
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 18, 2012

Plotting Regime Change In Malaysia

Folks, believe me when I say this : there are foreigners working diligently inside our country to effect regime change. There are serious covert efforts to topple the Government at the next General Elections.

Of course the way this Government is functioning, it will not take much to topple them at all.

The concern is what if the plotters do not win at the polls? Will they cause chaos, riots and violence in the land? I think they will not dismiss that option. We have seen this already. However I am also quite convinced that they will fail.

Last year I attended some talk organised by the UNESCO people in KL. There was a Mat Salleh from UNESCO who was talking about bla bla bla. Then suddenly in his speech, he said that the Selangor State government (under Pakatan of course) was doing a good job in promoting political awareness and democracy among the young.

Folks, even the UNESCO is pitching for the Pakatan Rakyat. I think they are all in cahoots. They want to see regime change.

Cool. Bring it on guys. Lets see what you can do.

Do you recall Al Gore's kurang ajar behaviour in Kuala Lumpur in 1998? In his speech, Al Gore made a direct appeal to the Reformasi mobs who were rioting in the streets. And after Gore's speech, the mobs did riot again.

Here is an old BBC report about Al Gore's speech and the mob behaviour he incited :

"Supporters of the sacked Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, have protested in central Kuala Lumpur the day after US Vice-President Al Gore outraged Malaysian ministers by praising "the brave people of Malaysia" in their calls for reform."

Well they have not stopped at all in their efforts to effect regime change in our country.

In January this year there was a conference of Global Moderates organised here in KL. Among the speakers was an Admiral from the US Navy. Perhaps more subtle than Al Gore, the admiral deemed it necessary to mention in his speech the title of a book as well as the author's name which, according to him, had a list of 200 different ways to create civil disobedience !!

Now why would an American admiral want to spell out the title of a manual on civil disobedience at a conference of Global Moderates in Kuala Lumpur?

The following is an article from The Unspinners which shows some foreign NGOs directly assisting the Pakatan Rakyat plan their election strategies and tactics. One Blogger says that one of these NGOs has even written the election manifesto for the Pakatan Rakyat. I will not be surprised at all.

By the way, to all the Pakatan Rakyat supporters - lets be clear ok. In my opinion only, I dont think this is illegal or criminal. You can plot and scheme with whoever you want. Just dont sell out your country too easily ok. And dont sell your "souls" to the devils either. If you still insist on selling out, at least get a good price. Kalau dapat duit, biarlah lebih sikit. Dont sell yourselves too cheap.

You can read that article posted by The Unspinners. The picture here (taken from The Unspinners) is from the Suara Keadilan. It is some kursus conducted by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Pakatan Rakyat propaganda workers in Melaka. The text says "Program Menjana Tenaga Kemenangan". You can read it yourself - it says "Anjuran Bersama Friedrich Naumann Foundation".

Kursus PKR dengan Frederich Neumann Foundation di Melaka.

Folks, do you see any UMNO people in the picture? Or BN people? I dont think so. Kenapa lah kedekut sangat? Why not 'menganjur' some of these courses for the BN folks too? We too want to "Menjana Tenaga Kemenangan". If you are not aware the BN has lost the 2/3 majority. Also the BNhas lost FOUR States to the Pakatan. So please help the BN to "Menjana Tenaga Kemenangan" as well.

These folks are no strangers to our country. Many of them have been operating here for a long time. (Sebab kita dungu). They have long ago penetrated Government, UMNO, the media, academia and the NGOs. They have been organising workshops, seminars for all and sundry for a long time - including for the Government folks. We even invite them to give talks at our seminars and conferences. Now with the General Elections looming, they are getting busy on the other side of the street. Very clever.

I once attended one of their seminars - where I asked mischievous questions which they found difficult to answer. After that everytime I put up my hands, they ignored me.

At that UNESCO thingy last year, I asked a question about 'juvenile obesity'. Well the seminar (if I can remember) had something to do with children's rights so I thought juvenile obesity was relevant. The speaker - a Korean woman with a Mat Salleh accent from Washington DC - said something about not allowing any MacDonald's Restaurants within one kilometre of any school. I remember the Mat Salleh UNESCO fellow later "clarified" the MacDonalds Restaurant part. I got the feeling they did not want to offend the American corporations.

Anyway here is another picture from The Unspinners. Its an old picture. This one shows another foreign NGO "The National Democratic Institute" conducting election propaganda courses for the old Parti Keadilan. (It is written inside the picture lah : National Democractic Institute. Pi tengok betul-betul). Obviously the source of the picture is Parti Keadilan themselves. Bukan saya.Jangan marah saya doh !

Here is another picture (from The Unspinners) of some Mat Salleh guy by the name of Ben Burger conducting yet more kursus pilihanraya for the Pakatan folks. Banyaknya kursus depa buat untuk geng-geng Pakatan.

Below here is yet another picture from The Unspinners showing one Mr. Carlos Espinosa from the International Republican Institute (IRI) conducting more political indoctrination courses for the Pakatan people. Carlos Espinoisa is the Country Director for Thailand, Malaysia, Asia Division of the International Republican Institute.

Who are this International Republican Institute? Well you can go to this website and read that the National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute (NED/IRI) "also engage in activities previously performed by the CIA". Here is a snippet: :

"The International Republican Insitute (IRI) is one of the components of the National Endowment for Democracy by which it seeks to influence political outcomes and civic society in lesser developed countries around the world. Its efforts are to channel politics and civic society to promote a neoliberal economic and political model;

NED/IRI also engage in activities previously performed by the CIA.

IRI is mainly funded by U.S. State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development and the National Endowment for Democracy"

Fuiyyo !!

"..engage in activities previously performed by the CIA!!"

"..mainly funded by U.S. State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development .."

According to The Unspinners this International Republican Institute (IRI) has also recently conducted political indoctrination courses for the Pakatan Rakyat at Sunway in Seberang Jaya, Penang.

The IRI was involved in the MAFREL to 'oversee' the Phillipine General Elections. Later there were reports that came out of the Phillipines itself about CIA meddling in their elections. Do we have to be surprised at all? These folks have a very long history of meddling in other peoples' affairs.

The CIA linked National Endowment for Democracy channels money to the other American NGOs like the National Democractic Institute. Here is some info about the money trail from this website :

"The NED is supposedly a private, non-government, non-profit foundation, but it receives a yearly appropriation from the US Congress. The money is channelled through four “core foundations”. These are the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (linked to the Democratic Party); the International Republican Institute (Republican Party); the American Center for International Labor Solidarity; and the Center for International Private Enterprise (US Chamber of Commerce).

Jadi kekawan, sampai bila kita nak bodoh lagi? On the one hand you have the Gomen screwing up left, right and center. On the other hand you have the Liwat fellows trying to screw you from behind. Mampus lah kita.

In conclusion, these people are busier than ever. They are all working hard to effect "regime change" in Malaysia. Dont say that I did not warn you already.

Anyway just to refresh your memory, here is that article about regime change in Malaysia written by Thomas Pepinsky that is still available on the Friedrich Naumann Foundation website here. Do read it again. Here is a snippet :

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