
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 2, 2012

Free-for-all back-stabbing, MCA now says Perkasa gave white ang-pows deliberately

Free-for-all back-stabbing, MCA now says Perkasa gave white ang-pows deliberately
Is the MCA leader who helped Perkasa organize its infamous white ang-pow Chinese New Year party trying to absolve himself from blame in the fiasco that has infuriated the Chinese community?
Whatever his motives, Sri Desa MCA branch chief Collin Tiew now insists Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali had full knowledge of what he was doing when he handed out the ang-pows in white envelopes that symbolizes death to a group of Chinese senior citizens over the weekend.
But why is Collin 'coming out' with this accusation, especially since Perkasa had already issued glossy statements a day ago to help damage control for MCA and Prime Minister Najib, both of whom have borne the brunt of Chinese anger as well?
“We will heed by the prime minister’s comments on the ang pow issue. It is right that it should serve as a lesson to Perkasa and all parties to be more careful, so as not to touch the sensitivities of other cultures," Syed Hassan, the Perkasa secretary-general, told reporters on Wednesday.
“Perkasa also respects and agrees with the comments made by MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong that any one race should be sensitive to other cultures. However, Perkasa hopes that it is not directed only at Perkasa but also at other race-based non-governmental organisations, where sometimes it is difficult for them to apologise.”
Treacherous crocodile pit
Most likely, it was because in the true treacherous style of Ibrahim Ali, the Perkasa founder had also taken a swipe at Collin albeit indirectly. He was reported by the Star as saying that he also regretted that those Chinese present at the party including the media did not alert him to the fact that it was a serious taboo to give the ang-pows in white.
At a press conference held this afternoon, Collin said he believes Ibrahim did it on purpose, showing reporters a news article with a photo of Ibrahim Ali dressed in red at another CNY event in his Pasir Mas constituency on January 21.
“The article also wrote that he gave ang pow (red packets) and Mandarin orange to the people. So that’s no way he didn’t know these are Chinese customs later on January 29,” Collin said.
Whatever the truth and whether or not, Perkasa will react by flinging back some hard-hitting insults remains to be seen. But pundits say the white ang-pows episode was a classic example of the treachery that marks the BN coalition and its sister organizations.
"Those who eat chilli feel the heat. The whole episode stinks to high heaven and the best advice to the Chinese is to remember this incident and be guided not to be used or to allow yourself to be exploited ever again by unscrupulous people like the BN and Perkasa, who don't even have the common decency to apologize," PKR vice president Chua Jui Meng told Malaysia Chronicle.
Malaysia Chronicle

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