
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 2, 2012

Get rid of the pariahs

Whispers were heard stating that the outgoing councilors’ tenure were not extended because they refused to play ball and that the minority that remained were those who remained silent and ignorant when certain questions were asked of the Selangor PKR Chief and his faithful sidekick’s involvement in a few corruption cases. 
Breaking news. Selangor.
It has been reported today that the list that contains the names of Selangor’s new municipal councilors were distributed amongst the few who walks in the Selangor’s corridors of power earlier this week. Unlike previous years where this list emanated from the Selangor MB’s office, this year the list was specially prepared by the new Selangor PKR Chief and his faithful sidekick, the PKR Wanita Chief.
Informers from deep within the Selangor PKR Chief’s office have indicated that unlike the preceding four years where the originally selected councilors’ tenure were routinely extended, this year witnesses a change in regime where a phalanx of new faces were hastily selected to replace the majority of the previous PKR-selected municipal councilors.
No reasons were given as to why the PKR State Exco has chosen to do so in an election year but whispers were heard stating that the outgoing councilors’ tenure were not extended because they refused to play ball and that the minority that remained were those who remained silent and ignorant when certain questions were asked of the Selangor PKR Chief and his faithful sidekick’s involvement in a few corruption cases.
When questioned further, a few of these informers indicated that one of the main reasons why there is a change now is due to the fact that Azmin and Zuraida needs the time between now and the next state elections to do a bit of housekeeping in the event that Pakatan loses Selangor to BN.
Others point out that a few so-called troublemakers were summarily dismissed as these councilors were suspected of questioning several accounting practices too extensively. Cases in hand include the illegal sand mining debacle, the missing funds from the Pasar Larut Malam @Jelatek, the illegal construction of Ampang Walk without council approval, preferences given to certain contractors and the alteration of certain council meeting minutes.
In other unrelated news, both Azmin and Zuraida were seen together purchasing over a dozen large A3-sized high power paper shredders at Low Yat Plaza. RR was also seen booking slots at the Kuala Lumpur Crematorium near Cheras.
When confronted with these accusations in an interview at her posh office in Ampang, the PKR Wanita Chief denied everything stating that the councilors’ tenure was not extended because these people were just “not right” and not because these people were suspected of leaking incidents of corrupt practices to MT contributors. When further questioned as to why Khalid never felt so, Zuraida said that it is one of the reasons why the Selangor MB was replaced as the Selangor PKR Chief himself.
The PKR Wanita Chief a few days later denied saying anything, stating that she could not had possibly be in the interview as she was actually in Paris purchasing a Berkin bag after being told by the vendor that someone from Malaysia already had the same color and therefore canceling the order. The Selangor PKR Chief later confirmed it as he stated that he was also in Paris at the same time and had met the PKR Wanita Chief for halal drinks during the exact time when the interview in Malaysia was alleged to had happened.
The editor of this news agency then decided to imitate the Selangor PKR by deciding not to extend the tenure of the interviewer stating that the latter was dismissed not because he was not in Paris to do the interview but owing to the fact that he was “not right”.
Obvious happenings inside PKR cannot be ignore if the desire to kill off UMNO for this coming 13th General Election is serious.  Many people are undecided whether replacing UMNO with PKR (a carbon copy of UMNO) is the right thing to do.
The people are fed-up with UMNO's corruption, they want an END to it.  By replacing them and putting  PKR is like going from one fire into another.
The people want to make a decent living, be friends with their neighbours, have a proper running system for transport, reasonable utilities charges, their income safe, decent education system etc...........where politicians are interested and care for the welfare of the community.
People do not want Anwar or Najib to lead because these two have dark secrets that people like the man with a tail behind his name can make use of to blackmail them. Even foreigners like Lee Kuan Yew and Obama can squeeze  their balls.
Today we have one good example how a leader can be blackmail and been led like a pariah dog here and there.  And that person is Najib.  We can see and hear how Najib talk A in front, B at the back and then flip flop to C, D and E within a day.  In the case of Tajuddin, Taib and Shahrizat, tons of evidence leading to their crime is still on K.I.V.  Two word best describe Najib - DEAD CHICKEN.  
PKR has three pariahs.  
Number 1 - Khalid may not be a good politician but he did make money for the State.  But that is all.  Khalid is weak and can be led like a pariah dog too.  As an MB he closes his eyes to Selangor Islamic Council, PKR and UMNO members to grab land and sell them to the Chinese.  The Chinese are not our Chinese but Chinese from China. The Sultan of Selangor is aware of it but since he too gets a cut, he is keeping mum.
The continuation of asking for money from businesses is on the rise even worse and has never stop since there was a change in State Government. The State Government policies are nicely package for publicity and are mismanage from top to bottom.  Khalid only takes care of his surrounding and does not bother about anything else. 
The RM1.2 billion Khalid helped make for Selangor could have been used to help Selangorians to ease their businesses or create mini projects in each housing estate,  where the people can work and feed themselves without giving them money.  If only the State Government think outside the box and care for the people.
I understand Khalid is holding onto the money and refuses to spend it because he wants to use that as a bargaining card to hold on to his post.  But if UMNO were to win in the coming election, then RM1.2 billion will be distributed into private pockets.  Again Selangorians will lose out.  So why not use it wisely and let the people remember your good work.
Number 2 - Azmin is not a millionaire but a billionaire.  And if you think he is decent, you are wrong.  Azmin is a double agent.  He plays both sides.  UMNO and PKR.  Whatever is discuss Inside PKR is known to Mahathir Kutty and Special Squad within the Army and Police.  Azmin loyalty is with Mahathir.  Anwar is just an alternative, in case something happens to Mahathir.  The sand mining, land transfer, bribes and prostitution are linked to Azmin. It is an open secret that outside the State Government Building, Azmin is the BOSS IN SELANGOR. And words has it  that Azmin has given strict instructions not to work with PAS and DAP but to grab as many seats possible from them.
Number 3 - Zuraida. Many people are cursing and swearing at this pariah for making them bankrupt.  Yes the golden Ampang Walkway.  This pariah uses people like toilet paper.  When she needs you she calls thousand and one time but when not needed she even refuses to answer your calls or sms.
These three pariahs has done nothing for their people.  So what is the difference between UMNO and PKR? NONE.
The people in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur have decided not to come out to vote for Khalid, Azmin and Zuraida. But they will fully support other PKR members especially Nurul, DAP and PAS.
So you want a change.  Make SURE THAT THE NEXT LEADER IS CLEAN.
MY CHOICE WOULD BE TONY PUA AND NURUL even though she lacks in strategic and focus.

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