
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 12, 2012

War in UMNO? Which one way will Najib go?

Image by Getty Images via@daylife
Unless Najib is willing to allow Sharizat the benefit and clear her of all wrongdoings,  he is in for a big battle within UMNO. Not really a battle but rather an  all out war - the likes of which have not been witnessed in all UMNO history, and Sharizat's, Muhyiddin's and Khairy Jamaludddin's supporters are ready to wage this war - a war that may either make or break UMNO.

All the three of them are UMNO leaders Sharizaat the head of the Wanita and Khairy the head of the youth wing,   Muhyiddin was voted in as Deputy President, and all of them have demonstrated tremendous grass root support.

Najib did not have that privilege or was he too afraid to challenge anyone, that the status quo had to be maintianed and the draconian UMNO rule of only being able to contest if you had a  minimum number of nominations   rendered Tengku Razaleigh ineligible to contest him. Had Kuli come in then Najib's real strength could have been gauged, Najib is thus a PM by default.

If Sharizat has to go as Najib wants her to, then the pressure will mount on Muhyddin and Khairy both who are in one way or another involved in the award of the NFC contract to Sharizat's husband, he can't absolve one and keep the other two and hope that all will be okay, in fact it will only get worse, and that is what some factions in UMNO claim, after all it's Sharizat's husband who owns NFC not Sharizat, so it is those who were actively involved in the award of this contract who should be taken to task, and that includes UMNO's deputy president, and UMNO's youth chief.

Of course if Najib can wipe out all the three he will then be seen as all powerful, but in UMNO to carry out such an attack he has to have the resources, and resources in UMNO means money - big big bucks, and it has to simmer down right to the grassroots, it is only money speak in UMNO nothing else will do.

That is the reality of UMNO, corruption breeding corruption and more corruption.

If Najib on the other hand decides to be Jantan Kuat and go head and sack the three it will create an uprising in UMNO bigger than what has ever been seen, and the Mahathir - Anwar saga would  look but like a storm in a teacup.

Can Najib Wage This War?

One UMNO division head tells me he'd like to, but being Najib he dares not, " had it been Mahathir, that man woudl have gone for it, he had a hold on so many people that he would  have done it and still survived, he may come out bruised  yes - after the battle, but he (Mahathir) can survive. Najib? OMG, Najib will be made sambal belacan, and served to the UMNO assembly. He does not have that clout, in fact no one, and I dare say, no one respects Najib in UMNO, maybe some people respect the seat of the President, but Najib no way."

Najib according to UMNO sources knows his strengths, he is a great disciple of the SWOT principle and is working overtime on beefing up his strengths and looking for opportunities, but this "beef case" is driving him up the wall.

All indications are that he will only go for Sharizat Abdul Jalil and leave the other two alone, Khairy Jamaluddin  is no real threat to him, and with that move - removing Sharizat he hopes enough damage will be done to Muhyiddin whom he'd  like  to remove but lacks that Jantaness. 

If Najib takes this route, that of removing only Sharizat only, he may be solving one problem only to create  two more, if he decides to go for broke it will be all out  war, and if he does nothing  he loses the confidence of the Malay majority which is waning by the day, it is this reality that is drawing Zaid Ibrahim back to the opposition, after all he was/is an UMNO man.

Which one way will Najib go?

Is he thinking of parking Muhyiddin in Johor as MB or is he preparing for battle in Johor  -  battle with Muhyddin?


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