic justice in a multi-racial and multi-religious society.

Mat Sabu deserves praise

The fact that he could take with a smile the barrage of comments from critics following his political rhetoric on Mat Indera and colonial issue only shows that Mat Sabu is a tolerant, liberal, affable and sensible politician. To bring in the whole nation – students, the public, academics and politicians - to ponder over Mat Sabu’s statements on Mat Indera and the nation’s non-sovereign status before independence is something that the intellectuals take pleasure in. Mat Sabu has triggered the right political button and made some historians and academics come out of their secluded caves to start thinking out of the box. This is indeed a political breakthrough as never before had any of our nation’s politicians drawn so much attention from both the intellectuals and the ordinary people on matters relating to historical Malaya. They were all this while blurred by textbook prescriptions to the history of the country. If only Mat Sabu had been on the right political divides he would have been nominated to receive an honorary doctorate by a local university for his political courage and breakthrough. In fact, he rightfully deserves this honour.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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