
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scratching the Wrong Back

The legacies that 1Malaysia is leaving behind after his reign is 1TooMany to count, talk about recalling the many 1Projects initiated supposedly by this 1Person. And if it's true these 1Many Projects are indeed the creation of 1Brain, it does speak volumes of the intelligence of the other leaders of the coalition, huh?

Besides the 1Malaysia Policy of People First Performance now, the equally distinct characteristic of the reign of this 1Supreme leader (apology to the Fatwa fellows for glorifying a homo sopien being more supreme than the Supreme Himself), now aka ah jib gor, is the magical or ajaib formula of gaining voters 'to trust me' is the tagline People Your Perform First is You Help Me, I Help You or I Scratch My Back, I Scratch Yours then you will get what I decide you can have, no?

This YHMIHU or vice versa (see story here) or ISYBYSMB, is treating voters like some kind of prostitutes or monkeys who are in such dire situation itching for money that they will do a monkey see, monkey do act to get the peanuts, no?

This YHMIHU  and its ISYBYSMB vice versa scratching has spawned similar variations of YTM  or You Trust Me and ITU which is not any mischievous sounding Chinese dialect expletives but rather I Trust You pasar malam kind of barter marketing style one encounters in the chee cheong kai of Petaling Street.

For a politician and more so a FMOM, First Man of Malaysia that is, to indulge in this type of horse trading sends the signal of not trusting the voters, desperation, lack of confidence in one's self worth or the voters don't trust your sincerity? Worse still, asking for favours done shows the insincerity of the leader in all that he or she has done or plans to do is genuine in the first place. Everything done has a motive and not done out of genuineness, altruistic or that which elected politicians are supposed to do right?

What do we think of someone who expects a reciprocal degree of gratitude for what he does for you? Asking for such gratitude is not win-win strategy but demonstrate the 'fake-ness' of one's action!

By bargaining with the voters, it is not surprising leaders from this party are
forever chiding their own people for not showing gratitude for all they have done. Does such an attitude reflect the stature of an ah jib gor as the Chinese give reverence to such titling. Not so ah gor trying to gorge gratitude out from voters huh?

So how sincere or valid is the offer said in a venue which the leader's holy men in robes have openly declared sacrificing his faith in being among infidels and pagans that his God or is the religious head forbids? See the context here.

If we believe the leader swear on the Holy Book as proof of his holiness and a more noble and exemplary Muslim over those of the same faith and even higher than pagans and infidels, then his presence in a pagan venue so declared his holy men in robes, the YSMBISY or ITU UTM promise has no worth at all even if it was declared in front of Lord Murugan huh?

God is Great or is it Fate has its own way of turning out surprises. Has this kidnapping kind of 'ransom order' of getting back your life if you scratch my back, has kind of backfired?

This bargaining seems to have been invalidated because the leader's holy council of holy men's decree has deemed the presence as an 'idolatrous act! So it doesn't count whatever you plea or promise because those many thousands are pagans (at least according to the leader's religious leader) whether legal, illegal, migrants or foreign tourists,  right?  And pagans gift to you should be treated as 'haram' too which means better for pagans to cast their votes to other pagans who would appreciate them more eh?

So one can cry a sigh of relief that the sea of pagan's and infidels (according to the leader's holy council of holy men's decree) will not buy the offer to relief each other's itch simply because you can't make such promises or ask for favours from infidels and pagans, can you?

If we are to subscribe to the truth of the holy council of holy clerics, they are probably telling our 1Leader that he's scratching the wrong back with his 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine or vice versa offer too! The only valid and God approved scratching is probably to scratch the back of your own kind or the religious fellows perhaps?

Is our Pakatan fellows jumping up for joy and sigh a huge relief some one's fingers got whacked before even reaching out to scratch an infidel's back huh? So if the infidels and pagans (according to the holy council of holy clerics) feel left out simply because they choose to worship Lord Murugan, will they then turn their back, not to be scratched but away from the holy fingers and instead prefer to rub shoulders with the other supposedly Jew sympathiser leader eh??

God, Lord Murugan included are very powerful indeed don't we all agree, pagans or however holy or chosen by God you make yourself to be? - YAHMEH!!!

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