
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 22, 2012

FAKE RM1,000 VOUCHER given by UMNO in Selangor

Please "SHARE" & "SPREAD" this to as MANY Malaysians & Pakatan supporters as possible!

AFTER checking with the Selangor State Chief Minister's ( MB's ) Office, the following report in this Blog is completely FALSE!

UMNO/BN has went as low as PRINTING many "FAKE VOUCERS" of RM1000 for Selangor State simply to try and CLAIM that Pakatan Rakyat ( PR ) is trying to COPY what the Federal Government has done with their BR1M RM500 scheme...

UMNO who's CULTURE it is to LIE & SLANDER has gone as low as DESIGNING as well PRINTING these FAKE VOUCHERS to make them look as realistic as possible ( using YOUR tax payers money too! )...

THIS is how "LOW" they would go for UPCOMING PRU-13 ( and I'd bet you they'd go even LOWER than this cow they HAVE no Honor or Dignity! )...

PS. And I 'always' find it AMUSING when some people comment in this Group for
us to show some 'respect' for these UMNO/BN low life's who HAVE NO SELf-
RESPECT themSELVES- telling to NOT go as LOW as 'them' ( UMNO/BN )...
believe me...making FUN or a MOCKERY of them is the MAX that we
'could' go...unlike UMNO/BN who's scheming and ill will behaviors
seem to know NO LIMIT for as long as they could STAY in-power...they would


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