
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 23, 2012


“NATIONAL security and sovereignty is at stake with the continued and irresponsible issuance of Mykads and citizenships to foreigners in Sabah” stated Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chairman.
His statement in reference to the report by Mr. Mansor Santiri (insert right), President of Persatuan Bajau Bumiputra Semporna, pertaining to the concerns by the Semporna Bajaus on the issuance of MyKads to foreigners by the National Registration Department’s mobile registration unit in Semporna.
“I simply cannot understand why our Sabah leaders, who are in the position of power, just stand by doing nothing and continue to allow these backdoor granting of citizenships to foreigners to happen?” lamented Dr. Jeffrey.
He further added “Are they deaf, dumb and blind or so insensitive and powerless to do something about it?”
It (the issuance of MyKads) is just not only for foreigners in Semporna. There are numerous reports in other areas in Sabah where the foreigners will 'disappear' or leave their workplace for a few days to go to Semporna and apply for MyKads. A week or so later, they 're-appear' with freshly minted MyKads.
There have been so many reports cases of abuses and criminal acts by foreigners including recent cases of murders of locals and the many unsolved robberies, break-in burglaries and thefts and assault cases.
Even the distribution of the RM500 BR1M is not spared with many reports of abuses including foreigners getting the handouts while many genuine Sabahans are rejected even after appeals to the authorities.
In addition, there were reports in Kudat of foreigners getting the RM500 handouts and immediately going to the Western Union counters to send the money back home to their native country.
Unlike the peace and tranquillity in the past, Sabahans are today living in fear not just physically but are affected socially, economically and politically, and have to suffer emotionally and mentally.
“Where is the promise of security that was given to Sabah during the formation of Malaysia in 1963?”
“Are our Sabah leaders including the Sabah Umno/Bajau leaders turning a blind eye to the uncontrolled and maybe deliberate granting of MyKads and citizenships to these foreigners so that these new so-called bumiputras can vote for Umno and keep them in power?”
“What would be the future of genuine Sabahans especially the natives when even now the Sabah Bajaus are voicing their concerns on these foreigners?”
If the government and Sabah Umno/BN do not act and stop the deliberate issuance of MyKads and citizenships to unqualified foreigners, they should not blame the people for taking up action in this case including right up to the United Nations.
It is obvious that the federal and Sabah leaders are not serving national interests and the interests of the people.
The federal and state governments have become a government for party leaders and their cronies and do not care at all for the common people especially the genuine citizens of Sabah who are suffering.
The recruitments of foreigners as new citizens may be intended for the forthcoming general elections.
STAR Sabah demands that the Election Commission (EC) take the necessary steps to purge the electoral rolls and ensure that dubious MyKad holders are not registered as voters.
The Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on electoral reforms must re-convene and take the necessary steps to ensure that the EC establish a clean and accurate electoral roll free of these new recruits and to ensure the government only hold the general elections when the electoral rolls are cleaned up.
If Sabah leaders are truly patriotic and not traitors and have any conscience at all, they should immediately leave the BN government and fight against this latest “invasion” by the foreigners before it is too late.
If this is not handled properly, it can eventually lead to foreigners taking over Sabah or to uprising and social upheaval.
Election of government democratically and change of government democratically by elections should be standard bearer in modern times.
It will not be democracy but a sham democracy if the election results are varied due to the presence of illegal foreigners but given the right to vote.
The integrity of the EC is at stake in the coming general elections.
The problem will be compounded by Sabah Umno leaders who just want to remain in power by whatever means including the use of phantom voters for hire and aided by the NRD and EC in the issuance of MyKads and the right to vote to these foreigners.
Things are going wrong in Malaysia. Things are going even more wrong in Sabah.As patriotic Sabahans, we cannot just stand by and watch the people in power committing sins after sins against Sabah and Sabahans. - Sabahkini


  1. HEAD of State Tun Juhar Mahiruddin has emphasized that the perennial issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah must be handled in a collective manner and at the same time resolved wisely.

  2. While the State and Federal Governments view the matter very seriously and have taken integrated action to settle it, everyone must render their cooperation to ensure the issue is resolved.

  3. "The problem must be settled together and wisely but, everyone must be prepared to render firm co-operation to ensure the illegal immigrant issue would be overcome for the sake of our wellbeing and prosperity," he said at the opening of the State Assembly sitting.

  4. The illegal immigrant issue has become a focal point among the State Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties and almost all have agreed to the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate it.

  5. Pairin said PBS hoped issues related to the illegals and ICs would be approached through one of the National Key Result Areas (NKRA), that is security.

  6. The presence of foreigners in Sabah and perception that foreigners are in possession of identity cards have reached the level where it affects the confidence of the people in the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

    Pairin also hoped the Federal Government would take the proposal by PBS in good faith to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegals in Sabah.

  7. Even though PM did not announce RCI yet but the police have arrested many illegal immigrant recently. Those don't have any approval documents. Sure the RCI will be announced soon.

  8. byk usaha dilakukan kerajaan dalam membanteras PATI seperti program 5P. kini ia hnya menanti penubuhan RCI. ia dah diperkenan oleh PM dan hnya tngggu ia diumumkan.

  9. Jika kita lihat memang banyak usaha dibuat. Namun usaha yang kita mahukan adalah usaha yang benar-benar niat menyelesaikan kes ini. Seperti apa yang Kerajaan NEgeri lakukan meminta kerajaan Persekutuan menubuhkan RCI. Kerajaan Negeri benar-benar dengan niat mereka namun Kerajaan Persekutuan masih belum memberikan jawapan mengenai perkara ini.

  10. to show your concern over this matter, why don't you try to find out all the PATI and send them back to their respective country??


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