
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 9, 2012

Foreign powers are taking over, screams Perkasa, but Dr Rosmah chases after Western glitz

Foreign powers are taking over, screams Perkasa, but Dr Rosmah chases after Western glitz
Finally, the news is out. An extremely reputable organization by the name of Perkasa has revealed that the Opposition blogs in Malaysia are funded by the United States or Germany or some other foreign power. Perkasa couldn't make up its mind on which, but insisted it was either of these three groups.
Now being a hard-core extremist Malay rights outfit that sometimes makes itself out to be ignorant and backward - to Perkasa, such foreign connection is blasphemous. Never mind that Prime Minister Najib Razak's government was recently caught red-handed trading palm oil with Israel even though his Umno party says such activities are a betrayal to Muslims all around the world. But maybe because Perkasa has ties with Umno, it was ready to close an eye on that.
It was Selangor Perkasa chairman Abdullah Mansor who admitted he had no proof over the foreign funding allegations, but still insisted that the identified blogs shared the same modus operandi and published the same agenda simultaneously. To safeguard themselves, the Malays, the Sultans, national security and world peace, Perkasa members then duly lodged a police report at the Dang Wangi district headquarters.
So in demand!
Aiyah... how distressing it is to know that the US, Germany and other foreign powers are intervening in the political jurisdiction of our beloved homeland, Malaysia. Obviously, these countries are greedily eyeing our oil wealth and natural resources, which our brave Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has tried so hard to preserve.
It was the same case in Iraq, when the western powers rushed in to control all the oil resources. If not, why else are these Western powers taking such an interest in our country, which is a nice and peace-loving nation tucked away in a quiet corner of Southeast Asia!
Then, Perkasa and the various Umno-linked bodies also accused Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition Leader of being an Israeli Secret Agent and a double agent for the United States, but since there was no proof, action is yet to be taken against him.
Frankly, there have been so many accusations and police reports lodged against this man that one wonders why Najib and Perkasa are so paranoid about him. Anyway, unless they can come up with some real proof, and not some trumped-up sodomy charges or sex Video farce, it looks like Anwar is set to become the leader of this country come June 2012. Ah! maybe that's why Umno, Najib and Perkasa are so keen to chop his reputation down.
Yes, there is talk the 13th general election or GE-13 will be held in May-June of this year, some even say May 26. It will be a regime chance, the first ever in Malaysia's 55-years of history after independence from British rule in 1957. And it is looked forward to by Malaysians throughout the country and all around the world. A new broom certainly sweeps better as the saying goes.
Enters FLOM and her staunch support for things US
So,with all these dynamics in mind, it was really startling and even humiliating when Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor - our beloved First Lady of Malaysia, FLOM - agreed to accept an honorary award from an American University, the Stevens Institute of Technology. Yes, the US again! This country is so desperate to intervene in our internal affairs that it has even spread its tentacles all around our comely Rosmah.
But First Lady, FLOM or not, she really should have declined. It is a major slap in the face for her husband, his government, Mahathir Mohamad, the Malays, Umno, Perkasa, Utusan, Berita Harian, Awang Selamat, the Sultans and even the federal constitution! Her refusal to heed her husband's direction and her rush to grab all types of doctorates and awards from foreign powers with ulterior motives will soon land them both in hot soup.
In New York earlier this month, she expressed hopes that talented performing artistes from Malaysia will be given the opportunity to pursue their studies at the renowned Juilliard School there. She even expressed her gladness over music prodigy Tengku Ahmad Irfan Tengku Ahmad Shahrizal, 13, being the first Malaysian to be accepted by the prestigious school and hoped that under the personal tutelage of well-known and sought-after pianist Dr Yoheved Kaplinsky, he would be able to realize his fullest potential.
Indeed, her insistence on maintaining warm relations with the USA is nothing short of displeasing, especially when the influential Washington Post read by all the top US leaders including the powerful Jewish lobby called her husband a champion of doubletalk! Still, she thought nothing of splurging good Malaysian ringgit on an expensive front page advertisement in the New York Times, not to mention her legendary shopping sprees in that other 'enemy' country - Australia, which once dared to call our Mahathir Mohamad a 'recalcitrant'.
Stop the hypocrisy and flip flops
Najib too is not consistent. If the 'US, Germany and other foreign powers' are as bad as Perkasa tells us they are, why did he lobby to meet with US President Barack Obama? I mean, what good is a handshake when Perkasa has proof the US is paying the Opposition blogs to create havoc and topple him! How silly of him to waste public money like that when the Opposition blogs have made mincemeat of them!
So what is the point of this article and the histrionics above? The point is the 'beloved; first couple would do better to remain level-headed and look at the big picture. They must make up their mind, is the US our enemy, is Germany our enemy and are 'foreign powers' our enemy? Or is it Perkasa which is our enemy? Life is not just about short-term political expediency, there must be some long-lasting principles.
As it is now, Malaysians can expect the police to act fast on the Perkasa report. Arrests may even be made. Evidence and proof are not important in the Malaysian system. Look at the cows and condos scandal involving Umno minister Shahrizat Jalil and her family. A wealth of documentary evidence has been submitted, but the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission have closed both eyes!
Then there is the buzz over the Razak Baginda written judgment released only a shameful 3 years after the ruling was delivered. Accused of abetting the Altantuya Shaaribbuu murder, Baginda was let off the hook without his defense called. The Attorney General quickly moved in to say they would not appeal the decision.
But was this because Baginda is Najib's buddy and Najib is also implicated in the murder. Why, the culprits were actually Najib's own bodyguards, and one of them insisted he was paid to do it. Yet recently, the AG contradicted himself when he rushed to appeal the court's decision to acquit Anwar Ibrahim due to flimsy evidence. Was this to help Najib get an easy ride in GE-13 by immobilizing his political rival?
Cheap tricks to fool the people
Whichever it is, the fact is there is already a steady decline of American and German tourists to Malaysia. Yet, Perkasa - the Umno champion of the Malays - continues to reveal the dastardly acts of terrorism by these irresponsible powers and their evil intentions in Malaysia, even when there is a lack of proof.
Not too long ago, Perkasa even warned the government that the Chinese were helping Singapore to take over this country. The same warning was echoed by Mahathir Mohamad, but then the government couldn’t act as there was no proof.
Such awful, unpleasant and dangerous accusations, yet no effort was made at all to demand that Perkasa and Mahathir show proof. What does this show? Well, firstly, Najib is the champion of the doubletalk that the Washington Post has accused him of being. So is his Umno party and Perkasa.
The bottom line is, Najib and wife Rosmah are not ashamed to publicly chase after the bright lights in Washington, Monte Carlo and the First World cities. Yet, they think nothing of keeping their countrymen backward - yes, even stupid - by making bogeymen of the very same 'foreign powers'! If they were more responsible people, surely they would teach Malaysians to appreciate and learn some of the good things about these Western countries.
In other words, make a stand when political thugs like Perkasa and Mahathir make outrageous claims without an iota of proof and not just flow depending on which way it benefits them politically. Maybe the First World countries are advanced because they have found out the hard way that it doesn't pay to use cheap tricks on the people!
Malaysia Chronicle

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