
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hasan: DAP will merge Malaysia, S'pore into republic

Expelled PAS member and former Selangor state exco member Hasan Ali yesterday found much sympathy from a crowd of 1,000 people in Bangi, as he warned them of how Pakatan Rakyat will threaten Islam.

Speaking at one of the first stops in his nationwide roadshow since being expelled from PAS,  Hasan said the DAP will soon enough merge Malaysia with Singapore into a republic.

“Imagine what DAP will do once they take over Putrajaya. They will merge Malaysia with Singapore and join hands with Singapore’s PAP,” he said.

NONETouching a raw point, he added that DAP will “clearly” also abolish Article 153 of the federal constitution which protects the special position of Malays and do away with Islamic enactments.

Playing the victim card liberally, Hasan, who will decide whether to appeal his expulsion from PAS in “a few days”, said this is foreshadowed by DAP’s muscle-flexing in Selangor.

The only way to stop this, he said, was to support his “third force”, Jati, which campaigns for a strong royal institution.

NONE“Even if Parliament agrees to turn the nation into the republic, it will need the rulers’ endorsement. Much of our constitutional rights are under the protection of the rulers so let’s support a continued IMR,” he said, leading the crowd to chant I (Islam), M (Malay), R (royal institution).

Relating his experience as exco member in charge Islamic affairs, Hasan said his hands were tied even by “white kopiah-wearing PAS central committee members” who told him to “tone down on raids”.

“The important things is to capture Putrajaya first, he said. I swear to God, that was what he said. I thought to myself, Selangor has a Muslim MB, five Muslim exco members and still we have no aperture to stop people from doing wrong.

“I cannot accept this argument... it doesn’t matter if Muslims don’t pray, commit illicit sex and gamble as long as we get to Putrajaya first... Where are we heading?” he asked the crowd.

'PAS stopped me from enforcing Islamic laws'

He said the fact that the censure came from PAS was most hurtful, as it is expected that DAP and PKR would take a more nuanced view as they are “mixed parties” with many non-Muslim members.
NONESetting the premise to promote his new “third force” movement, Jati, Hasan (left) related how Muslim young women would nonchalantly drink alcohol even when Selangor Islamic Affairs Department officers were taking their statements.

“Ninety percent of those in budget hotels during a raid were Malay Muslims. One room has five men and one woman... most of those in the hotels were university students,” he said.

He also warned of the twin threats of liberalism and pluralism, which he said was supported by the “dangerous” Anwar Ibrahim who goes around citing the Quran and portrays himself as a pious person.

NONE“He's a dangerous man. If you chance upon him and a snake, I don't know which you should kill first. In a way he is more dangerous than (DAP chairperson) Karpal Singh,” he said.

The only way to stop these threats, he said, was to support his “third force”, which is bound only to their loyalties to God, the prophet, Islam, Malays and the royal institution.

“Once, we were able to speak freely on matters of Malays and Islam, but now we can't even mention hudud, Islam, illicit sex, jihad. Islam is trapped under lock and key by DAP and PKR but the master key is with PAS.

NONE“I have done no wrong, I did not rob, threaten, oppress... or even sodomise anyone. I am not power hungry but only wanted to enforce Islamic enactments... It is up to you to judge,” he said.

Hasan, was later mobbed by supporters wanting autographs and photographs with him, some of whom asked him why he did not lead them to chant 'Hidup Melayu' (Long Live Malays).

Muslims v Non-Muslims

Earlier, moderator Norman Toha called on the people of Bangi to weigh their options carefully before marking their ballot papers.

He said that out of 36 seats held by Pakatan in the Selangor state assembly, half are held by non-Muslims.

“When the Port Klang assemblyperson (defected), we were left with 17 and now that Hasan is sacked we have 16.

“If Muslims were stopped by non-Muslims when the numbers were 18 to 18, what more can you expect if our numbers are lower than that.

“I don’t mean to differentiate between Muslims and non-Muslims but that is the fact,” he said.

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