
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Smackdown for Rosmah: Curtin withdraws of use of the term FLOM in tradeoff with critics

Smackdown for Rosmah: Curtin withdraws of use of the term FLOM in tradeoff with critics
In a move bound to knock the wind out of the sails of Prime Minister Najib Razak's wife, Australia's Curtin University has apologized for referring to her as the First Lady of Malaysia, which according to the country's constitution is a title reserved for the Queen.
Curtin had made the mistake when it issued an honorary doctorate to the unpopular Rosmah Mansor. Although it did not say so, the university certainly got more than it bargained for when it recently awarded an honorary doctorate to her. Complaints flooded its Facebook page and the university was even accused of trying to gain favor or had accepted some form of bribe or other to grant Rosmah the PhD, and address her as the  First Lady of Malaysia.
“We also accept that our use of the term ‘first lady’ has offended some people, and apologise for this. We will no longer use that term, and have reissued our media statement with this change made,” Jeanette Hacket, Curtin's vice chancellor, said in a statement.
Will not withdraw PhD
The withdrawal of the usage of the term 'First Lady of Malaysia' or FLOM appears to be some sort of compromise from Curtin to its alumni and student body, who have been vociferous in their criticism of their alma mater for not checking Rosmah's background before extending the honorary PhD.
Indeed, Rosmah has been embroiled in many scandals including the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder, which she has denied any involvement in. Yet two of her former bodyguards are languishing in the death row for the murder, with one them publicly saying that he was just a pawn used in a game played by big-time politicians. Rosmah has also been accused of being greedy and corrupt. 
Nonetheless, Hacket defended the university's decision to confer the PhD to Rosmah, which she said was for "distinguished service" ” to the university, to the community, to society or those who have made a distinguished contribution to a field of academic endeavour.
"We acknowledge that there are a range of views on this award, but the University stands by its decision to grant the honorary doctorate,” said Hacket.
“Datin Sri Rosmah was recognised as the founder and driving force behind the Permata early childhood centres which enable children below the age of five to experience quality early learning.  This initiative recognises the importance of early education for children and ultimately for their communities. There are now more than 600 Permata centres reaching tens of thousands of children."
At 60, Rosmah often claims the criticism that dogs most of her moves are due to the opposition's smear tactics.
Even for the PhD, she slammed "jealous" critics for complaining to Curtin. Yet, she is the most reviled of Malaysia's first ladies. She is known for her over-the-top shopping sprees and her alleged purchases include a US$24mil diamond ring and scores of Birkin handbags.
Nicknamed Imelda-Rosmah, she is also a shrewd businesswoman and corporate chieftains often complain that their proposals have to go past her before they get to meet the PM.
Malaysia Chronicle

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