
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Did Najib betray Sabah over Project IC RCI?

YOURSAY 'Common sense would suggest that a crooked Umno lead by an equally crooked leader would not want to investigate its own criminal actions.'

Najib says Sabah RCI still 'under consideration'

your sayFerdtan: How come after PM Najib Razak's return from his visit from Sabah that the state leaders got it all wrong when they said that Sabah RCI (royal commission of inquiry) on the alleged citizenship-for-votes scam is a sure thing?

Now Najib talks differently saying it is only under consideration. Where is Najib's leadership when he can be contradicted by his subordinates?

Was it a plan by the state leaders - who are afraid of a fall in popularity in Sabah if the RCI is not held - that they pre-empt Najib with a statement that demands a response from the PM?

Pemerhati: We have seen Umno using every possible crooked and dirty method to win the past elections (e.g. media to slander the opposition, gerrymandering, phantom and postal votes, etc.).

The crooked citizenship-for-votes scam was another fraudulent method devised by Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Umno to win the elections in Sabah.

Common sense would suggest that a crooked Umno lead by an equally crooked leader would not want to investigate its own criminal and fraudulent actions and embarrass itself.

Moreover, if Najib puts Mahathir, the alleged mastermind behind Project M in a fix, by allowing the formation of a royal commission, then Mahathir is likely to retaliate by highlighting the many skeletons in Najib's cupboard such as ‘Port Dickson', ‘Altantuya', ‘Scorpenes', etc.

So expect Najib to think of creative ways to ensure that the truth about Umno's crooked and illegal scam in Sabah is not revealed while pretending to be concerned about it, just as he did in the Teoh Beng Hock case.

Swkdayaks: Now the moment of truth has come for PBS (Parti Bersatu Sabah), Upko (United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation) and PBRS (Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah) and even Sabah Umno, who told Sabahans that Najib would announce the setting up of the RCI when he visited the state last week.

Clearly, if the federal cabinet had indeed agreed to the RCI as mentioned by PBS, Upko and PBRS leaders, Najib has now betrayed, and in the process shamed and discredited, them. Or could it be that the Upko, PBS and PBRS and Sabah local Umno leaders were lying to the Sabahans?

Onyourtoes: Najib, your administration seemed so incoherent and confusing. If indeed the RCI is still under consideration, then those Sabah half-baked politicians should be reprimanded for making statements or announcements that were essentially not true.

On the other hand, if indeed the RCI decision has been made, is Najib waiting for the green light from Perkasa and Mahathir - the de facto cabinet and PM of Malaysia respectively?

Dear PM, if you have read the number of news headlines inMalaysiakini, you should be concerned who is actually the real PM.

On the meeting of MBs (menteri besars) and CMs (chief ministers) with the federal government, I think you have completely misinterpreted your pivoted role as prime minister.

If the co-ordination work is pertaining to the functioning of the government, how can you ignore those states under Pakatan Rakyat? You are essentially telling the people that Pakatan states are not part of the federation of Malaysia.

Despite what you said, I think you are in breach of the spirit and the intent of the federal constitution. The moment you sit on the chair as the PM, you have no right to exclude Pakatan states.

You are in fact causing dissension of the highest order. May I know who have borne the cost of the meeting that you have just held - Umno-BN or the federal government and the respective state governments?

Ashamed!: I am totally and utterly ashamed of Najib and the BN government for ignoring the rights of the citizens under Pakatan-held states. Are we not taxpayers to the federal government? Najib/BN is irresponsible and arrogant. He is just the PM for non-Pakatan-held states.

As for the Project IC in Sabah, there seemed to be a change of mind on the RCI. Sabah BN said that the royal commission has been approved by cabinet but now Najib said it's still under consideration.

Clearly, Najib is under a lot of pressure not to have the RCI from the masterminds of Project IC. These people do not want to be exposed.

To remain in power, they are prepared to sell out the nation by offering citizenship for the illegal immigrants for their votes. That is treason.

Anonymous_3f4a: That's the way it was, has been and is going to be with the federal government attitude when it comes to dealing with the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah.

It's about time for Sabahans to be bold and take up the issue themselves rather than relying on the ‘charity' of the federal government.

Borg Kinaulu: Sabahans are Umno's fixed deposit. they are happy and contended under Umno's rules except for the few politicians that are trying to cause trouble.

So there's no need to give any concessions to them. There's nothing to gain by agreeing to the RCI. Najib's rationale is fully understandable.

OMG: Isn't is worrisome that they don't seem to care about pleasing the true Sabahans. How much back up have they actually created over there to temper the storm of protest from the true Sabahans? - Malaysiakini

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