
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 5, 2012

About to explode: Najib's pack of lies over the Lynas project

About to explode: Najib's pack of lies over the Lynas project
The Lynas rare earth refinery project is a mess! Not only will it leave a “mess” but the way the refinery was brought to our shores is a mess. Who came up with the idea that Malaysia could process rare-earth material after the horrible mistakes at Bukit Merah? And as the debate on whether the refinery should be allowed to operate continues to unfold shows just how poorly the authorities planned the whole affair right from the start.
When the Najib administration issued the Temporary Operating Licence (TOL) to Lynas Corp, one would have thought that all due consideration had been given to the risk factors in allowing Lynas to begin operations. But instead, we now know that the issue of where the waste from the extraction of rare earth was never ever settled.
Relying on public relations trickery
Najib has tried to appease an angry citizenry but again he is relying on imagery, the public relations puff that is the hallmark of his tenure, by saying that the waste would be 'faraway' from the Gebeng, Pahang refinery - although it would be in Malaysia. So which other part of lucky Pahang will be the new receipt of this toxic rubbish, or which other lucky state in Malaysia can expect to be lumped with this potentially deadly residue?
"Although experts have proof, including declarations by international bodies, that the residue is safe, there are people who are still apprehensive about it.  So we have decided that the residue will be moved to another place. We want the people to feel safe," Najib told reporters last week, denying that the change of heart came due to enormous pressure piled by the opposition leaders led by PKR MP for Kuantan Fuziah Salleh.
Along with Gebeng residents and activists, Fuziah and PKR had organized an anti-Lynas rally attended by more than 20,000 people from across the country two weeks ago. The size of the turnout was an eyeopener and a factor that Najib cannot ignore with the 13th general election due to be held soon.
Always lying to the people
Najib's comments also caught at least two of his own officials in a white lie. If over such a crucial matter the Najib administration is willing to lie to the people, how can the people ever trust it to look after their interests.
Minister in the PM's department Koh Tsu Koon had informed the public that the hunt for a suitable storage site will involve as many as four ministries. he ongoing discussions have included the Science, Technology and Innovation; Health; International Trade and Industry; and Natural Resources and Environment ministries. “I have also spoken up on this issue within the Cabinet, and my colleagues in the Cabinet have already made a statement to ask Lynas to move their waste material away,” Koh said.
Then the biggest joke. Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Lynas must find a way to ship its waste back to Australia, failing which no temporary operating licence (TOL) will be issued for its controversial rare earth plant in Gebeng.
Liow was banking on the statement made by Malaysia's AELB director-general Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan, who said the residue could be sent back to Australia.
“Western Australia said it will not accept radioactive waste from third countries. They never said they will not accept Lynas residue. And therefore, if there are commercial items that can be returned to Australia, it is for the Australian government to decide whether it will accept them,” said Raja Abdul Aziz.
But that is just a play on words by the AELB director-general. A clever twist to hide the fact that this ‘return-to-sender’ solution is a wild card haphazard solution and one that definitely will not go down well with the Australian authorities, known for their strictness in such issues.
Aussies have totally opposite view!
Norman Moore, the Minister of Mines and Petroleum for Western Australia has already categorically stated that they will NOT accept waste from Lynas. This was in response to a question during a parliamentary seating in April last year.
In February, 2012, Norman Moore issued another statement in response to the TOL issued to Lynas, "National legislation stipulates that Australia will not accept responsibility for any waste product produced from offshore processing of resources purchased in Australia such as iron ore, mineral sands and the rare earth produced by Lynas Corporation. Australia does not support the importation and storage of other countries' radioactive waste."
Then Robin Chapple, Greens MP, supported the idea that radioactive waste must be processed right at Lynas Corp's mine and placed immediately back in the ground from where it came from - the very reasons why China had slashed its rare earths exports quota because it wants to ensure the health of its environment and citizens.
"One of the major reasons China has reduced its rare earth output and exports since 2009 was the government's and public concern that mining and refining operations were causing excessive contamination to surrounding areas," Chapple said in a press statement issued after the release of the TOL approval.
Another grandiose but false gesture
So, what is Raja Abdul Aziz and Liow Tiong Lai talking about? To butter Najib, because this is his pet project? Is it justifiable for them to lie through their teeth? Have they acted based on their conscience to the Malaysian people? Or are they just out to gloss over anything and everything just to make sure that the Umno boat of political hegemony is not rocked? Do they qualify to be called professionals? Should not both be 'retired' early for their lack of ethics and potentially endangering the health of the Malaysian people by trying to mislead them?
And how did this farce of a project ever get approved in the first place when it is now clear there was never a solid solution for the most important component - waste management and disposal?
And why is the Malaysian government under Najib so adamant that this project will commence when it is clear that something stinks right from the onset - not just in the waste it will produce but also in the way the whole business deal was hatched.
Over the weekend, Najib made another grandiose and false gesture. He pompously apologized for the past misdeeds of the BN. Yet the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If he is sincere, scrap Lynas. If he is not corrupt, call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into why the deal was approved, how it was structured and who benefited.
"After ascending the premiership for 3 years, Malaysians are not witnessing any improvements but only worsening conditions in the country. Malaysia has dropped further in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from 56th to 60th. The BN government still lacks the political will to tackle grand corruption and cases of abuse of power," MP Tony Pua said in a statement on Monday.
Malaysia Chronicle


  1. Mengenai Lynas tersebut pihak pengurusan perlu membuat perbincangan khas mengenai pembinaan tersebut. Kita tidak mahu perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku kelak.

  2. Isu Lynas ini hanya mengelirukan rakyat. Siapa yang berkata benar? Siapa yang ambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan? Kerajaan kena pastikan bahawa mereka akan buat keputusan yang mengambil kira kepentingan rakyat dan alam sekitar.

  3. lagi bagus jika hanya pakar2 dalam bidang nuklear atau saintis sahaja yang berdebat mengenai projek ini.. ahli2 politik tidak payah sibuk2 berkenaan dengan hal yang diluar kepakaran mereka..

  4. Umno’s Dr Mohd Khir Toyo has waded into the controversy surrounding the construction of the Lynas refinery in Gebeng, Pahang, saying that it should not be built as its disadvantages outweigh the plant’s usefulness.

    1. “As far as I am concerned, personally for me, it should not (be built)... this can chase business out of the country, because of speculation of it being unsafe.

    2. The former Selangor mentri besar suggested that the government should repay the investment made by Lynas Corp if it decided to not go ahead with the refinery, saying that safety and confidence of the public was a priority.

    3. The Sungai Panjang assemblyman however praised Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for saying he would scrap plant’s construction if there was scientific evidence to prove it was hazardous.

    4. “Rare earths are a problem, and I am happy PM Najib says that if Lynas was dangerous it would be scrapped. It is best if this case gets professional views, even if we have to hire people overseas it is okay,” he added.

    5. Najib told radio station 988FM in an interview last week he would scrap the Lynas plant if there was scientific evidence to prove it was hazardous.

    6. Putrajaya announced that it would set up a Parliamentary Select Committee on the Lynas rare earths plant in Kuantan, which has stoked fears of radiation pollution.
      The committee on Lynas was approved in the Dewan Rakyat recently amid opposition furore over the alleged lack of terms of reference and suspicion that the nine-man panel will be used to “whitewash” the issue.

    7. The decision to set up the panel came after months of fierce opposition to the project from PR, civil society groups and the public.

    8. But the Australian miner maintains that waste from the Gebeng plant will not be hazardous and can be easily recycled for commercial applications.


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