
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 9, 2012

Mafias in Civil Service

In our last posting here, we demanded the KSN and DG of PTD to resign in response to PM's announcement to the new civil service pay rise package, revised SSB. 

The reason was the hidden self serving move by both of them in the SBPA. If it is not them, the buck stops with them. No two way about it. 

An Anonymous commentator described the crux of the problem in the civil service and it's an inherited tradition of ganging-up for the boys.

The comment below:

For whatever its worth, this whole SBPA fiasco has highlighted the deep animosity between PTD and government servants from other scheme.

Among the accusation made was that SBPA is meant to benefit mostly PTD without regard to others eapecially the lower ranks. PTD made-up the biggest component of the JUSA/Premier group.

It is also well known that PTD get to be promoted fastest (thus reaching the JUSA group earliest) compared to any other scheme. Sometime at a ridiculously young age.

Since most of their promotion is controlled by their own scheme, just about every PTD who decide to stay on get to be a JUSA and above.

To make thing worst, they increasingly assert themselves by expanding their billet just about everywhere in goverment agencies/department. This of course came at he expense of those from other scheme be it engineer, doctors, teachers, uniform services and what have you.

In the recent ‘pemutihan perjawatan’ exercise which was conducted under the pretext of cost saving measure, many billets for government servant from other scheme was axed despite the justification and plead by affected department.

No prize for guessing who ultimately decide on which billet to axed or keep.

They (PTD) are now infamously seen as a cancer spreading throughout government services. They took over the running of just about every government agencies/department and thereafter its my way or the highway attitude.

The justification is PTD is the only group that know best how to implement goverment policy. Is it so?

I hope the government learned their lesson from this episode. ‘Absolute power corrupt absolutely’ – in this case I am referring to PTD.

In their greed to enhanced their own perks, they abused the trust given by the goverment, so much so that the goverment might have to pay dearly in the upcoming election

Go to CUEPACS webpage and you’ll see.

- Another Brick in the Wall

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