
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why M'sia universities lag so far behind S'pore despite a hefty annual budget

Why M'sia universities lag so far behind S'pore despite a hefty annual budget

Universiti Malaya is ranked 167 among 700 universities worldwide, while the National University of Singapore at 28 and Nanyang Technical University is at 58. This according to the QS World University Rankings.

A huge difference considering that Singapore and Malaysia are merely a causeway away. To bring more perspective into the picture, lets also consider other universities in Asia.

The QS World University Rankings also ranks, from the list of 700 evaluated universities, Asian-based universities. In the Asian University Rankings, University Malaya is ranked 39, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is 53, Universiti Sains Malaysia is 54 and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is at 79. Whereas, NUS is 3rd, NTU is 17, Mahidol University of Thailand is at 34, University of Indonesia is at 50.

Even in the Asian rankings, both Thailand and Singapore have a university ranked higher than those from Malaysia and Indonesia is hemmed in between those from Malaysia. And this is the Asian rankings which form a sub-set of the overall QS World University Rankings.

So when Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khalid Nordin said that UM’s improvement was a reflection of the university staff’s hard work, one can deduce that the other universities must have worked even harder to be where they are now.

Honest evaluation the first step

To pass the buck on simply working hard does not address the real rot within the education system. The QS World University Rankings evaluate the academic prowess of the university, both in how it is managed and how well its staff are geared towards providing the best learning experiece. Prospective students tootake into consideration the rank of the university when making their choices of where to further their education.

Small wonder why more and more students are favouring Singapore as their first choic. The best congegregate in Singapore for not only their university education but also for A levels and high school.

What then is the problem with Malaysian education? With an annual budget that is almost equivalent, if not more, than that of the United Kingdom, why then do our universities lag so far behind as compared to other Asian counterparts?


The problem is not far removed from the politics of the day. Education should be for education sake and not merely for glamour sake and even worse, it should never be a means to prop one’s own ethnic group or political interests.

If the reasons for the whole education process of a country is skewed to benefit a select few, than it is bound to degrade regardless of the amount of money alocated for it. This is the case with Malaysia.

Malaysian universities receive the products of the primary and secondary school system. And the quality of the learned in the nation is a product of the universities. If the education system is continuously down-graded, in terms of its grading system, to accommodate and prop up a weaker majority then ultimately the whole system will be geared to cater for sub-standard students. When universities are catering to sub-standard students, then the whole mechanism within the university itself will be sub-standard.

And if Malaysian universities continue to remain sub-standard, they will continue to slide in the world rankings.

Educationist must lead the push to axe politics

The education fraternity in Malaysia should take note of how independent is the education system in determining an environment that is conducive to producing the best graduates?

How deeply entrenched are the politics of the day within the management boards of Malaysian universities, is the question they must ask and search their conscience for the answer if they are serious in wanting to target excellence for our nation's youth.

Then finally ask, why are politicians running the education scene when it should be educators?

Rankings are clear indicators for change and betterment. So, what can Malaysian universities do to accelerate improvements in their standing? For a start, they can reduce the politics and focus on educating all Malaysians based on the best practices possible.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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