
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

GE-13 game changer: Sabahans now know they need Pakatan to break free from poverty

GE-13 game changer: Sabahans now know they need Pakatan to break free from poverty
When Joseph Pairin Kitingan the founder and president of Parti Bersatu Sabah led his party out of the BN in 1985 he appointed his brother Jeffery Kitingan as the boss of Yayasan Sabah. This gave Joesph control over the two most important arms of government needed to stay in power - the political and financial arms of a state.
Yayasan Sabah controls almost all the forests in Sabah as well as many businesses, collecting a lot of revenue that were put at the disposal of Jeffery Kitingan. The two brothers wanted Sabah to be a state managed by Sabahans, with the Kadazan-Dusun-Murut community the largest stakeholders in determining the state's future and they even had a long-term goal of taking Sabah out of the Malaysian Federation.
Unfortunately, despite the maneuvering, the ultimate power is still with the UMNO-BN federal government. Pairin’s 9-year term as Chief Minister ended abruptly on 17 March 1994 when 26 of his assemblymen were enticed by UMNO to jump over to the BN, causing PBS to lose control of the state government. Pairin has long since given up the idea of an independent Sabah as much of its natural wealth has already been stolen. These have all been robbed by the previous state governments, Sabah politicians and their cronies. The state has been milked dry, so to speak.
Yong and Jeffrey
Two other leaders have of later been highlighted in the media.
Yong Teck Lee of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has no special vision of where to take Sabah. His critics say he is now eyeing the post of Chief Minister to enrich himself; an unfinished agenda when he was the rotational Chief Minister from 1996 to 1998 under the BN when Mahathir Mohamad was still the federal prime minister. Indeed, three years may not be enough to reap as much wealth from the state as UMNO has proven that even after five decades of stealing whatever Malaysia has is still not enough. UMNO still wants to cling on.
Dr Jeffery Kitingan is more ambitious. If a white man can be the Raja of Sarawak as in the Rajah Brooke’s case, why not a Sabah native like himself be the Raja of Sabah? Sarawak chief minister Taib Mahmud is a living example of being the 'Sultan of Sarawak' in all but name.  Jeffrey, who now heads the State Reform Party (STAR) is putting on his latest political cap after flirting in and out of at least six political parties in the past two decades. Unlike his mellowed brother, he still wants to take Sabah out of the Malaysian Federation and then turn the whole state into his own personal property.
Critics say both Yong Teck Lee and Jeffery Kitingan have found a way to achieve their separate selfish agendas by using Pakatan Rakyat. They are using the same trick as Pairin in 1985; jump onto the bandwagon and then jump ship midway. This is not in the best interest of Sabahans in particular, and Malaysians in general. The real agenda for Malaysia is to vote out the real thieves and bad guys -  the UMNO-BN and not carry unreliable leaders who can turn around and stab them in the back, like what UMNO's Zaid Ibrahim did to PKR.
What does Yong Teck Lee and Jeffrey themselves say? Well, Jeffrey has already left PKR in none too amicable terms. It is doubtful that Pakatan will accommodate his newly set-up STAR. As for Yong, SAPP too has had a tetchy on-off relationship with Pakatan.
But Sabahans need only to look back at Pairin, who tried to make “Sabah for Sabahans” but failed because Sabah was too poor, lacked development, infrastructure and industries. No doubt, Sabahans will say they are no better off now than before. But this is because Sabah was designed to be poor and backwards by their own politicians in cahoots with UMNO-BN. The purpose is easy to guess - so that the people of Sabah will forever be in need of federal support while Sabah's own leaders will be left to plunder to their hearts' content.
Game is changing and Sabahan must not be distracted by spoilers
Now, the game is changing. Pakatan Rakyat is poied to form the federal government. There is a new option for Sabahans. The state can be developed honestly and the people can expect a fair deal if Pakatan defeats UMNO-BN. They can be assured that they will protected from their own unscrupulous leaders trying gain riches at their expense. After all if the Kitingans had been true to Sabah, why is it still amongst the poorest states despite wealth of natural resources including precious oil?
In fact, to defeat UMNO-BN, all the opposition parties in Sabah should unite behind Pakatan and let that be the main agenda for now; catch the thieves and put them in jail. Refusal to put aside any personal agenda or interest is akin to supporting the continuation of the current vicious cycle.
Any bickering like asking for the lion’s share of seats to contest in should be stopped, with an understanding reached for a win-win situation. As it is now, with parties still unhappy and discontented with their share of the pie, the situation will only make it easier for UMNO-BN to continue controlling Sabah, and Sabahans may lose for a long time the opportunity to control their own destiny.
The Pakatan leaders have shown real zeal and commitment to do their best and are fully aware of the aspirations of all Malaysians as they too have the same aspirations for a better Malaysia and better future for everyone. Penang and Selangor are the 2 best managed states in the entire country. To plumb for a Pakatan state government is indeed tempting compared to the current Musa Aman-Joseph Pairin combo.
Of course there are many problems Sabah still faces. Sabah has lost a lot of its forests, a major source of income. Sabah has petroleum but it needs huge investment to tap the benefits. Sabah is so big and the population is scattered everywhere that any form of major development for the various areas is simply not economically viable.
But above all, corruption is Sabah's worst enemy and this is rampant. Changing both the federal and state governments will immediately disrupt this corruption network and open an avenue for much needed improvement and development.
As it gets closer to the 13th general election, all non-BN Sabah political leaders must open up their minds and look at the larger picture. Neither they or Pakatan should place too much hope in either Yong Teck Lee or Jeffery Kitingan as both men have been turncoats before. Even now, they are often accused of being in cohorts with the UMNO-BN to disrupt and spoil the opposition's chances.
Malaysia Chronicle


  1. Rakyat Sabah perlulah pandai membuat penilaian sendiri mengenai pembangkang supaya boleh membuat pengundian yang baik.

    1. ya. .dalam hal ini biarlah rakyat tentukan sendiri.

  2. PRU-13 semakin mendekati, semoga setiap rakyat akan membuat keputusan yang baik mengenai parti yang bertanding.

  3. After taking into account all the news flow related to the opposition front, regardless if they are from the state or the peninsular, clearly one can deduce that the the call for a 'united opposition' front clearly a myth and will not be a reality.

    Each strive to fight for their own ideology. To makes matters worse for the oppositions, there are some parties have internal conflicts if not internal communication errors.

    To some extent, some opposition parties even put up a public display of their difference of opinion on certain matter.

    But what is most damning is that these peninsular base opposition parties will not put the interest of Sabahan as their primary agenda.

    Assuming one goes to the argument that the current status quo is evil, on grounds that they are from the 'other side' so to speak, isn't it too a form of betrayal to the people of Sabah by trading for another peninsular base party? trading the present evil for another lesser evil? Lesser or not evil is still evil. BASED ON THIS LINE OF ARGUENMT, PR IS NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER FOR THE PEOPLE OF SABAH.

  4. The Barisan Nasional (BN) will ensure that the people’s welfare and needs will be fulfilled if it is returned to power in the next general election

    various aid extended to the people, including the 1Malaysia People’s Assistance (BR1M), were part of the BN continuous efforts to ease the burden of the people and help them improve their family economy.

    History has shown that the BN had always been working in the best interest of the people in looking after their welfare with the implementations of many programs as well as policies over the decades.

    However, the BN needs the mandate of the people to ensure continuous efforts could be implemented.

    With the rapid development under the BN administration would enable the people to unleash their potentials in the march towards a high-income nation.

  5. To address the question of poverty, Sabah’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010 was 31.6 billion ringgit, making it the sixth richest in Malaysia just behind Penang and ahead of Perak on peninsular Malaysia.

    In Kota Kinabalu capital city and towns, buildings are sprouting and all kinds of civil works are being carried out at a dizzy pace. Property prices have rocketed and Sabahans complain of rising prices because there is too much money chasing too few goods.

    Many of the 3.2m people who live in rural Sabah have benefited from the government’s mini estate programme (mesej) where they are given land to develop cash crops such as oil palms and rubber.

  6. The Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said that the Barisan Nasional government will continue to be a pro-business government that encourages private sector growth and investment.

    He also said that he would like to see all communities participate and take advantage of available opportunities so that everyone can reap the rewards together.

    Speaking at the Sandakan Hokkien Association's 124th Anniversary dinner here tonight, Musa acknowledged the Hokkien community's contribution towards Sabah's economic growth.

    He expressed the state government recognitionof their diligence in conducting business activities and participation in the various economic sectors and are part of overall efforts in driving the state economy forward.

    Apart form that, he too have expressed his confidence that the Hokkien community will continue to contribute to the local economy, together with other business community within Sabah to achieve economy growth at the projected rate of between 4.5 and five per cent this year despite weak global and regional conditions.

  7. yakin ke Pakatan boleh membebaskan Sabah dari kemiskinan, sedangkan negeri jagaaan mereka sendiri seperti Kelantan masih lagi dibelenggu kemiskinan.

  8. the government is continuously addressing the problem through various programs such as a cooperatives, agropolitan and 1Azam programmes

  9. The Government is making continuous efforts to ensure that people's lives are comfortable and assist those still in grasp of poverty to better themselves

  10. siapa pun yang berjaya membentuk kerajaan negeri selepas PRU13, tetap akan merujuk kepada kerjaan persekutuan.. sudah tentu kerajaan persekutuan itu bukan dipimpin oleh parti tempatan Sabah.. oleh itu, sebagaimana yang dipercayai oleh semua pihak termasuk dikalangan pemimpin2 parti tempatan pembangkang bahawa parti semenanjung tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah2 di Sabah, begitu juga la halnya bila negeri ini dipimpin oleh 100% parti tempatan.. hasilnya tetap sama..


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