
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Christianity threats?

  • The Johor Education Department (JED) and the Johor State Religious Department plans to organize a seminar. The theme of the seminar is about teacher’s role in strengthening the Islamic faith and addressing the threat of Christianity. As a result of the program, there has been strong reaction from both the Muslims and the Christians. A non-issue has been made into a major issue, which actually is a slap in face of the organizers. It reflects their shortsightedness.
  • I firmly believe there is nothing wrong for anyone to organize such seminar. It is not wrong even for the Christians to have a seminar on similar topics like “threat of Malaysian Muslims on Christians”. Any religious group can organize such seminar. However what are not acceptable is the involvement of the JED as the co-organizer and the involvement of teachers via the department. The MOE and the various ED are supposed to be color blind and they are suppose to be religiously neutral. In a school setting there are Muslim and Non-Muslim teachers as well as students. If MOE do not maintain such neutrality, than the national school will eventually be mono-ethnic school. What happen to national unity? What will happen to Malaysia? Why is that some Muslims fear the Christians?
  • Islam as a religion is backed by the constitution and is part of the government system. Christianity is not and yet the Muslims are scared about the Christians? This fear is self perpetuated by Muslims with low quality of faith. The Christians don’t point a gun to the head of a Muslim and force the person to become Christian. In reality, many Muslims left Islam not because of the attraction of Christianity but because of the Muslims themselves pushed them out with their insensitive and illogical approach in perpetuating Islam.
  •  I’m for one is extremely pissed with the unreasonable committee members of my mosque. My request for a reasonable volume Azan has gone to deaf ears. In fact it appears that the more I raised the issue the louder is the Azan. The human ear has a limited threshold. Anything beyond certain decibels, it will not sound like Azan but merely noise. Why can’t they appreciate that? Unfortunately my mosque committee members are insensitive of the community views. Proposal like sound mapping has been ignored. My neighborhood non-Muslims are laughing at us. They asked is this Islam is all about? The other Muslims in my neighbor don’t want to raise the issue because they felt it is “sensitive”.  They took the simple action of closing their doors and windows. Doesn’t the Mosque committee see that they are an extension or represent the religion and their current action only makes Islam looks bad? They are pushing more and more people away from the religion rather than attracting people to it. The way I see it, Muslims should not blame others if one of them choose to convert to another religion. They need to blame themselves for having a shortsighted view and lack of foresight in approaching the community. I am fed up the people who represent Islam and only Allah knows how close am I about giving up this religion that I have profess since birth. It has nothing to do with Christians. Its all due to the torch bearers of Islam in my Taman. One day if I choose to walk out from this religion, they should shoulder all the blame and dosa.

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