
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 13, 2012

BN Thick Face Evil Heart Election Strategy

Written by: Dr. John Brian Anthony
BN knows that the people are rejecting them slowly but surely. The recent State election in Sarawak clearly showed the trend. In Malaya, it is already a reality in 5 states and a Parliament return with a simple majority instead of the usual two-third majority. For the coming PRU 13 for changes is expected. In response Najib embark on “every thing is 1 Malaysia” in an effort to be inclusive. While Najib word is to be inclusive but the actual practice is not. Racialism continue to rise at an increase rate – racist differentiate others from himself. But he is the same human being as we are. Meaning he either position himself as a special group or he sees himself as a superior person. That is happening to Malaysia headed by JAIS and company.
Thick Face:
BN goes on to do all of the needy to buy votes and getting the people to feel indebted to them: Clinic 1 Malaysia, Kedai 1 Malaysia, BR1M, school book allowances etc spending billion of money that could be better save for a rainy day or even invested in providing clean water, clinic, electricity etc in poor states of Malaysia.
The BN YBs were beaming from ear to ear when they hand over the BR1M voucher thinking that the people would feel compel to vote them in again. SUPP went a step further to ven claim it as their effort by dispensing the voucher from their HQ. The politicians were vocal in saying that BR1M is not vote buying as it is and they feel no shame to act in a sober manner knowing that this distribution of money are vote buying mechanism.
We have State Ministers going around led by the Chief Monster announcing all the various projects which in our many experience remained an empty promise after the election. Still, these BN lies do not get into their conscience. Thick face indeed. They claimed rural eradication poverty by setting up JV plantation companies and applied and awarded plantation land to sell for quick bucks. In any countries of the world, plantation workers belong to the poorest category. But then who can blame BN because poor people would be easily swayed by their vote buying money.
Evil Heart
1. False Hope
From plantation BN promised easy money for those participating in the scheme and distribute as Jabu did “millions” of ringgit among thousand of landowners and it resulted in a few ringgit less than one hundred. How could that be easy money when the land owner could have earned more by self cultivating cash crop. Then the big  “ho ha” on rubber tree planting and why now? It is better late then never but we should have been harvesting kapayang, ikan jabu etc today because that was the government focus 10 years ago. We wasted so time and loss so much money from stupid strategic planning by Ministers such as Jabu and George Chan. From the onset we all know that our strategy was wrong but BN refused to listen to us because they want the Dayak NCR land for themselves.
2. Broken dream
As natives of sarawak we want land titles. BN responded by doing perimeter survey on part of our NCR land. NCR land comprised of Pemakai Menoa, Pulau Galau and Temuda. The perimeter survey recognize “temuda land” only and the Dayak thereby lost two-third of their land. The YBs exploited the Dayak wish to have land and be peaceful while they look for opportunities to apply for provisional lease over the pulau galau and areas that should be under pemakai menoa. These are sometimes Dayak own Ministers and YBs. Of course other races come in to join in the fun. Such eveil deeds could emerge from evil heart. For Dayak, the future under BN is bleak. It is time for change.
For the rural folks in Belaga and Baram, a road is all they wish in order to cut their time and cost of traveling from home into town or vice versa. BN agreed to build road on condition that they surrender their forest, drown their heritage through dam and live under plantation environment. The social cost is unacceptable. Yet we have BN Ybs and Ministers going around to say that is Dayak only option to get out of poverty. These are BN broken promises to the Dayak. The Dayak pays dearly.
The approach is to pull cotton wool over the eyes of voters through partying with food and drinks plus some money to convert the feel good after food into committed vote for BN. After being elected, the elected representatives choose to defend the rich and introduce legislation to facilitate the business of the rich and the poor got side-line and marginalize. Many young educated Sarawakina is now getting more aware of what is going on in the state. It takes the young and educated people to help the poor to understand the Thick Face Evil Heart strategy of BN through providing the poor with information and political education. Otherwise our road to change our future community fortune will remain a dream.
A dream that remain as a dream is opportunity but when a dream turn into night mares then that is genocide for us Dayak.
Ubah meh kaban. Change WE Must.

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