
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 23, 2012

More BN Cowgates in the making!

More BN Cowgates in the making!
THE awarding of a RM2.2 billion Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) project to inexperienced companies has so far attracted little attention and concern from internet news portal readers.
Miss Jessie “Tow Truck” Ooi, with her immature mongoloid-like antics at the useless “Great Debate” has gone viral in the internet.
Why? Isn’t RM2.2 billion a lot of taxpayers’ money? Am I surprised?
No. Because the awarding of road projects lack “sensation” and “emotion”. Also, it is too complicated and boring for the average Malaysian to understand the implications that, unfortunately, will eventually contribute to the Barisan Nasional (BN) bankrupting Malaysia.
When Malaysia is bankrupt, Malaysians will start crying over spilt milk but it will be too late because Malaysia would have become the Greece of South-East Asia.
Perhaps, let me help the simple-minded people understand the highway project issue using cows … now, do I have your attention.
The infamous Cowgate financial scandal continues to attract interest, even after a month, although it involved only RM250 million of taxpayers’ money.
The Cowgate is about a government award for a project to breed cattle so that the country can produce affordable beef for the low and middle-income rakyat.
Instead, the money was used to buy condominiums, luxurious S-Class Mercedes Benz car, tours, etc.
In simple terms, the project funds were mismanaged by Umno Wanita chief and Cabinet Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s family – husband and children.
In the first place, why did the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) project fail? Because it was awarded to people without any experience in cattle breeding. The next question is, why was it then awarded to Shahrizat’s family? I don’t think I need to answer this. I think the sincere and honest rakyat knows the answer. But why is the Cabinet fighting shy of justifying its reason for the award?
The NFC financial scandal is the same as the RM2.2 billion project award to inexperienced companies.
Now, do you see the link? Now do you see the making of another Cowgate?
Why is the BN government fighting shy of justifying the decision to approve such an award to a company with little experience in a highway project?
Do we have to wait for our money to be squandered
Of course we will have to wait for the money to be squandered and fail before we can see the daylight of the rakyat’s attention and anger – just like the more than 100 financial scandals costing hundreds of billions of ringgit over the years, starting with the BMF Financial Scandal cum murder mystery up to Cowgate.
In the making now are Kidex and 1Care, in which it will be mandatory for every taxpayer to help finance about RM45 billion every year.
Isn’t it clear that the one-time BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) RM500 give away to the people now is not even costing peanuts to the BN?
To the rakyat, take the bait and you and our generations of children will have to pay for the future socio-economic woes that will surely cripple the country.
Jackson Ng is a retired journalist

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