
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 26, 2012

NFC awakens a sleeping Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

MUNICH, GERMANY - JUNE 29:  Malaysian Minister...
Image by Getty Imagesvia @daylife
Well our ever so efficient police force are at it again, the strings have been pulled  by the political puppeteers and the puppets (our police force) are dancing according to the strings rather than by the music.

Why have they to seek the consent of the AG before charging the chairperson of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC)  Mohamed Salleh Ismail,the husband of Sharizat Abdul Jalil with what they claim is CBT?

Isn't CBT a crime and especially in a case like this where public funds are involved?

Do they always have to seek the consent of the AG before charging anyone?

What happens if they have to charge the AG himself will they have to ask for  his consent first?

This is nothing but "the turning of the screws,"  if Sharizat decides to step down then the AG will say there isn't enough evidence to go by I suppose.

If Sharizat decides to stubbornly stick to her position then Mohamed Salleh Ismail will have to face the music, they'll make beef stew out of him.

Mohamed Salleh is not the target in this case, it is Sharizat, Muhyiddin and Khairy who are on the chopping block.

With Sharizat out, Muhyiddin's camp weakens, he is someone Mahahtir never liked anyway, there is no love lost as far as Khairy Jamaluddin is concerned and that is common knowledge, Sharizat herself is not so much a threat, but if you take these two out of the equation Najib will sleep better, not that he will seep well, but better.

Mahathir wants Khairy out, "out!out! out!," it's taking too long, there is Mukhriz waiting on the wings and it is Muhyddin and Khairy who actually stopped him from taking that position.

Muhyiddin's people are Khairy's supporters, without him Khairy is out, with him Mukhriz faces an uphill battle, so Muhyddin and Khairy both have to go, not that Muhyiddin is a great Khairy supporter but it is a matter of political convenience, with Khairy there Mukhriz is kept at bay.

Mahathir has come out openly and asked Sharizat to go, the reason being once that is done the focus will be on both Muhyddin and Khairy, especially Muhyiddin, he has been supporting her all the time and that too openly. His complicity in this case cannot be denied, and that will be the move once Sharizat moves out, but that step can't be taken until and unless Sharizat moves out.

Right now she is the "great wall" for Muhyiddin, as long as she sticks there he is okay, when he is okay Najib isn't.
English: Abdullah Badawi, Prime Minister of Ma...
Image via Wikipedia

Najib has Muhyiddin to reckon with, he has Mahahtir to reckon with too, Mahathir is prodding him from the other end like a nagging bitch,  to act and to act swiftly, if he does Abdullah is watching.

Abdullah is not sleeping, yes Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has awoken from his slumber he is not asleep, if Najib makes the wrong moves Abdullah may resurrect the case of Altantuya Shaaribu, he has all the facts and Najib knows that, except that Najib does not know how much he knows and that is frightening.

The Attorney General is the stop gap between charging Sharizat and Sharizat's willingness to let go, if she does not Mohamed Salleh Ismail pays the price.

The general feeling in UMNO is she will fight,  she is willing to take that risk, she has  tasted power - UMNO power and now she is willing to  let whatever happens  happen, she want's to fight to the end, and if that is her position the AG will go ahead with the order to charge.

In UMNO politics these days its all big, billion dollar scandals are not rare, sacrificial lambs are small things, in this case it is a sacrificial bull.

In any case if Sharizat remains she becomes a huge liability to UMNO and the BN and all BN people know that and are concerned especially with the General Elections looming, but the UMNO leadership of Najib is too weak to take her out -  and don't we know why?

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