
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 27, 2012

For BN, it's 'People last, Lynas now'

YOURSAY 'They don't seem to have learnt from the Bukit Merah rare earth plant in Ipoh, and the suffering of the people there due to radiation exposure.'

15,000 swarm Kuantan for anti-Lynas rally

your sayFairnessforall: Well done to all those who turned up and showed that you count. I think the BN government has proven that they do not care about the people and the wishes of the people.

They are only interested in approving projects where there is a lot of corrupt money involved and that is why despite all the protests, they still have to go on with the project since they have already taken their cut.

I think all Malaysians should know by now that the only thing that we can do to stop the corruption and abuse of power is to kick BN out and put in place a government which will care about the people and their wishes.

The government elected must take into consideration the people's desires and needs, and not just bulldoze their way through everything.

If BN insists on approving the Lynas project, then they should approve it to be built in Putrajaya. Why don't they do that, since they said it's safe?

We can see that all BN cares about is money. They do not care one bit about the rakyat.

We have to kick BN out and then hold Pakatan Rakyat to their promise to send back Lynas to Australia.

Onyourtoes: I have long held the view that BN-Umno is fully aware of the negative impact of this project. As citizens, I think our focus should be more than the BN-Umno government in general.

Our focus should be who in BN-Umno government are interested in this project or have compromised their position.

If there are parties with vested interests or if money has changed hands, then this ‘transaction' must be delivered.

Here lies the pervasive ‘power' of corruption in government - it does not matter even if it causes a government to fall, the private/corrupted interests of those in government must prevail.

Anonymous_3f1f: The BN government doesn't seem to know the feelings of the citizens. They are greedy and will sacrifice the safety of the people for profits.

They don't seem to have learnt from the Bukit Merah rare earth plant in Ipoh, and the suffering of the people there due to radiation exposure.

If BN truly believes in its slogan of ‘People First, Performance Now', it should have listened to the people and scrapped the project.

Pants on Fire: Well done. You all, including the Kuantan police, have shown that peaceful gatherings are possible. Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, please take note - if you keep your tear gas and water cannons away, all will be peaceful.

Armageddon: It was a good gathering. No violence what so ever. If the police had brought in the artillery, and provoke the crowd, the gathering could have turned into something else.

Anonymous: Australia, here's a message to your Lynas - the people of Malaysia do not support you and do not want your plant to operate in Gebeng. So get out of our country, Lynas - go pollute your own country.

Bob Teoh: The size of the crowd in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's backyard is an indication of things to come, over the people's anger with Umno.

Never has Kuantan seen a protest this big. This is the last chance to throw out Umno and save our country.

Wira: This recalcitrant BN government should have stopped the project at its infancy. What kind of government is this, which always wants to make the rakyat worried and angry?

Bravo, all ye supporters of Himpunan Hijau 2.0, I am wearing green today in support of you.

Michael Angelo: For the health of all Malaysians, the only way to close down Lynas is to vote out BN and to vote in Pakatan. There is no other way out.

Anonimous Z: Maybe it is time to consider starting a ‘Buy Australian last' campaign to pressure the Australian government to instruct Lynas to stay off Malaysian ground.

Go right to the source of the evil. That should be more effective.
Lynas plant is harmless, assures Najib
CN Yee: The Lynas plant is safe? That was what Dr Mahathir Mohamad told us about Bukit Merah.

Soo Jin Hou: Scientific evidence? Prof Chan Chee Khoon has this to say: Lynas, AELB (Atomic Energy Licensing Board), and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) have insisted that the expected levels of radiation exposure (for plant employees and for the general public) are well within the existing international norms of 'safe thresholds'.

They have conveniently ignored the recent debates over the adequacy of existing quantitative risk models which are calibrated against external sources of irradiation (e.g. Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic bomb blasts), and over the micro-dosimetry of internal emitters.

In the last 10 years, there has been much debate as to whether the radiation hazards from internal emitters have been underestimated by the existing risk models. A UK expert panel (2004, www.cerrie.org) could not arrive at a consensus, re: health risks of low-level exposure to internal emitters.

In asserting that Lamp (Lynas Advanced Materials Plant) is unquestionably safe, Lynas and AELB have recklessly abandoned the precautionary principle and turned the Kuantan community into lab rats.

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: If the Lynas plant is so safe, then Najib should explain what happened in Bukit Merah and the cover-up by the Mahathir regime. Why not form an RCI (royal commission of inquiry) on Bukit Merah and call experts from the IAEA to testify as to what happened?

If it is so safe, why isn't Lynas building the plant in Australia or any other Western country? Or go to Africa or South America instead. I also suggest that Najib and Rosmah Mansor buy a house next to the plant and live there. Why hide in Pekan or Kuala Lumpur?

It is easy for the Umno-BN elites to talk because when they get cancer they run to the US, UK or Australia for treatment using taxpayers' money but we the ordinary rakyat must seek treatment in sub-standard government hospitals or just die because we cannot afford the treatment or expensive medication.

Why the unholy haste to have this plant built and operational in Gebeng? Just because money is going to be paid into the coffers of Umno and some royalty in Pahang, the rakyat must put their lives on the line?

Changeagent: If it is really as harmless as Najib puts it, why did the government only issue a temporary operating licence? They might as well issue a permanent one since they are so adamant that the plant does not pose any potential health risk to the local community.

Lynn: Phew, I'm glad Najib cleared this up. Much ado about nothing, right?

I mean since Najib, who is probably the most honest and truthful man in Malaysia helming a party known for its high integrity and principles, says its harmless, us silly rakyat obviously knew no better. - Malaysiakini

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