
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 17, 2011


SPNB (Syarikat Perumahan Negara Bhd) housing ‘Putatan Platinum Apartment’ in Putatan Township has faced a long delay in its completion and handing over to the 1,012 units apartment buyers who have felt being let down by the government who did not keep their promise to get the apartments ready on time.

The thousand of unit buyers of the Putatan Platinum Apartment have been very patient to wait for the apartments to be completed, and found out later that their wait is going to be prolonged due to the slow work and even stopped work on the construction of the many blocks of apartments here.

They said there had been a change of contractor recently and the work had been on idle for some time. This had further worried them and the delay is now into the 5th month. It will take at least another year before they can finally move in. There is so much work there to be completed.

The buyers went to see KK MP Hiew King Cheu and brought him to the site to see the condition there. Sabah DAP vice chairman and other members were together during the site visit. The whole site is semi abandoned and only little work is ongoing.

MP Hiew said the SPNB housing projects in Sabah is facing serious problems, and many of these housings, mostly high rise medium cost apartment are facing stopped work or even abandoned. The Putatan one is in very slow progress now. Hiew wants the SPNB and its owner the Ministry of Finance to explain on why their housing projects in Sabah are facing so many difficulties and how are they to ensure all these projects shall complete on time?

The recently approval made on the amendment to the Housing Development Act 1966 (Control and Licensing) will come handy and useful if it is extended for use in Sabah and Sarawak. Very unfortunately this particular amendment of the Act cannot be used here to protect the rights of the house buyers.

Why the house buyers in Sabah are not protected by a direct law which allows them to have a chance to defend and to protect their investments? Why Sabah government did not want to amend the set of Sabah laws to protect our house buyers? Some people said there are enough laws to protect the house buyers in Sabah, do you agree with that?

This is another project under the SPNB that faced difficulties and Sabah DAP will continue to expose other SPNB projects similarly faced problem in delay or stop work. The many buyers have met problems in their monthly repayments of the loan they took from the bank, and the delays have put them in further financial difficulties. It is advice able for the bank to stop releasing the end financing loan money to the developer until they see some progress. Some buyers said they will instruct the bank to stop payment if necessary. - Sabahkini

1 comment:

  1. saya tinggal di kotakinabalu,sabah..saya nak tanya kenapa rumah spnb cepat habis..masih banyak orang miskin perlu rumah spnb..??


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