
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 27, 2012


  1. We made too many wrong mistakes 
  2. I never said most of the things I said. 
  3. Half the lies they tell about me aren't true.
  4. I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question.   
  5. If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer.
No, these are not famous quotes from the man dubbed 'Great Pharoah' or 'Maha Firaun'. They are priceless strings of malapropism and murder of the english language by that lovable, legendary and highly successful New York Yankees player and manager, Yogi Berra. For more Yogi Berra quotes, CLICK HERE 

But they could well be. And in dismissing the still rankling (with the Rakyat) financial gangsterism by which Diam Diam and Maha Firaun bailed out Mana Ada System Airlines at the height of the Asian financial crisis, we have all the classic Mahathirisms laid bare for us to dissect and see.

It has still not sunk into the psyche of Maha Firaun that it was a crime of the highest order to bailout MASA with some $2 billion of Taxpayers' money at $8 a share, when the KLSE quoted market price was $3.68!! Some ten years later, MASA's share price hovers at below $1.50!!?? And this, after repeated government bailouts of MASA over the years that has cost the Taxpayer between $10-$15 billion. There's no use BUMNO bloggers (as usual) pretending that because the figures are not reflected in MASA's balance sheet, that in never happened. It's there in the government's balance sheet for sure.

Only now has it dawned upon Khazanah that MASA's problems have always been with top management, the failed Bumiputra-only policy and championing of cronyism and non-meritocracy. Hopefully, the management talent from Air Asia will help turnaround MASA.

Maha Firaun's behaviour and words following the highly unacceptable "settlement" of Danaharta's $589 million loan recovery suit against one, TR, are instructive of what Maha Firaunism stands for. It would appear Danaharta wrote off the entire $589 million, allowing TR to get away scot free. We have also this unbelievable situation where there are several police reports by top ex-MASA management staff cataloguing alleged massive fraud by TR when in charge of MASA. Yet, Minister for Foot in Mouth, Nazi, issued a highly illegal directive to all Government Losing Concerns to withdraw all suits against TR, with the laughable excuse that TR's $13 billion counter suits could cost the Taxpayer plenty. 

There is poker, bluff, counter bluff and false bravado. The government holds ALL the trump cards which clearly tells us that Nazi's pathetic cop out is nothing more an extension of Maha Firaunism. It's, "FU, I dare you to do anything about it," in the face of the Rakyat! He's daring us to challenge him, thinking we are helpless.

And what is this aspect of Maha Firaunism that I speak of?

It is the promulgation of a culture of deceit, fraud, corruption and utter dishonesty at top government level. It makes Bernie Madhoff look a rank amateur. It has become the culture of BUMNO/BN. This is why BUMNO/BN is disintegrating at the seams and why they will be wiped out at GE 13. It did not happen overnight. It started the day Maha Firaun became PM of this country.

Let us just list a few of the losses the Taxpayer incurred under Maha Firaun: 
  1. $30 billion forex losses in Bank Negara in the early '90's. Bank Negara Malaysia governor Jaafar Hussein resigned. Chief forex Trader Nor Mohd Yakcop who was asked to leave BNM is now Minister in Prime Minister's Department as head of Economic Plundering Unit!!
  2. MASA various bailouts - $10-$15 billion.
  3. London Tin Council losses - $6 billion.
  4. Bailouts of Renong/UEM - $3 billion.
  5. Crooked Bridge - $750 million.
  6. Perkapalan (owned by Maha Fiarun's son) by Petronas - $2 billion.
  7. Proton rescue by Petronas - $1 billion.
  8. 6 patrol boats contract awarded to Amin Shah Omar Shah/PSC Dockyard - $ 5 billion.
It is fortunate that Maha Firaun was a big fish in a small pond. Had he been born in USA, he would have easily surpassed Bush and Poulsen's $700 billion fraudulent bailout of Wall Street, the $3 Trillion budget deficit and bakrupted the whole world in the process. Of that, there can be little doubt. We should be grateful to God for small mercies.

And look at what his response is when challenged about the MASA bailout and Danaharta's surrender to crony TR. He asks why we pick on him. He fumes and points at ex-PM Abdullah Badawi and accuses him of losing $7 billion when he cancelled Maha Firaun's proposed NS double-tracking railway project. 

Huh? That cancellation cost us $7 billion? Anyone heard of it? That's typical Maha Firaun misdirection. Under Maha Firaun, that project started off at $42 billion, was reduced to $28 billion and finally awarded to Sime Darby for $18 billion. Just when it was thought it was game over, Syed Mokhtar Bukhary pitched in with an offer of $14 billion while it was rumoured in the market that he was looking to close a deal for sub-contracting it out at $9 billion!!?? Wtf? Good Lord, how many and how much fraud can there be in one project?

"I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"

That's classic Yogi Berra again, and again it could well be classic Maha Firaunism It's never his fault when we lose big. It's always to his credit when we win - Twin Towers, KL Tower, KLIA. 

WE THE PEOPLE need to send a clear and strong message to Mahathir, Abdullah Badawi and Najib Tun Razak. In the real world we hold all professionals responsible for their actions. We call this fiduciary duty or duty of care. We hold doctors, lawyers, accountants, investment bankers and advisers, teachers and others responsible for their negligent actions taken in the course of executing their duties to paying customers. This is also happening in USA and Europe in the corporate sector. Main Street has had enough of this kind of fraud. No longer can top CEO's profit and walk away with $ millions in compensation while leaving a sunken ship behind and consigning to bankrupcy and oblivion the lives of thousand of workers.

In the same vein, we should mount multiple class action suits against Maha Firaun and wayward politicians for their utter negligence in gambling wantonly with billions of dollars of the Rakyat's Reserves. We need to do this not only to bring Maha Firaun to book, but also to warn Najib Tun Razak that it cannot continue his regime. There is strong suspicion that this kind of massive economic gangsterism, corruption, stealing, theft and fraud is continuing right now. The $7 billion Banting-Taiping Toll Highway, $2.2 billion Kidex Toll Highway awarded to companies owned by BUMNO/BN lawyers and the wife of an ex-CJ, $250 million Cowgate Project, $53 billion MRT project etc. all seem to have elements of being tainted. We must prevent this Maha Firaun sick culture from continuing to thrive.

Too many contract worth again, billion of dollars, are being awarded behind closed doors in an atmosphere of secrecy, non-transparency and unaccountability. Crony politics, economics and business continue to thrive. The national debt, excluding contingency liabilities and guarantees, stands at a record 54% of GDP. No doubt, 96% of this is local debt as opposed to foreign debt, but it still has to be paid and should not become a millstone around the necks of future generations.

Yogi Berra - "It's like deja-vu, all over again." Isn't it, though? Maha Firaunism continues to haunt us.

Yogi Berra - "It ain't over till it's over." 

Yes, it ain't over. Pakatan leaders and lawyers take note. This is the way out. Slay the beast. File your multiple class action legal suits tomorrow. Hold all these sons of a bitches accountable for their gross and criminal negligence of their duty of care.  Give them no peace.

Pakatan, let all these Firauns and their adherents, including all the fraudtrepreneurs created under the NEP, Bumiputra or not, know that you will come after them with an RCI when you form the Government. There is no forgiving or forgetting. Justice must be seen to be done,and prevail. Then, we'll talk about peace and reconciliation.

Yes, Maha Firaun and your ilk. It ain't over till its over. We're comin after yo ass, baby!

Donplaypuks® with us, firaunism man!
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