
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Change Najib with Anwar? No can do lah!

“Is the 13th general election going to see the end of UMNO?” so many of you have asked provoking those who are with UMNO to response with “UMNO demi kepentingan Melayu dan Islam!”

I would like to remind you that the 13th general election is not only about UMNO, the Malays or Islam. It is not about whether Najib or Anwar becomes Prime Minister. This general election is about us. About the people of Malaysia and who we will chose to govern us. We know what we want and what we do not want.  It is now a matter of electing the right people to represent us.

All the gutter politics, lurid tales of sex and sodomy, the abuse of executive powers and the tales of rampant corruption have certainly eclipsed all other consideration except the need for change! Change from what? Surely not just change from UMNO, from Najib or Barisan Nasional? Maybe it is us that also need to change!

The root cause of our problem is our acceptance of leaders who are flawed. This is a most dangerous state of affairs. It is like finding out that you have cancer but you delay going to the doctor for treatment for a few months because you want to see if the cancer will cure itself! Why do we accept leaders who are flawed? Do you think they will change for the better?

For this 13th general election many of you are prepared to put up with Najib or Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister in the mistaken belief that Najib will change for the better or Anwar Ibrahim will be a better Prime Minister then Najib!

If we do not do the right thing NOW for our country, we will have to put up with a government that we do not want for another five more years – and just as surely as cancer untreated will kill you, another five years with a flawed Prime Minister may prove fatal for our economy and for any hope of our people to come together as one under 1Malaysia!

The stakes could not be higher and the rewards greater!

You have been under Najib’s government for many years now. What have you had to put up with under him? The same corruption as under Mahathir and Pak Lah? The same abuse of executive powers by those appointed to high public office by his government? And in the past one-year we have had many promises for change in an attempt by Najib to instil the ‘feel good’ feelings on the population as we near the 13th general election. And of course we cannot ignore the ‘oomph’ that Rosmah has brought into the equation. In what he does Najib’s has demonstrated to us how shallow in thoughts and deeds he has been in his desperate attempt to win the election.

If you ask me how Anwar Ibrahim will fare as Prime Minister I suggest you look no further then the party election of PKR and see for yourself what PKR has become with him as their defacto leader. Do you want the same thing to happen to the government of our country if Anwar is Prime Minister?

How many of PKR’s elected representative has left? How many or PKR’s officials have left their party post in disgust and resign from the party? The latest ‘defection’ is Hata Wahari – a prized catch that was already within PKR’s camp and yet like many others, PKR’s loss is DAP’s gain! And Anwar Ibrahims morals, like Najib, are questionable. We do not want a Prime Minister whose CV includes “Twice on trial and acquitted of sodomy. Convicted of corruption!”

So think again my friends. At this election Najib and Anwar are powerless against us for we are armed with our votes. We have reached the tipping point in the history of our nation.  If all Najib and Anwar can offer us are themselves then I tell you that we deserve better than these two people.

Yes by all means demand for ABU but be careful that what you get is not another UMNO in mufti. Yes it is true that sometimes the devil we know is better then the devil we don’t – but would it not be better if we no longer have a devil for a leader?

So please saudara do not elect a leader who is flawed. Have the courage to discard the familiar. I know that we have no frame of reference from which to draw ideas and alternatives from because we have only known UMNO and Barisan Nasional since Merdeka but you have no choice but to try because real change, genuine change starts with good decent leaders.

And when it comes, it will certainly bring us the brand new Malaysia that we want! A Malaysia full of hope. A Malaysia I want to call home – my Malaysia, your Malaysia, our Malaysia – a Malaysia for all!

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