
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 4, 2011

Indelible Ink - UMNO Will Lose More Than 300K Votes

The picture above shows the Election Commission's proposal for a new Polling Station for PRU13. Do read on.

Among Bloggers there is talk that some of the folks at the Election Commission are pro Pakatan. This is not a crime. Neither is it wrong. All Civil Servants including staffers at the EC must vote. To vote they must have political views.
This is a free country. You can support who you want. But I hope that their political leanings do not affect their professionalism. The Election Commission forms a very sensitive part of the Administrative machinery in this country - charged with running free and fair elections.
Here is some news today that I find alarming.
A step closer to indelible ink

PETALING JAYA: The Election Commission is set to employ the indelible ink in the next general election once the legal, religious and procedural requirements over its usage are met, said its deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Omar.

“The EC has no objection to the use of indelible ink in the coming polls.

The halal status of the ink, Wan Ahmad said, should not be an issue because it had been used for elections in Muslim countries, such as Indonesia, Nigeria and Malawi.

It would not affect a Muslim’s ablution (mandatory cleansing ritual) before prayers as the ink would be marked on the fingernail, not the person’s skin, he added.

On Thursday, Malay rights’ group Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who is also Pasir Mas independent MP, caused a furore in Parliament when he claimed that the use of the ink on the fingers of Muslims would nullify their daily obligatory prayers.

I have said this before and I will say it again. This indelible ink issue is just crap.
The indelible ink (used in places like India) is supposed to last at least two weeks on your finger. But I have already Blogged about Papagomo showing that washing with some chemicals can remove the indelible ink - (also sourced from India) - within just minutes. Here is the You Tube video of Papagomo removing the indelible ink. You can also revisit that Blog at : Papagomo "Exposes" Indelible Ink


So can the Election Commission give a guarantee that the indelible ink (yes I know Dato - after ALL the relevant laws have been passed) the EC proposes to use CANNOT be removed by Papagomo or anyone else using some chemicals? We need a solid guarantee.

Because the talk is that some nasty types are planning to sabotage the elections anyway. Here is how they will do it. Assuming all the laws have been passed in Parliament, the Constitution amended, the cats have been fed, the dogs have been walked etc - they will first go to the Polls and vote. The indelible ink will be applied to their fingers. So there will be ink on their fingers.
After they have voted, they will go somewhere and wash off the indelible ink with Papagomo's chemicals. Their fingers will become clean again.
Then they will go back to the Polling Station and line up to vote again. But the staffers at the Polling Stations will then check their ICs and say 'Excuse me Encik, your name has been batal already. This means you have voted already. You cannot vote again'.
Then these satans will scream and shout and say 'I have NOT voted yet. Look, there is NO indelible ink on my finger. If I have voted, there must be indelible ink on my finger. If I have voted where is the indelible ink on my finger? Someone has stolen my identity. Someone has stolen my vote. The elections have been rigged'.
I think this will happen a lot if Famous Anus is sent to prison. Then - aside from tearing down the prison walls - they will run wild in the streets, they will protest, they will demonstrate and do all kinds of crap. And Hishamuddin our spineles Minister of Home Affairs will not do anything either.
So all this talk about using indelible ink is just hogwash. And what if someone turns up with his or her fingers already inked? Assuming they have had their fingers painted, finger decoration applied and stuff. Will they be prevented from voting?
And even if we use indelible ink, is it going to stop the monkeys from complaining? You must be kidding. They will just create new excuses and make even more demands. Here is something more relevant :
"On Thursday, Malay rights’ group Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who is also Pasir Mas independent MP, caused a furore in Parliament when he claimed that the use of the ink on the fingers of Muslims would nullify their daily obligatory prayers."
Perkasa has over 300,000 supporters already - most of whom are voters. They are ALL UMNO and BN supporters. If the use of indelible ink is passed ALL these 300,000 Perkasa supporters may not even go out to vote. That will be 300,000 votes lost to UMNO and the BN.
Hundreds of thousands of other UMNO and BN supporters may not go out to vote if the Gomen turns cowardly and gives in to the lying gangsters who are demanding for the indelible ink.
Why should we get ink plastered on our fingers, dunggu Third World style, just because some stupid followers want to cover up the follies of a B.A.B.I. who prefers men's asses and China Dolls over his own wife ? I too would rather not vote than to participate in this type of stupidity.
The EC's deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Omar has also said the following : "The halal status of the ink, Wan Ahmad said, should not be an issue because it had been used for elections in Muslim countries, such as Indonesia, Nigeria and Malawi.
Datuk Wan, Datuk ni bodoh bangang mai kut pintu mana? Why the hell do you compare our country with Malawi? Or Nigeria? Or Indonesia? Are you saying that we are at the level of Malawi, Nigeria and Indonesia? We are almost fully developed. Melaka has achieved fully developed State status. We have built the KLCC Twin Towers, we are counted as an industrialised economy (our maufactured exports are way way above our agricultural exports). Datuk tak baca buku ke? Pasai apalah Datuk punya bodoh pi letak negara kita sama taraf dengan Malawi dan Nigeria atau Indonesia? These are also the dungu Civil Servants who think they are so clever.
Anyway, it is UMNO and the BN who are going to lose hundreds of thousands of votes if they cave in to the gangsters. There is absolutely no need to apply any indelible ink on anyone's finger to vote. We are not a backwoods Third World country. Jangan jadi bodoh bangang. We are NOT Malawi.
Now I would also like to explore the religious angle a little.
"Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who is also Pasir Mas independent MP, caused a furore in Parliament when he claimed that the use of the ink on the fingers of Muslims would nullify their daily obligatory prayers."
(I must qualify myself here : I am merely commenting about the generally held views about prayer and the wudhu or ablution. These are certainly NOT my views. I am just reporting about them ok).
Before they pray, the Muslims have to perform the ritual ablution or wudhu. The ritual ablution requires washing the hands, face, feet, wiping the hair etc.
The religious people say that for the ablution to be done properly the water must touch the skin, hair and body parts (toe nails, finger nails) to wash it. If the water does not touch the skin or finger nails then the ablution is invalid and so the prayer is also invalided.
Women who wear cutex or nail polish are required to remove the nail polish before they make the ablution. Because the water will not come into contact with the finger nail if there is nail polish on it.
Here are some religious references from the Internet : Talimul Haq, Part 3 - Wudhu. You can click on these links.

"18. Wudhu will not be valid if any substance which does not allow water to seep through, sticks on any one of the four parts that are Farz to be washed in Wudhu, e.g. gum, paint, cutex (finger-nail paint), etc. ..the Wudhu will only be valid if the gum or cutex is removed and the fingernail washed."
As I mentioned the requirement is that the water must come in contact to effect the ritual ablution. Here is more :
26. Finger-nails should be kept short. Dirt accumulates under long finger-nails. Wudhu and Ghusl will not be valid if the dirt is of such a nature that it does not allow water to seep through.
This is also why the religious people forbid tattoing. A tattoo on the skin is deemed to prevent water from coming into direct contact to effect ritual washing. (Dont ask me the logic ok - I am just reporting what they say). Here are more references :
Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, 'The evil eye is a fact,' and he forbade tattooing. (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Dress, Volume 7, Book 72, Number 827)"
Narrated 'Aun bin Abu Juhaifa: "My father bought a slave who practiced the profession of cupping. (My father broke the slave's instruments of cupping). I asked my father why he had done so. He replied, 'The Prophet forbade the acceptance of the price of a dog or blood, and also forbade the profession of tattooing, getting tattooed and receiving or giving Riba, (usury), and cursed the picture-makers.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Sales and Trade, Volume 3, Book 34, Number 299)"
Here is more from another site, do check it out :
"Tattoos prevent the water from reaching the skin and are therefore haraam. And also due to them, one's Ghusl and Wudhu remain incomplete. The tattooers and tattoed are also cursed in both the Qur'an and Hadith."
A small correction folks : there is no mention of tattoos, tattooers or the tattoed in the Quran at all, or even that they are cursed. I have always said - the religious people do not know much about the Quran.
A question has been asked : "Tattoos are injected below the surface of the outer skin, so how do they prevent water from reaching the skin?"
The question implies that tattoos should be ok because the tattoo is injected below the skin and therefore the tattoo does NOT prevent the water coming into contact with the skin.

Here is a graphic of the tattooing process - going below the surface of the skin.

Using this logic, the EC should also inject the indelible ink below the surface of the skin or below the surface of the finger nails !! Ouch !! A painful process.
Hence the picture I got (just kidding ok) from the Election Commission showing how the Polling Stations are going to look like for the PRU13.

They have to inject the indelible ink BELOW the surface of the skin so that the ablution or wudhu of Muslim voters will not be invalided.
Bottom line - this indelible ink is going to cause problems. UMNO is going to lose votes.

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