
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 24, 2012

The govt pussyfoots around sex education

If the government is serious about tackling the increasing numbers of unmarried mothers, and the increasing numbers of babies being dumped, then sex education is critical
The Home Ministry has a habit of banning items with which it disagrees but offers no satisfactory alternative. This time it ordered the suspension of sales of the book “Where Did I Come From” by the British author, Peter Mayle.
The statement issued by the Home Ministry’s deputy secretary-general Abdul Rahim Mohd Radzi said that the book would be banned if its contents were found to corrupt the morals of the community. He cited prosecution under Section 7, Subsection 1 of the Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984.
Parents and teachers are shocked by the announcement and claimed that the 44-page illustrated book, published in 1984, had helped some of them explain to their children sensitive topics such as sex, conception and birth.
Julie, an IT consultant said, “I read this book in the late 80s as a teenager. Today, I am the mother of two teenage girls and a 12-year-old son. The book was as relevant then as it is today. Why ban it now? I have turned out normal and so have my friends who read the book.”
Her views are at odds with Abdul Rahim who said, “The Home Ministry today has decided to ban the book… because it contained elements which could threaten moral values and is offensive to the public.”
He was joined by the Umno Youth Community Complaints Bureau chairman Muhd Khairun Aseh who said that he had received similar complaints about the book.
“The book was easily available at the children’s section at several book stores but the degree of obscenity inside the book was too much.”
He was disturbed and offended by the cartoon illustrations of naked male and female bodies, the description of sexual intercourse and the explanation of the various functions of the male and female genitalia.
Simple language
“It clearly indicates the private parts of human beings and specific details of how two persons are making love.
“The book is written in simple language and was placed on shelves for children under the age of 12.
“This is a violation of Section 292 of the Penal Code, which deals with distribution or sale of pornographic materials. We believe that some 200 million copies of the book has been printed since it was published in 1997.”
In March 2010, Malaysian teachers said “No” to teaching sex education in schools. They were reluctant because they lacked professional training in teaching the subject. Others feared being sued by parents for imparting sexual knowledge to their children.
Within a fortnight, they retracted their earlier decision and said they were prepared to teach sex education in schools, provided they received proper training first.
Seven months later, in October 2010, Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said that the government was contemplating incorporating sex education into the national school curriculum and announced that several pilot projects had been launched.
“This is one of the initiatives (to combat baby dumping) to give a better understanding of reproductive health at school level.”
To date, little more has been heard about the progress of sex education in our schools.
If the government is serious about tackling the increasing numbers of unmarried mothers, and the increasing numbers of babies being dumped, then sex education as well as relationship education is critical. Children must be taught about relationships and the social and emotional side of sexual behaviour.
Make sex education compulsory
These days, children are sexually active at an earlier age. Therefore, sex education should be made compulsory and be taught in line with the ethos and values of the school.
Religious schools should not be allowed to opt out of teaching sex education. Perhaps, children at these schools could be taught according to their beliefs that sexual relationships outside of marriage, are forbidden.
Parents neglect to teach their children about sex education and expect the school teacher to enlighten their children about this, and vice-versa.
What is important is for children to know what happens to their bodies at puberty, the facts of life, the differences between boys and girls, healthy relationships, different kinds of relationships (hetero- and homosexual) and body image.
At secondary school level, pupils should be informed about contraception, HIV and AIDS, pregnancy, effects of drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, responsibility, abortions and importance of relationships.
The main message is that sex education is not about teaching young children to “have sex”. It is to give them an idea about relationships, to be developed as they get older.
If the book “Where Did I Come From” is seen as corrupting the morals of the community, then why were sex videos of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, broadcast on mainstream television and allegedly shown in some schools and private viewings?
Muhd Khairun of Umno Youth had earlier said that the book can be considered “educational” for European children but was deemed unsuitable for Malaysian children.
Perhaps, he would like to consult the Umno Youth leader, Khairy Jamaluddin, who repeatedly told a Malaysian student audience last month that he was a reformist.
Could the reformist Khairy not educate his colleagues that this book is harmless? Perhaps Muhd Khairun and his colleagues in the Home and Education Ministries would prefer the highly graphic sex manual from the Obedient Wives Club as more suitable educational material for our children.
Mariam Mokhtar is a FMT columnist.

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