
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 25, 2012

The death of accountability in Malaysia

It was said in ancient times, when nobles and leaders commit a great offense, social absolution of their station required contrite retribution; The murder of one's own self - suicide - no less.

In ancient Greece and Rome, it was decorum, protecting self and family, from open trials that shamed publicly.

Patriarchs and matriarchs of disgraced nobility, or appointed officials found guilty, would cut their throats, slit their wrists, or sheathe sharp daggers into their chests.

azlanQuiet, dignified, private, and honourable deaths that cleansed the offense, mitigating punishment against surviving family members.

Although frowned upon in medieval and Christian Europe, it was embraced blade to heart, by the gentry and Renaissance Humanists, who chose ‘death before dishonour'.

In ancient Japan, the ritual was termed seppuku, or to us gai-jin(outlanders) , what the vulgar and Hollywood called harakiri.

It was painful suicide to absolve, dishonor, shame and defeat, slitting one's belly, before one's head was lobbed off.

Distasteful as it may seem, it derive from principled accountability; of having the courage to take the fall and claim responsibility, for one's own faults.
Career murder
In our kinder, gentler, more modern wasathiyah (moderate) times, such deaths are needless, the same absolution achieved, through more humane and civilised means.

Leaders or public officials in hot soup, would quietly take leave or publicly resign; Murdering one's career, but keeping some shreds of dignity in hand.

richard nixonI shall not go through the whole rigmarole, but even US president 'lying' Dicky Nixon (right) did it, and closer to home, 'virile' MCA chief Chua Soi Lek.

Whole governments and administrations have toppled, the mighty being humbled, by offenses undignified, punishments just as contrite.

But not in our Malaysia, as public officials and politicians, stands mostly immune, by their old boys network, 'incestously' shielded.

Think: "Quid pro quo", "You help me, I help you", "Show me the money", and "I vote you".

"O ye hard hearts, you blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things," was Shakespeare's taunt to the plebeians' easy discard of loyalty, after great Caesar murdered mighty Pompey.

The same phrase could match our 'great' leaders who have taken it upon themselves to run roughshod over us, to whom they owe their stations to.

But then again, it could also apply to us, who continue to eat their lies, and vote them in as polls arise.

Accountability is dead here, as officials accused or linked to graft, continue to prance around, like pockmarked ringwormed emperors in transparent new robes.

Politicians linked to murder, walk freely, unfettered, while besmirched public officials pay no mind to accusations.

"No need for a tribunal" one decreed, in defence of the one who failed to include him, in the trial of police commandos, who murdered a foreign woman.

Some might say that is kosher, others may question its manner. But what is clear or should be to all, is that officials must not only be clean but SEEN to be thus.

Ministers linked to graft and murder, must stand down and go hither, officials with a hint of scandal about them must take leave, or follow John Profumo who resigned over Christine Keeler.

Yes accountability is dead, in this 'great' nation of ours, but we all stand accused, of being its very murderers.

Corrupted leaders, dirty officials, blind supporters, tidak apa(indifferent) observers and 'do nothing' bystanders alike: Wake up, wake up Malaysia!

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