
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Well, Screw Yew!

It shows that Malaysians are observing the agreements they have signed without trying to retaliate in other directions, such as water, which will lead to war.”

That was part of what Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew reportedly said to a bunch of students at Nanyang Technological University last night.

The “agreements” which he was referring to was the one which was allegedly signed in 1990 in respect of the status of the KTM’s railway station in Tanjung Pagar and land between Bukit Timah and Tanjung Pagar. I have heard so many versions of that so-called point of agreements and the personality involved behind it. Suffice if I say that that so-called agreement is not beyond scrutiny when it comes to its enforceability.

After having said the above, The Minister Mentor continued to speak “positively” of “increasing connectivity” between Malaysia and Singapore through the construction of a third bridge. (I bet you Dr Mahathir is now hyperventilating with immense pleasure after reading that statement).

The above remark is typical of the bomb-in-floral-wrap diplomacy which Singapore is so well known for. That tiny southern cock is well known for cuckoo-ing nice little compliments and praises to its neighbours while at the same time lacing them with seemingly harmless little hypothesis of wars and mayhems.

To me, the above remark is but a reflection of Singapore’s insecurity as a smallish state without any real and tangible strength in its resources, particularly in terms of citizenry and natural sustenance capabilities.

Singapore is almost always haunted by the fact that she even have to import water from Malaysia. She is of course also mindful, at all times, of the fact that 300000 of its workforce, come from Malaysia. Her economy by and large is also dependant on Malaysia’s willingness to maintain a peaceful, cordial and neighbourly relationship with herself.

There is absolutely no reason for Lee Kuan Yew to spell out his nightmare to 1700 students in a forum, unless that nightmare has been haunting him and the rest of the Cabinet of Singapore for all of their collective life.

I would ask him, what “retaliation”? Is taking a stance – no matter how tough that stance is – in future negotiations with Singapore on any possible extension of any water agreement with Singapore an act of “retaliation”? If so, will (notice he used the word “will” and not “would”) that “retaliation” lead to war, dear Lee Kuan Yew?

If that statement was not a veiled threat to coerce and bully Malaysia into quiet submission to any whim and fancy of Singapore’s choice – particularly in any future negotiations in respect of the water agreement – I don’t know what it is.

Lee Kuan Yew and his subservient minions in Singapore’s cabinet should be more circumspect in their choice od words if they wish to maintain a warm diplomatic relationship with its neighbours, particularly Malaysia. They would be well advised to note that civilised countries do not resort to issuing a not-too-veiled threat of war at the drop of a hat.

The Philippines had always had a bone to pick with Malaysia over the latter’s more than sympathetic stance in favour of the Moro Liberation Army’s fight for autonomy. Did it utter the word “war”? No.

Thailand’s position over Malaysia’s alleged assistance to the Islamic rebels in its southern region is also common knowledge. Did Thailand issue a “war” warning to Malaysia? No.

Brunei has had numerous overlapping territorial claims with Malaysia in the oil rich seas. Did Brunei cry “war”? No.

Indonesia has had an almost schizophrenic relationship with Malaysia leading to demonstrations on its street complete with flag burning and all. Did it even whisper the word “war”? No.

So please, Lee Kuan Yew and friends, stop being belligerent cocks and save that “W” word for your next play-station indulgence, okay.

As a nation, Malaysia suffers 2058 air violations since the year 2008 at the hand of Singapore’s blind-as-a-bat air force pilots. In international laws and conventions, repeated and intentional encroachments into a nation’s space are acts of war. As a good neighbour, we just close our eyes and make a bit of noises once in 3 years or so. The word “war” has never left our lips.

What do you say about that Lee Kuan Yew? You don’t see any lesson from that? Or are you too old: too intellectually challenged; too mentally impotent to see?

If I were the Foreign Minister of Malaysia, a terse and not very nicely worded missive in respond to the above statement would find its way to Singapore by now.

Post script:

By the way, dear Lee Kuan Yew, do you want to know what a pub singer thinks of Singaporeans? Well here it is.

Quote: Singaporean men are “arrogant, short and ugly” but she would marry one of them for their money.

Now now Mr Lee, don’t you go declaring war against China please. That was just an opinion of a pub singer.

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