
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daim begging Chinese voters to give BN another chance...

Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin believes that 80% of the Chinese voters have made up their minds whom they would support in the next general election but warns them against voting based on sentiments and emotions.

In an interview with Nanyang Siang Pau, the Umno veteran said it will not augur well for the country in the long run if the results of the next general election show that the Malay and Indian voters generally supported the Barisan Nasional (BN) while the Chinese mostly voted for the Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

He said the Chinese voters should realise that Malaysia, being a multiracial country, cannot afford any risk of political instability.

"The voters in Japan, India and Mexico have tried to change their governments ... they can try because there are only Japanese (voters) in Japan, Indians in India ... current situation shows that Japan's economy has stagnated for many years. We should ask ourselves, 'can we afford this kind of situation?'" Daim stressed that as PR comprises three strange bedfellows, what would happen can be predicted should the opposition front take over Putrajaya.

"If you vote for Pakatan because you are not happy with the hikes in prices of goods or the rise in the cost of living, do you think they (Pakatan) have the ability to reduce the prices of goods?" he asked.

Daim felt that Chinese voters should look at things from the Malaysian perspectives as all issues are Malaysian issues. He said the electorate must know that no government is perfect, and the longer the government stays, the more mistakes it makes, and the Pakatan is no exception.

He said the Chinese voters should vote in the interest of the country and not based on sentiments, which is a very dangerous move. He said he understood that some 80% of the Chinese voters have already decided to support the Pakatan, ignoring all the efforts of the BN. The bottomline is, they support the opposition, he said.

"To me, this is an emotional decision. You cannot say, 'no matter whether you (the government) are good or no good, all I want is to topple you'.

This is too emotional, if everyone does that in the future, it would be dangerous.

"If they (the Chinese) believe Pakatan is the answer to the problems facing them, I can only say they will be disappointed, because it will not be possible.

"Many a time, governing a country such as multi-ethnic Malaysia is akin to walking the tightrope, almost half the time is spent on maintaining balance on the wire," he said.

He felt that the Chinese should at least wait until they have studied the manifestos of both the BN and Pakatan and the names of the candidates are announced before making a decision.

Asked if he think the voting trend in the Sarawak state election last year, in which the majority of the Chinese voted for the Opposition, would be repeated in the next general election, Daim said it would depend on what choices the Chinese make.

He said that when voters become emotional, not only a community faces undesirable consequences, everyone is put in jeopardy. 

He reiterated that although as many as 80% of the Chinese voters have already decided whom they would support, it does not mean the BN has no chance of convincing them to change their minds.

"To a certain extent, the Chinese voters have succeeded in becoming a pressure group. But whatever pressure applied by the Chinese would evoke a counter-pressure from the non-Chinese.

"In multiracial Malaysia, the ultimate means to please all voters would be not to please anybody."

During the interview Daim dwelled on a number of subjects, including the choice of the finance minister which he said is not an exclusive bumiputra post. He is of the opinion the prime minister, who is made very busy being also the Umno chief and BN chairman, should not be holding the finance portfolio, which requires the holder's total and undivided attention.

Daim reiterated his prediction that apart from Penang and Kelatan, BN would have a good chance of winning all states in the Peninsular. Nevertheless, he said it will not be plain sailing ahead for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.

An excerpt of the interview:

Question: How do you see Najib's leadership? Will he be able to lead BN's charge and rise to the challenges of the 13th general election?

Daim: Although there is some back swing of votes to Barisan, it is going to be a rough ride ahead for the prime minister. It is not easy (for the PM). We want to ask, where are the new echelon leaders? Where are the potential candidates? I personally hope that he (Najib) chooses to identify his choices (of candidates) now, and not wait until the election.- theSundaily



Jeremy Tankh - Daim said the electorate must know that no government is perfect, and the longer the government stays, the more mistakes it makes, and the Pakatan is no exception. Totally agreed. BN has long over stayed, as indicated by mountain high of mistakes they made in recent time. Clearly there's no way out of this, as laid down in Daim's theory, except to have a new government. For the benefit of rakyat, time to change government. And when Pakatan stays long enough, as indicates by their future increasing mistakes, we voters will do the same thing, and kick them out, and bring back BN. That's two-party system!

UMBC - Do not play races again. Do not divide and rule again. It is not the 80% Chinese that make up their mind to vote for Pakatan, it is 80% of Malaysian that have make up their mind.  Want to convince them to change their mind? Then it will go up to 85% willing to vote for PR.

Silent One - It is this type of thinking that is typical of the corrupted BN led by UMNO. They are always using fears and threats if they are not in power.  All Malaysians, except those BN / UMNO viruses, should take the bold step to vote out BN / UMNO not because we love PR but this change is most necessary to put our beloved nation on the right track.

MMOM - BN has rule the country for more than 50 years. They are corrupt, discriminate people, liar, feed their cronies, racist, cakap tak serupa bikin. Now after more than 5o years how on earth can they change. Their ruling style has become their culture and religion. Nothing on earth can change them and the ONLY way out is for the people to vote them out.

al-yuree - Daim....you're in no position to advice the chinese! In fact you're also one of thieves that loot the country treasurer money! It makes you no different than current ameno leaders!

Don't play play DIAM. - Yes, You are damn right. We the Chinese kept our words n promises not even you or the PM can encourage us to vote for BN OR MCA.OUR main focus is for Pakatan to run for next 5 years for good or bad. The right of People's Power are in the hand of Raykat Hidup Pakatan Mati BN. DIAM(SHUT UP)

Ya lah, semasa Daim berkuasa dulu, ada dia atau BN/UMNO kisah pasal masyarakat Tionghua?  Em... you all jawab sendiri le...


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