
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nga gets death threat, bullet in the mail

Taiping member of parliament Nga Kor Ming today received an envelope containing a death threat and a bullet, mailed to his parents’ house in Ayer Tawar, Perak.

Calling Nga “cina kurang ajar yeop” (you rude Chinese) in local dialect, the sender outlined “three options” of execution, which are:Mampus cepat dengan peluru (fast death by the bullet); Mampus lambat simbah dengan asid kat muka (slow death by acid splashed on face); and Mampus lambat langgar dengan kereta, pakai kerusi roda (slow death in a car accident, forced to use a wheelchair).

Ini amaran dari orang Melayu - jangan kurang ajar (this is a warning from the Malays, don’t be insolent),” read the letter, in which the bullet was placed and wrapped with tissue paper.

“This is too much... absolutely unacceptable,” said Nga, when contacted, adding that his elderly parents were in shock over the matter.

“We are in politics, we can withstand the pressure, but not our family members,” he added.

According to Nga, the envelope was delivered by post and his mother was the first to receive it.

“I live in Ipoh, I’ve sent someone to take the contents from my mother. I will lodge a police report after I receive them,” he said.
What caused the threat?
Nga, who is also the Perak DAP secretary, was in the spotlight last week following an accusation by a blogger who claimed that he had a role in awarding a tailoring contract to a company, in which his wife is a “sleeping partner”.

Both, Nga and the said company, denied graft claims and challenged the blogger to lodge an official complaint with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

He is also a regular target for Umno-linked blogs and Utusan Malaysia who have taken offence by his frequent recital of Quranic verses during his public speeches and questioning of Perak’s cut in allocations accorded to the state’s non-Muslim Affairs Department.

According to him, the department was given RM8 million in 2010 but the funds were reduced by less than half to RM3.5 million this year.

He has warned that he would mobilise churches as well as Chinese and Hindu temples in the state and submit a memorandum of protest in the event Perak Menteri Besar Zambry Abd Kadir failed to provide an adequate explanation.

However, Nga has refused to speculate what actions triggered the threat and instead urge the public to make their own conclusions.

He is scheduled to hold a press conference at 9pm in Ipoh tonight on the issue.

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