
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

'Let's welcome the new Razak Baginda'

'Let's welcome the new Razak Baginda'
A PAS leader has welcomed what he described as former political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda's turning over a new leaf since being freed of a murder charge in October 2008.
Writing in his column in Harakahdaily's Malay edition, veteran journalist Subky Latif said if Razak was now a 'reformed person' despite his sex scandal involving murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu, Muslims should learn to accept his personal transformation.
"Had he not been a Muslim before his involvement (in Altantuya case), then upon his conversion, he would be like a newborn free from sins. This is the Islamic perspective, though I am not sure whether that is the case in the earthly laws," wrote Subky, responding to a report that Razak had been drawing close to religion and Islamic political thought.
Subky however said being a true Muslim means Razak would now be more accountable over his alleged involvement in the controversial purchase of two French Scorpene submarines, which has been linked to corruption in the form of kickbacks as well as to Altantuya's brutal murder in 2006.
The Altantuya trial concluded two years ago with the conviction of two security personnel whose faces were carefully concealed by the police from media glare up to the last day when they were sentenced to death. Questions however remain on the motive of her murder, as well as several claims and counter claims on prime minister Najib Razak's alleged personal involvement. Central to these was the RM7.3 billion purchase of two French 'Scorpene' submarines, where it is claimed that Altantuya's murder had to do with unpaid kickbacks owed to her being a middle person in the deal. This, according to P Balasubramaniam, a private detective hired by Razak, was the reason why Altantuya had been hounding Razak at his office in the days leading to her abduction and brutal murder.
In an affidavit after his arrest, Razak, a former aide to then Defence minister Najib, admitted having an extramarital affair with Altantuya. Najib had however strongly denied that he was also involved sexually with Altantuya as alleged in an affidavit by Balasubramaniam, who had since left Malaysia citing his personal security.
Subky expressed confidence that a 'reformed' Razak would bode well for any investigation into the French-Malaysia deal.
"It is a huge challenge. He must be prepared to testify as witness as demanded by Islam in answering the current scandal. Without adequate Islamic knowledge, no one will be ready to be a truthful witness," said Subky.
Knowledge in Islam
Subky also called on the public to set aside prejudices about Razak and his past.
"Every Muslim must welcome and encourage him to do good. Let there be no prejudice because he is and he wants to do good deeds. By the will of God, the Islamic knowledge he gains will help provide him solutions to all past problems in order to turn over a new leaf," Subky added, stressing that a precondition to such endeavour in Islam was repentance.
On the pursuit of knowledge, Subky reminded that it was important for one to be guided by a knowledgeable teacher.
He advised Razak to study the history of Muslim political thought including renowned thinkers such as Hassan Al-Banna, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani and Muhamad Abduh.
"Mere research and study will not be enough unless one participates and gets involved. The orientalists too studied Islam from their own teachers. But when their knowledge failed to make them Muslims, their knowledge caused them to be in deeper confusion.
He called on Razak, who was last publicly seen in Malaysia during a talk on December 15, to approach contemporary scholars such as Egypt's Yusuf al-Qaradawi and his disciples in the West.
"Upon his return to Malaysia to delve deeper in Islamic politics, Dr Razak could approach [PAS Murshidul Am] Tok Guru Nik Aziz and [PAS president] Ustaz Hadi [Awang]. Both are part of Islamic politics, being involved directly. Both are seasoned players in Islamic politics," wrote Subky.
Taking a jibe at UMNO's so-called 'Young Ulama', Subky has this to say:
"But if he studies under UMNO's young ulama, the politics of Islam does not recognise their place in Islamic politics. Firstly, they are not leaders, but just research officer

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