
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 18, 2011


Title: High and Low Level Intellect The Contrary, December 15, 2012
Author: Hu Yuan, China Press.

If we refine the political speech of those who are in power, what isnow related fraud and corruption in the country like a cancer that continues to spread and continue to be cultivated, and can not be treated again, maybe not from fraud or visits to error corruption by senior officials or the politicians themselves. They did not intend for such activities, but because they did not know that their actions have caught the joke malpractice and corruption, because due to their own mind too shallow!

For example, money that is in the hands of the current government (at least some billion dollars), could not be used in the place to be. Thus there is great people are recommending, why can not we just put the excess money (the money is from taxes Earnings people are stupid ), just do a few projects cattle breeding sheep, cattle, chickens and Ducks, advocates of fish and shrimp that can be made ancillary activities.At kurnagnya not own the money, no power to mambazirkannya , if not wasted significant disadvantage.

If na! k easily waste more money to give people their own beliefs (cronies), with themoney from the taxpayer's fool had to be given to his own people, (the husband, children, wife, daughter, siblings, etc.)

When people know the act is the act one! Instead of government officials (ministers) dairy brain trying to find the reasons and causes why it happened, but said they could not find the causes and error.

What government officials say there is nothing wrong! On the reasons below: -

1, I do not deliver the money myself, I have no interest in the joke, everyone (even husband and wife), each has its own purse money.

2, this money does not belong to anyone, and this money will eventually be submitted to the people, if not given to his own family will be given to another family, this money was given, and the money given the joke there is, of course, money is like salt can be cast into the sea, meaning to give the money to anyone joke, is not there any difference?

3, while money, this money is to be given to people, why do want to find out how the money will be used?Money-money people are stupid, who is waste and how it is waste, there is no difference, where there is a mistake they made?

Reasons That They are Very Angry!

Therefore, when the officer-Lando! AWAI cans ggi government (ministers) to hear the case was a case of corruption and abuse of power, they fly into a rage and anger that burns! Politicians and government officials wear the Malaysian flag logo on the body, lift your right hand invoked the love of this country, lift your left hand invoked the love of this country, people are stupid tax money that otherwise they do not own the money is anyone else, if not taken, others will take it, is said to be corrupt?Is not that they consider so-called people have insulted them, because they feel very angry that the burning-coals!

Information is like a man steal to eat out, whenthey were arrested, they call the first act are:all men in this world love to steal to eat outside, if not stolen to eat outside (playing the other woman) bermaka is not a man,So they said theft is not the fault of men eating! The mistake, every time he gains a meal why at the same hotel, same hotel room, possibly with the same woman! That is not because the problem of the stolen character of the meal, it is becauseproblems fate does not!

Looking at the issue of corruption and abuse of power in our country, kudisnya is due here: the level of public awareness is high, but the level of awareness of government officials (ministers) is rather shallow, secetek as(Perpatah China) grows in ponggong own bulging, remove pants to show others. Oh very shallow level of their mind, they are now back in position, but they think they are moving forward. Grow a boil treated diamonds it has produced a pearl!

why high levels minds when meeting with officials thought the level of government (the ministers) a shallow mind, there will be conflict, this is called cancer sores are contagious. - MyMassa

- Translated from Malay (Errors possible)
READ MALAY TEXT : http://mymassa.blogspot.com/2011/12/akhbar-china-press-kata-menteri-menteri.html

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