
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 11, 2012

PM Hj Najib hits campaign trail amidst war in UMNO

Malaysian Minister of Defense, Najib Razak, pi...
(Image via Wikipedia) Lost for choice
 Today March  11th  is the birthday  of the late Tun Abdul Razak the father of  Najib Tun Razak the present Priome Minsiter of Malaysia and Najib is busy campaining for the next General Elections, the hand outs he has been giving the rakyat pre-elections are part of the goodies the BN is so fond of giving out, the grant to the Chinese School in Kajang is to convince the Chinese community that Chua Soi Lek can deliver the goods but  it is hard to con the Chinese they can see through his schemes.

Najib  will celebrate the Tun Razak's  birthday in the same fashion his father did - scheme agaisnt the Chinese because the BN always uses the Chinese as the bogeymen to woo Malay votes and in the process gives the MCA a sprinkling of Malay seats in the country to contest. 

If RPK is to be believed and history of this country is really and truly documented as to what happened it was Razak who was behidn the slaughter of the Chinese on may 13th. asl those who were affected the Military took part in it too and Razak was the Minister of defence then/

To appease the Chinese he woudl make a historic trip to China, meet Tun Razak, toast with Chinese alcoholic wine with Mao Tse Tung and establish diplomatic relations with China on the international front, and in  Malaysia turn the Kuala Lumpur in Selangor to a Federal Territory to make sure that Selangor never fell to the opposition.

Mahathir after the V.K. Lingam trial
Image via Wikipedia   
Now as you can all see Najib is setting himself up to do the same, nevertheless the campaign trail he has hit is taking him allover the country, whilst Muhyddin has begun his own.

In the process the  word has gone  out, Mahathir has demanded that Sharizat be removed immediately, he is getting impatient, it is he says, "causing a lot of damage to the party and she has to be removed."

Is that Mahahtir's real reasons for wanting Sharizat out?

Well  Najib has begun campaigning for the next General Elections, with Sharizaat out he will put a huge dent on the credibility of two more UMNO persons, and that is Muhyiddin and Khairy and will probably have their necks after disposing Sharizat.

 Sharizat is but a sacrificial cow in the alter of Mahathirsm.

Now  that is what he Mahathir  is after, with Khairy Jamaluddin out and Myhyddin discredited he has the stage set for the next UMNO general assembly to remove Muhyiddin and replace him with either his son or the not so intelligent Hishamuddin, the home Minsiter will  be the tool in this whole excercise and with that his plans for Mukhriz to become PM in the short term are sealed.

Tun Dr. Mahahthir Mohammed  is hoping for a bad result at the next General Elections, he is sure that the BN will win hands down but he wants to ensure that the performance is bad, so that Najib can be removed for the same reasons as Sharizat,  he does not want to attempt that now, its too dangerous it wreck havoc on the BN, he wants havoc to remove Najib, but not to that extent and not now, but after the elections.

Whist  Mahahtir works his plans Sharizat is fighting for dear life, and she has no plans to give up without putting up a strong fight, this is getting very interesting because this is an all out war and the trouble is she - Sharizat is fighting two people, she knows it and has a strategy planned to do just that.

On the one hand she has Najib to reckon with, that is the easy part, Najib has so many things in the closet he is easy meat if she really wants to take on him,  but she is aware at this stage it will be dangerous because that will destroy the party and in the process put paid to any hopes she has in contesting the next general elections, but that is a valuable card she has and she'll use if she has to.

She came to power on the benevolence of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and there were reasons, she played her cards she had Maahtir supporting her all the way, she backed Muhyiddin against Ku Li but  now her support in UMNO is not as strong as she would  have many to believe, it was Rafidah  that the women's part of the assembly wanted out and that was because of Mahathir that Sharizat who many UMNO people still worshiped at at that time wanted Rafidah out, why even Rosmah woudl have been able to unseat Rafidah had she stood, the mood simply that way,  if she had stood agaisnt the deputy she would  have been minced meat for  murtabak because she is perceived to be a mamak. 

Najib seems helpless at the moment he is afraid of what a woman can do to him he has learned his lessons well from his past, from his ex-wife, his present plastic rose, and he is not willing to test the mettle of Sharizat who is  far the wiser of the three and the most politically astute.

"Hell hath no fury like Sharizat scorned," and Najib is full aware of it,  he is also aware that Mahathir can destroy him in seconds if he does not toe the line, so he is trying to drum up as much support as he can to ensure that when the time comes he can either take on Mahathir or Sharizat whoever suits his convenience, but that will not be so easy, because by that time all Mahathir's men will be in place come the next General Elections, he is making sure of that now.

Moving away from Najib Sharizat is now eliciting  support of Muhyiddin's people she has  to, and Muhyiddin and Khairy have agreed to give her all the support they can albeit silently from behind the scenes as they know what Mahahtir can and is doing  to their political careers, they have no choice, amd in typical UMNO style there are frogs in the Muhyiddin camp and they are jumping.

Sharizat's supporters are wiling to go to the streets with Najib's cases if she is dropped, they have already sounded the alarm, they have spoken to Najib, they have gate crashed Hishamuddin's home they had the audacity to question Hishamuddin   on what  the police did regarding this case, looks like they know that he can  manipulate police decisions, so they suspect  what he is doing in Sharizat's case is at the prompting of higher ups and they want  a stop to it in Sharizat's case.

Well, as usual Hishamuddin denied it and backed his police force, he has alwayd doen whta even when they were wrong, and proven to be wrong, he is the best UMNO "boy" to Najib.

Sharizat's supporters even went to Najib's office unannounced but were shocked that the not so intelligent, intelligentsia had informed Najib about their coming and he had the IGP and Rafidah's people coincidentally at his place at that time.  They backed off as they saw the IGP there, yhey knew with him around it could spell trouble for them,a nd the bigger the trouble the better for the Mahathir camp, it will help them brand Sharizat, Muhyiddin and Khairy, but it did not happen.

The Sharizat strategy is to coerce Najib to allow her to continue just like he is in face of numerous controversies much that will dwarf the cow gate issue she is faced with, and if she fails her supporters will sound even worse than Pakatan Rakyat in revealing Najibs many misdeeds. She will not leave unless forced to and with  that all  the fury a woman scorned will be poured out on Najib and his  men.

The Mahathir prescription is to build a case not just one but multiple cases  then give her a choice of having her children and husband jailed or step down gracefully.

Abdullah is watching with keen eye, he is not afraid of Mahathir, he is a Mahathir irritant, and he want's top see how this turns out before he steps in, in fact he is being acviced by his son in law Khairy Jamaluddin who together with his father in law  are privy to some very useful information that could make Sharizat look like saint compared to Najib and even Mahathir and Mukhriz. Will  the sleeping giant awake and  use it only time will tell.
This issue has opened a new war in UMNO a big war, whether it will be declared before or after the elections  is to be seen, it may take shape at the UMNO General Assembly but many UMNO seniors who are watching the developments say it will be better for Sharizat to wage war before the elections if she is to be dropped.

Many deposed Malay UMNO ;eaders are waiting for this war to heat up, they are fanning the flames, one even said the mamaks are now fighting amongst themselves, it is better they kill themselves and let us take back UMNO, which ahs been hijacked by mamaks.

The opposition is  hoping beyond hope to have Sharizat there at the next elections, because,  "if you think we have opened a can of worms, you'll be in for a surprise," according to a PKR chieftain,  "this is only a case of some rancid nuts in a can of nuts wait till we open up the worms and maggots, that is for election time and we are hoping she stays on that will give us a trump card to play."

When asked what they have agaisnt Najib the reply was, "not only Najib, he is already smeared with s#@t, but so many UMNO and other BN leaders from Bintulu to Kuala Lumpur, " pressed for a more detailed answer as to what they have got agaisnt these others, the reply was, "fire, just say fire."

The BN has started campaigning vigorously Najib, Muhyiddin and Chua Soi Lek are all around the country they know the odds they want to win and the campaign has begun.

Its Elections in March. 


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