
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 23, 2012

Nalla, Ezam, Ummi and Utusan: Umno's merchants of sex, sex, sex against Anwar

Nalla, Ezam, Ummi and Utusan: Umno's merchants of sex, sex, sex against Anwar
Umno has evidently not been deterred so far, even one bit, by the colossal failure of Sodomy 1, and its recent sequel, Sodomy II. There’s a Hitler-like death-wish at work here.
The kampung (village) people are indignant that such lies are being continually manufactured by the people in high places who have betrayed their trust. The proof that these are lies is in the court proceedings and the verdicts.
Still, there’s a certain element of desperation along the corridors of power in Putrajaya. The perennial attempts to manufacture that “smoking gun” which would wash away all their voter woes deep in the Malay reservation areas have spectacularly come to nothing.
Former premier Mahathir Mohamad, as one result, has even fallen into a deep depression and has been unable to come out with his usual dose of daily poison in recent days. His comrades-in-crime gamely soldier on nevertheless, approving scripts on miniature variations of Sodomy I and II, but their sheepish grins are all too telling.
The 3 stooges
After Sodomy I and Sodomy II, there cannot be a Sodomy III. Once is an accident, twice a coincidence and thrice would be deliberate. One – read Umno -- can bluff some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time.
So, instead Umno keeps trotting out any number of people who can keep entertaining the people, especially the kampung wallahs, from time-to-time on the so-called sexual preferences of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, as if anyone bothers. These revelations are invariably stage-managed and played out to a script which has all the hallmarks of being state-sponsored. They are guaranteed to evoke one huge collective yawn.
Former MIC Youth Chief S Nallakarupan is the latest of the vulnerable people who keeps taunting Anwar with vile figments of his imagination. He takes turns with ex-Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) activist Ezam Mohd Noor and one Ummi Hafilda, an Umno villainess who needs no introduction. These thrive on being notorious, since fame has escaped them. It’s said that every man has his price.
Utusan and the bucket system
Helping them and other like-minded of course is the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia newspaper which has gone from Malay nationalism to being the shameless citadel of 'ang-pow' (red gift envelopes containing cash) journalism in the country. These are mercenaries who will write anything for a fistful of ringgit.
The culture of corruption and moral depravity has overwhelmed this daily rag to such an extent that it would be inconceivable that no one in this dog-eat-dog mini culture is on the take from various Umno politicians. Politically-motivated stories fetch the most from sugar daddies, godfathers and other sponsors who are able to routinely put their hands in the national cookie jar and get away scot-free. What the hackers at Utusan Malaysia collect for every story, generous as they are, is just a tiny fraction of the Umno gravy train which chugs along as if there’s no tomorrow.
They are willing to run the most personal and offensive stories for the right amount of money. Utusan Malaysia would of course claim the dubious distinction of running scoops on Anwar and hide being the fair comment, qualified privilege and matters of public interest and concern labels. However, such claims fall apart when we notice that no self-respecting journal in the world would touch such stories with even a ten-foot pole.
In fact, Utusan Malaysia journalists are currently reviled, treated with contempt and considered as lepers in the journalistic community. In short, they are doing the job of a pariah – the lowest of the lowest in job functions under the caste system -- in the journalistic community. No work could be more demeaning in the public eye than what Utusan Malaysia journalists do for their daily living.
In the old days, before the flush system was introduced, a pariah and his descendents were condemned to removing human faeces from the bucket system and the like and thoroughly cleaning the place for those with the better jobs. Similarly, the pariahs at Utusan Malaysia thrive on dishing out daily doses of faeces in their stories especially those on Anwar and the opposition alliance.
Crudity in details appears to be the name of the game. If there can be a law against producing, distributing and displaying pornographic materials, it can be used as well to cover allegations made in graphic terms. The law is clear and should be used to its fullest extent not only against those who utter pornographic remarks, so to speak, but also those who publish and write them.
Most unsavory characters
Utusan Malaysia is as guilty as the three stooges of Nallakarupan, Ezam Mohd Noor and Ummi Hafilda.
Anwar knows that these are three vulnerable people who would not hesitate to fall down on their hands and knees and beg him for forgiveness when Pakatan Rakyat (PR) seizes the reins of power in Putrajaya. It’s at that point of time that we will know the real story behind their little stories and who put them up to it and under what circumstances.
One would think that Nallakarupan would live up to his name – good black man – and be at least a little grateful to Anwar for saving him from getting a good hiding at the hands of Malaysian Special Envoy to the Indian sub-continent, S Samy Vellu.
Nallakaruppan, at one time, was Samy’s nominee on various money-making deals which the then Works Minister put together. It appears that greed got the better of the nominee somewhere along the way but Samy somehow found out and sent in his goons after the one who dared to steal from him what he had earlier stolen from the people.
Nallakaruppan, with his tail between his legs, fled for dear life to Anwar for protection from Samy and ended up as one of his tennis partners. To ingratiate himself further with Anwar, Nallakarupan apparently kept the then Deputy Prime Minister entertained with juicy details on Samy. Samy had no choice but to write off his losses. It was the proverbial falling out among thieves.
Why not look at Altantuya
Instead of focussing on Anwar’s sex life, Nallakarupan should for a change tell Utusan Malaysia all that he knows about Samy Vellu and how the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) took the people for a ride for over half a century.
If Utusan Malaysia cannot get away from its morbid fascination with the private and sex lives of various personalities, especially Anwar, it should for a change focus on murdered Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu. This 28-year-old beauty killed in the most gory way on Malaysian soil by two of Prime Minister Najib Razak's ex-bodyguards is believed to have been his mistress before he tired of her and passed her on to his good friend, Razak Baginda.
That might be a more news-worthy story to follow since it has all the elements of being a spy thriller which will take us to Mongolia, Singapore, Hong Kong, France, Spain and England, among other places. No way Nalla, Ezam or Ummi could ever make up a story to beat that!
Malaysia Chronicle

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