
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Penang police must be deaf and blind

YOURSAY 'Since Lim Guan Eng is the chief executive of the state, does this mean that he is not entitled to round-the-clock police protection?'

Penang CPO: Anti-Lynas organisers arrogant

your sayGerard Samuel Vijayan: As far as the Penang CPO is concerned, these Umno and Perkasa thugs, gangsters and criminals are always right.

The police must be seen to defend them and condone their rowdy and uncouth behaviour simply because they are aligned to the ruling party.

What about law and order? Even if the police were not informed or consulted by the organisers, is the CPO (chief police officer) saying that they were totally unaware of the event despite all the media reports?

What about the SB (Special Branch) officers present to record the event? Are the Penang police suggesting that they were kept in the dark about the CM (chief minister) attending the function?

Since LGE (Lim Guan Eng) is the chief executive of the state, does this mean that he is not entitled to round-the-clock police protection? Or do the police only protect BN leaders?

If this is the level of security provided by the police for our elected leaders, then we must thank God that no political leader has been killed or injured so far in this country. The police must be professional and impartial.

Onyourtoes: Police, I think you seriously do not know your own baloney. You must be blind and deaf not to know what is going on in your area of jurisdiction, including the security of Penang CM and the disruption of his speech.

And what freedom of speech are you talking about? If you disagree with someone organising a rally, you can always organise another one to demonstrate your feeling at another time and place.

Why must you do it at the same time and place to cause tension and disturbance. When Umno and Perkasa organised rallies to cast aspersions on others, did others disrupt and cause tension at the same place and time?

This is not about freedom of speech - this is third world tribalism and barbarism.

Solaris: Yes, Penang chief police officer Ayub Yaacob, you sent in your men at the last minute. But your group did nothing to calm the situation or arrest the troublemakers.

In fact, after Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was finally allowed to leave amidst jeers and taunts, your group stood by and ‘sembang' (chat) with the arrogant Umno hooligans and even walked back together into the area.
By the way, there's no reason why the organisers were duty bound to inform the police of the event because it was a public address at the Speakers Square.

It just so happens that the people who came to listen to the address numbered a few thousand. So, who's being arrogant now?

Hanuntawa: CPO, looked at your past records regarding the constant demonstrations by Umno-linked groups in Penang. What have you done and has anyone been charged?

What about demonstrations by Pakatan Rakyat and other non-Umno NGOs? PSM members have been investigated in Penang for revolting against the Agong.

We taxpayers pay your salary and allowances - not Umno and BN. So be impartial in enforcing the law.

Malaysiawatch4.blogspot: For a police with many Special Branch officers, it is not comforting to know that the cops were unaware of the possible outbreak of violence.

Even if the organisers were arrogant, it is the duty of the police to provide essential security measures. For one thing, those hooligans can be arrested for disturbing a peaceful gathering and creating mischief.

D4f: What arrogance, this CPO. Do I have to inform you before a thief pays me a visit? Or can I ask you to guard my house 24/7 because I may be expecting a visit from the thief?

Wira: Dear police chief, by not condemning and promising an investigation into the lawbreakers first, but instead throwing your scorn at law-abiding citizens who came to protest yesterday, you are showing where your loyalty lies.

Moreover, the protest function was graced by the chief minister. Doesn't your department have feedback on the security arrangements for the chief executive of the state?

Penang BN: Guan Eng may have provoked fracas

Comment: Penang BN working committee chairperson Dr Teng Hock Nam is not a visitor to Malaysia. He should not play with fire. He is forgetting that he could be killed by the same sword he draws and no one would be there to shed tears.

We have to live by principles and be guided by good conduct and conscience. Playing racial or political games for personal opportunism is totally dangerous. Supporting chaos will finally lead to riots and the destruction of our civil rights.

As for BN, if this is way you want to win elections, all sane people must think whether such a government should ever be given a chance to rule.

Cascara: With every incident like this, BN is strengthening its gangster image and losing more votes. Pakatan is gaining more sympathisers in Felda areas with unexpected help from BN goons.

It looks like Pakatan campaigners don't even have to talk much at these locations to get their message across.

Tpn: How stupid can these BN people be. Your members invade a gathering and use vulgar language and you blame the speaker. Utter stupidity.

Don't Play-Play: Dr Teng Hock Nam, just bring out the evidence for everyone to see. If it can shown that the Penang CM Lim Guan Eng provoked the pro-Lynas protesters, it will prove that he lied. - Malaysiakini

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