
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Final countdown for Shahrizat Jalil and a twist for 'spurned' Raja Nong Chik

Final countdown for Shahrizat Jalil and a twist for 'spurned' Raja Nong Chik

The headline of an English daily screamed PDRM wants NFC Directors charged under CBT. Obviously, it is another big blow to Umno minister Shahrizat Jalil and family in the prolonged scandal, in which they have been accused of abuse of power and possible graft in NFC cattle breeding project.

This scandal has captivated the public, mainly because it showcases the political patronage in the country. Please don't get me wrong as I am not against Shahrizat personally but just wish to apply the principles of integrity to the government, nation and country. I have a past track record of criticizing our Umno-BN leaders over a number of issues as I do not have any personal interest or need any patronage from the PM or other ministers.

I have contributed numerous articles, interviews in the alternative and social media since the 1980s, always without fear or favour. I am of course entitled to my political affiliation and like Jessie Ooi, I too have a right to speak up even though I support Umno-BN. Any clown has a problem with that?

Shahrizat's daughter? Hell hath no fury like a spurned Nong Chik!

Anyway, in this case, it is clear Shahrizat has overstayed her welcome in the fedeal Cabinet where she holds the Women's and Community Development portfolio. Since the NFC issue was raised by the Accountant-General last year, who pointed out a messy situation with clear "weaknesses" in management, she has persistently denied any link even though her husband and three children call the shots in the project, which was awarded to their family in 2006 by the then Agriculture minister Muhyiddin Yassin with the nod from the government.

Shahrizat, a well-educated lawyer in her own right, even went on the offensive in order to protect the interest of her family and friends. Wise or not, I will not comment but it is absolutely clear that in doing so, Shahrizat has in the course of her 'unsolicited defense' implicated a number of people, including some senior ministers and officials.

One of the victims is none other than FT minister Raja Nong Chik, who has even been accused of trying to tackle Shahrizat's beautiful 27-year-old daughter but was spurned. And this is why RNC, as he is called, had gone on rampage, wreaking a terrible revenge on the entire Shahrizat family by blowing the whistle on NFC.

To me, it sounds as ridiculous as the Datuk T sex scandal. But it's now up to RNC to speak up and clear his name, and also to keep his wife and family from being the target of this unhealthy form of politicking - whoever the perpetrators may be.

No one is indispensable

As a friend and a political comrade, I wish to advise Shahrizat that nobody is indispensable in this world, including politicians who come and go by force, resignation or dismissal. Let me quote John Morley, "Those who would treat politics and morality apart will never understand the one or the other”.

Our mentors, former PM Mahathir Mohamad and senior minister Rafidah Aziz, have said that Shahrizat should know her own fate and not implicate others or drag them into her quagmire, including Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has been a model of patience and understanding to her and her family despite the huge pressure he faces from the public and the opposition over the scandal.

For sure, NFC will bring down the integrity level of the Cabinet as well as that of the Umno-BN. Shahrizat should take a leaf from MCA president Chua Soi Lek, who resigned from all his party and government posts in 2008 to cleanse himself before coming back strongly in 2010 to beat Ong Tee Keat for the top MCA job.

Public money involved, there is no escape

There is public money involved in the NFC scandal through unsecured loans and therefore, justice should be served under any circumstances without any direct or indirect interference from the prime minister or the administration.

PKFZ is still ongoing although until now Tun Ling Liong Sik, Chan Kong Choy and other senior officers have been called by the court to make their defense. I believe the others involved, and this includes Umno leaders, will not escape punishment. The PKFZ issue is a hot potato still in the Chinese community. It is clear the MCA is concerned and Soi Lek even mentioned it during the recent MCA-DAP debate.

In conclusion, I urge Shahrizat to honour her own integrity by surrendering her government post, and allow Wanita Umno to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting to decide on her party position as soon as possible.

The 13th general election is closing up and Umno-BN needs to redeem its image and instil confidence in order to win with a bigger majority under Najib Razak.

To Shahrizat, please do not rock the boat and bring down Umno, the party that has given you the trust and opportunity to serve this great nation of ours. Umno-BN did not lose faith in you even when you lost your parliamentary seat. So, take a break. Come back another day to fight based on principles and without fear or favour.

Datuk Mustapha Ong is an active commentator, a retired diplomat and an Umno supporter. He contributes articles now and then to Malaysia Chronicle.

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