
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rafidah is right: Najib can't win GE-13 alone, especially Selangor where he can't even name the MB

Rafidah is right: Najib can't win GE-13 alone, especially S'gor where he can't even name the MB
Prime Minister Najib Razak knows that UMNO and the other BN component parties are in bad shape, all suffering from a bad image due to under-performance and gutter politicking. He knows that it would be impossible to undo the many wrongs committed by the UMNO-BN in the past 56 years.
Therefore Najib has to bet everything on himself. This is why he went on a spending spree and an all-out effort to improve his image. This is the story being spun by his advisers to the gullible in Malaysia at least.
Fed up of Najib's preening and vanity
But unfortunately, Malaysians seem to be more intelligent than Najib, not known for his intellectual prowess, and are having none of it. So fed up are they that even an UMNO stalwart, Rafidah Aziz, spoke up.
“But we don’t go to elections based on one man’s popularity. If it’s possible to carry his name in all the ‘kawasan’, then we would win big. But it can’t. It’s not possible. And he cannot be everywhere to campaign,” Rafidah said in an interview with the New Sunday Times over the weekend.
That may well serve Najib right for his comeuppance and conceit! Be that as it may, Najib denies being disorganized. He now feels that he has a very good image or good enough at least to face the voters with confidence.
His main focus remains winning Selangor from the Pakatan Rakyat. The latest plan is to win 31 out of the state's 56 state assembly seats with Umno and MIC contesting 41.
Old guard to be left out
Although, he has pointed out that 60% of the candidate will be new faces and clean, the old guard is still thinking they have a chance. But Satim Diman, Noh Omar, Mohd Zin, Khir Toyo, Muhammad Muhammad Taib, Ezam Mohd Nor and all the present UMNO office bearers can wave good bye to their dreams.
They can also stop bickering as Najib has already got his list of winnable candidates. And given that in the recent UMNO general assembly, delegates authorized him to make the final decision, Najib can be expected to push through with this list, regardless of how loud the grumbling and grousing gets.
Yes, although Najib may have given his assurance that the candidates would be chosen from the present office bearers, he won't have any qualms forgetting his promise. The only thing that this group of rejects can do is to ensure that their right-hand men are chosen.
That is what is happening in Selangor now and that is why Najib is still the Selangor UMNO chief. The rejects are now screaming bloody murder. They have begun telling their people they were the ones who have been lobbying Najib in a bid to claim credit and tie down the final list of candidates named. This way the rejects will make sure that whoever is in the list, he or she will feel obliged to them and serve their interests.
Chinese MB?
There is also talk that Najib is trying to entice former MCA president Ong Tee Keat to accept a state seat and surrender his Pandan parliamentary seat to Umno. In exchange Najib will appoint Tee Keat as Selangor's first ever Chinese mentri besar or chief minister. What are Najib's ulterior motives in such a proposition and whether Tee Keat will fall for it remains to be seen.
By now, it is clear Najib’s plan is not comprehensive and has many loop holes. Since the beginning, UMNO-BN has depended on party workers and volunteers to canvass for votes and do all the 'donkey work' to ensure victory. Despite their hard work, these party workers found themselves sidelined when goodies were being distributed. The reason - the UMNO-BN leaders swiped everything for themselves!
Most of the party workers have not been acknowledged or been rewarded accordingly. As a result, they sabotaged the 2008 general election, contributing to the state's loss to the Pakatan Rakyat. Najib hopes to reverse this weakness by using new faces. But by taking on inexperienced people to do the 'donkey' but essential work this time, Najib may be inviting big trouble for himself.
But then Najib is banking on his “good image" and personal popularity to carry the day. He is convinced that this is the only way to win back Selangor - with an all new team of UMNO men.
Kissing the Umno presidency goodbye!
Yet despite the media pumping up his image and describing his preparations for the polls as meticulous, especially in Selangor, where he remains the state liaison chief, Selangor is likely to blow up in his face.
Not only is the Pakatan extremely popular in the state, but Najib's preparations are not really that well organized at all.
For example, the all-important question is still unanswered. If BN really wins in Selangor, who will be the Mentri Besar? Will it really be Tee Keat? How can Najib talk about winning and ditching the old guard and party workers, when he can't even name a Mentri Besar potential.
Some in UMNO, especially his rivals from the pro-Mahathir Mohamad faction such as Rafidah, have begun asking if Najib is really preparing to win Selangor.
To them, at the rate he is going, it looks more like he is preparing for an extended exit strategy for the UMNO-BN and unwittingly also for himself. Because if Selangor is not recaptured, Najib can kiss the UMNO presidency and premiership goodbye!
Malaysia Chronicle

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