
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, March 12, 2012

'Our country is run by criminals'

YOURSAY 'This news report is intriguing. Files must be reopened to serve justice. Law enforcers must not be allowed to traverse justice for their own ends.'

Bizarre case of ex-IGP, AG and an underworld boss

your sayCala: Ex-CCID (Commercial Crimes Investigation Department) chief Ramli Yusuff is a brave man for his act of exposing the dark side of ex-IGP Musa Hassan when the latter was found protecting Johor kingpin Goh Cheng Poh aka Tengku Goh.

The episode now coming into the full glare of general public confirms the widely-held perception that indeed every government institution has been rendered ineffective, unprincipled and off-tangent to its stated goal.

How can the public cooperate with police given the understanding that they are working hand in glove with underworld elements - the very people they should protect Malaysians from?

As I often said, one cannot ask a thief to catch another thief; neither can one expect a monkey to look after his banana.

It looks like the only way out to save Malaysia is by replacing this corruption-infested, unprincipled and self-glorified regime that places people's interests last.

Anonymous_3f4a: This news report is intriguing. Files must be reopened to serve justice. Law enforcers must not be allowed to traverse justice for their own ends, otherwise the country will slide into anarchy and lawlessness.

Public trust and confidence in these agencies are already at the lowest ebbs, failures to right what has been wronged would further erode such sentiments and Najib's public apologies for the past mistakes are not worth their salt.

Sarawakian_3ff9: For their own sake, the police force should come out in large numbers and demand for justice for their fellow officers - officers who did their job too well, one might add. Organise a public protest and demand justice.

Malaysians and the opposition will surely stand with them. It's time the police get their pride back instead of being looked upon by Malaysians as BN goons.

Musa and attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail are the worst crime fighters the country had ever seen. Instead of fighting crimes, they are in the thick of it, associating themselves with the worst people on the planet.

A royal commission should be set up, but the Najib government will never accede to it. It would mean exposing themselves. Both Gani and Musa will be protected so long as BN is in power.

Playfair: Anyone who believes that this tussle is between ‘good cops' versus ‘bad cops' is in delusion.

This episode was, and is, an outright turf war between shadowy warlords for personal gains and the settling of vendettas. It is just the tip of the iceberg as to how deep these people are involved in.

Of course, one can add to PM Najib Razak's slogan of "I scratch your back, you scratch mine", which represents the same sort of subversion against what is morally right.

Would I want to have any of the protagonists as a future IGP? God forbid.

Anonymous_3e86: Our country is run by criminals.

Up2U: No wonder, many do not want to be whistleblower for what protection can you get if the AG (attorney-general) and IGP (inspector-general of police) can use the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) to expose you and force you to change your statement?

Najib must do the correct thing and remove the AG. But then in doing so, one wonders whether more Altantuya Shaariibuu materials will surface.

Open Minded: In Malaysia, there are legalised criminals, thieves, plunderers and liars in high places who are also licensed to commit wrongdoings with the blessings of the powers-that-be.

Do not fall for the PM's suddenly magnanimous actions to throw us off track and keep him and his cheating lot in power.

James1067: How long are you going to run and hide. History have taught us that whatever your position in power, it will one day destroy you if you rule by the gun.

Innocent lives have been destroyed, people have been threatened and abused physically, just so you can remain in power.

God is slow in dishing out justice because he gives time for man to repent. When it's not forthcoming, he has to take action.

Sentinel: We need a man with the herculean rectitude of Frank Serpico to clean up the Polis di Raja (Royal Malaysian Police) for the task is as formidable as cleaning up the Augean stables.

As for Gani Patail, we have the word Manjeet Singh Dhillon, a respected lawyer, that he attempted to suborn S Nallakarupan into fabricating stories of the worst kind of moral turpitude against former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim.

The man is not cut out for the august office of AG.

Pemerhati: The bizarre case of the ex-IGP, AG and an underworld boss is no less bizarre than the way Dr Mahathir Mohamad stole billions of the people's money and jailed Anwar on trumped-up charges with the active help of Musa and Gani Patail.

For doing the dirty work for Mahathir and proving to him that they were thoroughly unprincipled and loyal lap dogs of Umno, they were rapidly promoted to the top positions.

As long as they did all the dirty work they were ordered to do by Umno and protected them for their criminal wrongdoings (e.g. the murder of Altantuya and the theft of billions of the people's money), they could carry out their own criminal and crooked activities and earn millions by getting kickbacks from the underworld.

Mahathir, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib would have known this but they did not take any action as they also needed protection from them for their own illegal and criminal activities.

Always Malaysian: This is the best opportunity for our PM to show his sincerity to eradicate corruption. Set up a RCI or at least appoint a capable and clean police team to investigate the complaints.

Bluemountains: I will bet my last dollar that there won't be a RCI to investigate the role of the AG and the ex-IGP in relation to the Tengku Goh's case. It can be disastrous for some top politicians as the duo may spill the beans on their criminal activities.

You help me, I help you. Only the rakyat become the real suckers. - Malaysiakini

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