
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hasan Ali is right: Everything's a mess and it's all Umno's fault!

Hasan Ali is right: Everything's a mess and it's all Umno's fault!
Hasan Ali, the sacked ex-Selangor PAS chief, announced rather pompously at the launching of his new Muslim NGO Jati in Shah Alam earlier this week that, “We are saviours of the faith. We are here to save the faith and not just in Selangor, by defending Islam, Malay rights and the Malay Rulers”. He even coined a term for his vision and mission -  IMR.
Hasan also lamented that “Malaysia has suffered because it had adopted Western ideas of development without modifications, leading to “lopsided development.” He continued saying “In 2008, Bumiputera equity was only 19.3 per cent. In the list of Malaysia’s top ten billionaires, only one is Malay Bumiputera. Is this what Hasan Ali will leave behind for future generations?” he said, referring to tycoon Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary.
He added, “In FELDA, husbands are swapping wives. What is going on?” he said. Immoral activities were also taking place at the 'nightlife hotspots' of Kuala Lumpur that involved Muslims, he added.
Then Hasan dropped his 'bombshell'. Every 17 minutes, a child was born out of wedlock in Malaysia. The country spent RM1.7 billion on alcohol annually and in 2006, 11.2 per cent of Malaysians suffered from mental illness.
Which is the party that has been in charge for the past 5 decades
Well after all that Hasan has said, isn't strange that Hasan hasn't realized it is UMNO's fault as it has been ruling Malaysia for the past five decades? Yet he blames PAS when he accused the Islamic party of deviating from its religious principles. Why has Hassan not said a word about UMNO? Why has he chosen to attack his former party?
It is UMNO which has not really been helping the Muslims in the true and real sense. All it has done is build structures such as expensive mosques and Islamic institution like IKIM, JAKIM, YAPIEM and various alphabets and abbreviations to show-case but never to inculcate Islamic values in the souls of the Muslims.
Even JAKIM is so hopeless and unable to control something as simple as HALAL logos. There are so many confusing HALAL logos that even JAKIM staff are confused! Why is it so difficult? Just look at SIRIM and learn from them as they have done without confusing systemic procedures just to churn out logos.
Then look at the zakat or tithe-collection bodies created by UMNO. How come the Muslims still have to seek help from the Church? And why when the Church wants to help them as human beings, as Malaysians, Muslims like Hasan accuse the Church of proselytizing Muslims! But when Jamil Khir Baharom was found to have used zakatmoney for his legal fees, Hasan said nary a word. Now is this the fault of PAS, which Hasan has accused of deviating from the true path of Islam?
The last person the Rulers would want to thank is from UMNO
When Hasan mentioned that Jati is for the Malay rulers, why did he not comment on former Umno president Mahathir Mohamad’s meddling with the federal constitution to weaken the powers of the Agong and the Sultans? Have you not seen the banner in Terengganu with the word “natang” (spoken dialect of binatang, meaning animal) when Sultan Mizan refused to accept Idris Jusoh as Menteri Besar? Have you not realized how UMNO manipulated the Sultan of Perak in the power grab that toppled the Pakatan Rakyat state government led by PAS Mentri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin?
Of course, the Malaysian economy is based on the western system. It was adopted by UMNO decades ago. Of course, it is lopsided because of UMNO focuses on the rich and not the poor. It is also UMNO which created the New Economic Policy, not PAS. So, Hasan is barking up the wrong tree. It is all UMNO! UMNO which only enriched its top leaders and cronies, and for that matter nothing to do with DAP or PKR! It is UMNO which cheated the Malays and the rest of the Malaysians.
The best example is the Shahrizat Jalil-NFC scandal. It smacks of corruption and has got nothing to do with PKR, DAP or PAS, that's for sure! The recent KIDEX Highway - is it related to Pakatan Rakyat? No! The Ministry of Defense's gross overpayment for Deftech armoured personnel carriers is also not under Pakatan. By the way, has Hasan heard about the RM7billion but completely useless Scorpene submarines that Prime Minister Najib Razak bought that ended up with a beautiful and young Mongolian girl Altantuya Shaariibuu getting murdered on Malaysian soil!
Immoral, absolutely. But it is Umno - not Pas or Pakatan!
All these immoral activities, wife-swapping in FELDA, children born out of wedlock, Mat Rempits, bohsia,prostitution - you name it - they are all the results of UMNO rule. Five whole decades of mismanaging Malaysia.
Malaysia is going bankrupt too, does Hasan know that? Since Hasan mentioned FELDA, just look how UMNO is trying to make money at the expense of the ignorant settlers by listing the FGVH. Even UMNO's veteran leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has warned that such an IPO was bad for the settlers. But even as Ku Li is speaking, UMNO is already trying to bribe the settlers into agreeing on the listing!
So Hassan, please go and tell Najib, deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Mahathir, another ex-premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the rest of the UMNO elite that what you have said in your inaugural Jati speech were all true and the people to blame for the sad state Malaysia is in is them!
Malaysia Chronicle

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