
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 11, 2012

“Hear me, believe me and fear me!” BN's outdated war cry no longer works

“Hear me, believe me and fear me!” BN's outdated war cry no longer works
In a nutshell BN’s warriors at the helm – since the time of the Tun Dr Mahathir have been vigilantly marketing the “hear me, believe me and fear me” mantra to get the rakyat’s allegiance.
Even to this day, we recall vividly the cry of “agama, bangsa dan negara” – coming from the tunnels of BN, do we not?
Even to this day, we hear the chilling warning “do or die” – coming from the leaders of BN, right or wrong?
And do not forget “upon our dead bodies!”
Even in announcing the RM500 payouts, it is cloaked with “hear me, believe our concern for you in these hard times, and if you forget, beware” – is it not?
The Tun Dr Mahathir has been said to be holding closed door talks with forces that militantly often ride on the 3Rs (i.e. religion, race and royalty). And this is unashamedly made known to all through the media. Is this too not one of “hear me, believe me and if you don’t, beware”?
When the opposition coalition raises allegations of abuse and corrupt practices, the denials are fast and furious. But when BN aligned supporters raise an issue implicating the Opposition, the police zoom in immediately to question the alleged party/parties.
Is this tactic not one of “fear me”?
If an opposition member raises an allegation and offers some sort of document/s to back up, he or she is immediately hauled in to give a statement to the police. But when BN partners go the distance to spill all kinds of questionable ‘proofs’ including video tape recordings, the complaining individual/s do not get hauled up immediately. The alleged errant opposition member is haunted down for a statement. If this is not “believe and fear me”, then what is it?
Moment of Truth
BN needs to come to terms with some harsh realities. The ‘Moments of Truth’ can be summarized to include:
1. Times are changing and they have changed fast since the time of Pak Lah. At least he should be given some credit for not riding high on the “hear me, believe me and fear me” mantra. He was wiser to state, “do not work for me, but work with me”. And so he was systematically removed mates.
2. Present day leaders have been making statements to the effect that BN must transform. One even thought he was brighter by saying we are “evolving”. But the body gestures and non-verbal communicative stances never failed to entrench the “hear me, believe me and fear me” unfortunately.
3. The use of the police forces at all public gatherings of citizens who march peacefully; the issuing of Memos to civil servants in discouraging them in participating in such events; and what have you – all of these are anchored on that mantra of “hear me, believe me and fear me” is it not?
4. What about the verdict on the Mongolian Altantuya’s murder?
5. What about the unanswered questions – crucial for justice to be dispensed, namely why the immigration records could be removed? Who authorized the C4 military grade explosives to be used? Why did the present PM say those assuring help to Razak via text messages? Why is the case taking so, so, so long to be resolved when it involves the nation’s integrity, pride and reputation in the global arena?
Perpetuated by the mainstream media
Also take a look at the main stream media - one cannot miss the loud and clear and repeated “hear me, believe me and fear me” very clearly carved out to be dished out to the rakyat almost on a daily basis.
Now, what BN is missing is the fact that the times have changed. The global sentiments, the global interface and the affordable and entertaining alternate media which is at the disposal of even the unschooled farmer in a remote village is reigniting the conscience in the hearts of Malaysians who had for fifty over years swallowed the “hear me, believe me and fear me” mantra of BN.
People are no more ignorant; we have been liberated with technology to operate on the realm of being rhizomic beings. This the BN leaders and followers are grossly missing out.
Therefore today Malaysians are scrutinizing, questioning and reasoning many issues. To say that the opposition is behind all these is most primitive really and underestimates the power of public opinion.
Silk and pearls
Malaysians are asking why are the main stream media painting such rosy pictures everyday when we Malaysians are finding it hard to meet our everyday commitments.
Malaysians want to know why all BN leaders and their spouses are parading in silk and pearls whereas even the leaders of Singapore are in everyday working attire.
Malaysians are asking how come all the GLC giants are posting losses and yet able to get away.
Malaysians are asking why is BN outlawing the Opposition and using the police and the MACC and other agentries to make life very difficult for them.
Malaysians are asking why is the BN rubbishing the achievements of the opposition held states.
So you see, BN’s mantra of “hear me, believe me and fear me” is not working anymore. The leaders have to re-invent. That is not going to be easy either because they have lost fifty years of opportunities and there is no way they can ‘transform’ or ‘evolve’ when the general elections is only months away now.
In tomorrow’s world, transparency, accountability, integrity and collaboration are the lubricants for any political machinery. The voices of the masses are the parameters for political performance.
Malaysia Chronicle

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