
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 22, 2012


THE SITUATION in Sabah did not improve as expected and as promised by the government. Sabah remains as the poorest state in Malaysia in spite of its abandon natural resources like oil and gas, huge plantations, plenty of land and the forest. Why and what happened?
The only possible explanation is simply Sabah did not have a good managed economy. This is reflected by the huge number of people applying and receiving the BR1M money, the highest in Malaysia.
This is telling us we have a very high poverty rate, and it is true that Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia, with 42% of the poor people in Malaysia are in Sabah. In fact, with all the rich natural resources, we should be enjoying prosperity and be well off.
The people in Sabah are migrating to oversea countries is another proof, coupled with huge number of the young people moving out of the state to seek work else way.
Sabah has a very slake economy with very little development activities in the industrial, infrastructure, agriculture and tourism sectors. The government has been making big announcement on big plans, but will that happen?
In fact Sabah is known to be at least 15 years behind other states in Malaysia. We are so backward until investors now don't choose to come to Sabah. Sabah has everything, Penang has little, why Penang achieved the top state in investment for two years.
we have no fast growth in economy but surely we have very fast increase in the population. When compared with other states we are 5 times faster in population growth. Where are these people coming from, and why they can become Malaysian so easily?
The call for the RCI to check on this by the people is a solid proof that Sabahan wants to know what happened. very sadly, while the call on RCI had been made, there are more new Sabahan being produced.
On the issue of NFC, how nice if the RM 250 million is being used in Sabah, like in Kota Belud where there is plenty of gracing land and green pastures. There will be at least 2 cattles for each family, many people will benefit from it and Sabah can be a meat producing state in the future.
The 'food security' in Malaysia will be achieved. Very sad to see until today, the production of rice is still with no significant increase, what is happening? We still don't see the effect of the millions ringgits of money pumped in to develop and increase the production.
On the program that the government will focus and speed up on the new and replanting of oil palm and rubber to raise the income of the rural folks especially those in Sabah and Sarawak, this will not work if the government is not fully committed to do so. We have plenty of land and it only need funds to get these going. This money should have been sent to Sabah long time ago, and should have been used extensively in Sabah to benefit Sabahan.
On improving the housing needs, the National Housing Policies aimed at providing adequate, comfortable, and affordable housing has yet to show its effectiveness and results. There are thousands of house buyers facing problems both in financial and other aspect in Sabah.
The SPNB projects in Sabah have faced difficulties due to its delay and stop work. How can the policies be implemented smoothly? We want to see some quick action to speed up the various projects in Sabah to solve the problems of the people, and not giving them more problems.
The development of human capital in Sabah is still in lacking, as seen from the large untrained population especially those from the rural districts. The young people from the rural areas should be given the technical and vocational training, and they form the back bone of our work force.
Without this training, our Sabah and Sarawak young people are now flooding the general labour market in Semananjong especially in KL and Johor, and it is estimated in some few hundred thosands. We can not afford to have this continuing, the foreigners are taking over their jobs in Sabah already.
The government talks about quality health care, but what happened to the Sabah sector? Why we have serious shortage of doctors, equipments, ambulances, and hospitals? Many such issues have been raised and should have been attended to. The government can wait but the patients can't, and there are evidence that lives had been lost.
The negligence in hospitals had been repeatedly reported in Sabah. Is this due to the incompetent or our medical standard has drop? There are 30% the Sabah ambulances either sick or in the ICU, why this high casualty rates occurred? Why can't we get more ambulances to Sabah?
Saving life is more important. In Labuan, the hospital is in need of new equipment like CT scan machine and other equipment to back up the work of the specialist doctors, and without that they are helpless. When is the car parking problems in QEH2 be solved, and any plans on the multi storey car parks be built? The proposal on collecting parking fees there is not acceptable for now.
To eradicate corruption is a must, and we can see corruption in Sabah and Malaysia is growing fast, the International corruption index has indicated that. We want all the government jobs and projects to be opened tender to allow equal and fair competition among the qualified contractors and not be given to cronies companies.
Many jobs had failed because of the not qualified contractors and especially the 'Ali Baba' type. That had damaged the country. Why do we have to pay so high price to get something done? There are plenty of corruption in the offices, on the street, on Highway, and places you name it. Do we want to see this to become common practice or culture?
The infrastructure in Sabah is known to be the worst, in Kota Kinabalu, many traffic junctions needed flyovers and traffic lights, but it took the government 5 years to build one, while in Semananjong, many flyovers were built without connecting roads, just sitting doing nothing, built ready for 2040?
There are roads fit for only cows, where are the promised highways? Why can't we have good roads? The rural folks are furious having to travel on these bad roads.
Again I urge the government to pay more attention to Sabah, if not the Fixed Deposit will no longer hold.
KEADAAN di Sabah tidak bertambah baik seperti yang dijangka dan dijanjikan oleh Kerajaan. Sabah kekal sebagai negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia walaupun mempunyai sumber semulajadi seperti minyak dan gas, perladangan, tanah dan hutan yang besar. Mengapa terjadi begitu?
Hanya satu penjelasan atas kesemua ini, iaitu Sabah tidak mempunyai pengurusan ekonomi yang baik. Ini telah ditunjukkan oleh bilangan pemohonan yang tertinggi di seluruh Malaysia untuk menerima wang BR1M. Ini menunjukkan bahawa Sabah mempunyai kadar kemiskinan amat tinggi dan ini adalah benar kerana mengikut rekod menunjukan bahawa 42% daripada penduduk miskin di Malaysia adalah di Sabah.
Sebenarnya, dengan kekayaan sumber semulajadi, rakyat Sabah sepatutnya boleh menikmati faedah kemakmuran dan keselesaan. Rakyat di Sabah berhijrah ke luar negeri adalah satu lagi bukti, tambahan pula sebilangan besar golongan pemuda-pemudi pergi ke negeri lain untuk mencari kerja.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sabah adalah terkebelakang dengan aktiviti pembangunan yang sangat sedikit, baik di dalam industri, infrastruktur, pertanian atau sektor pelancongan. Kerajaan telah membuat pengumuman besar dan rancangan besar, tetapi adakah itu akan berlaku?
Sebenarnya Sabah kebelakangan sekurang-kurangnya 15 tahun jika dibandingkan dengan negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia. Kita begitu mundur sehingga pelabur-pelabur tidak mahu datang ke Sabah untuk melabur. Sabah kaya dengan bahan mentah, Pulau Pinang mempunyai sedikit sahaja, kenapa Pulau Pinang boleh mencapai pelaburan yang tinggi dalam dua tahun?
Kita tidak punyai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat tetapi kita mempunyai peningkatan di kadangan penduduk yang paling cepat. Apabila dibandingkan dengan negeri-negeri lain, kita adalah 5 kali lebih cepat dalam pertumbuhan penduduk. Mereka ini datang dari mana dan mengapa mereka boleh menjadi Rakyat Malaysia dengan begitu mudah?
Seruan mengadakan RCI untuk memeriksa asas pertumbuhan penduduk adalah bukti kukuh bahawa rakyat Sabah mahu tahu apa yang telah berlaku, tetapi sedihnya, walaupun ada RCI, tetapi masih terdapat banyak ‘Penduduk Sabah baru'.
Atas isu NFC, baguslah jika RM250 juta digunakan di Sabah, seperti di Kota Belud di mana terdapat tanah luas untuk memelihara lembu. Sekurang-kurangnya setiap keluarga di Kota Belud boleh mendapat dua ekor lembu. Ramai orang akan mendapat manfaat daripadanya dan Sabah boleh menjadi negeri pengeluar daging pada masa hadapan.
'Sumber makanan terjamin' di Malaysia akan dapat dicapai. Tetapi agak sedih melihat hingga ke hari ini, pengeluaran beras di Sabah masih tidak ada peningkatan yang ketara. Apa yang telah terjadi? Kita masih tidak dapat melihat apa-apa kesan walaupun berjuta-juta ringgit telah diperuntukkan untuk membangunkan dan meningkatkan pengeluaran sebagai yang di katakan.
Di dalam program kerajaan akan memberi bantuan tumpuan baru dan mempercepatkan penanaman semula kelapa sawit dan getah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan penduduk luar bandar terutamanya di Sabah dan Sarawak, ini tidak akan berfungsi jika kerajaan tidak komited sepenuhnya. Kami mempunyai banyak tanah yang sesuai, ia hanya memerlukan bantuan wang untuk mejalankan projek-projek. Wang ini sepatutnya telah sudah lama hantar kepada Sabah dan digunakan secara luas di Sabah supaya orang Sabah dapatkan manfaat darinya.
Atas usaha meningkatkan keperluan perumahan di Sabah, tujuan Dasar Perumahan Negara ialah untuk menyediakan perumahan yang mencukupi, selesa dan mampu dipunyai masih belum menunjukkan apa-apa keberkesanan. Tetapi di Sabah, terdapat beribu-ribu unit rumah SPNB menghadapi masalah dalam aspek kewangan dan lain-lain.
Projek-projek SPNB di Sabah telah menghadapi masalah disebabkan oleh kerja tergendala dan kerja berhenti. Bagaimana dasar ini boleh dilaksanakan dengan lancar? Kita mahu melihat tindakan diambil dengan segera untuk mempercepatkan pelbagai projek-projek di Sabah untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Sabah dan bukan memberi mereka masalah yang lain lagi.
Pembangunan modal insan di Sabah masih dalam kekurangan, kerana didapati kebanyakan rakyat Sabah tidak terlatih, terutamanya yang dari daerah-daerah luar bandar. Golongan pemuda-pemudi dari kawasan luar bandar perlu diberi latihan teknikal dan vokasional. Mereka akan menjadi sumbangan tenaga kerja. Tanpa latihan ini, pemuda-pemudi di Sabah dan Sarawak, kini menjadi buruh am di Semenanjong terutamanya di KL dan Johor. Jumlah mereka dianggarkan kira-kira lebih dari 200 ribu orang. Kita tidak boleh biarkan perkara ini berterusan. Di Sabah, ramai orang asing sudah mengambil tempat kerja mereka.
Kerajaan telah mengumum tentang penjagaan kesihatan yang berkualiti, tetapi apa yang berlaku di Sabah? Mengapa kita masih mempunyai kekurangan doktor, peralatan, ambulans, ubat dan hospital? Banyak isu telah dibangkitkan dan perlu diambil tindakan. Kerajaan boleh menunggu, tetapi pesakit tidak boleh tunggu, dan terdapat bukti bahawa banyak nyawa telah hilang kerana ini.
Kecuaian hospital di Sabah telah berkali-kali dilaporkan. Adakah ini disebabkan ketiadaan kelengkapan atau standard perubatan telah menurun? 30% ambulans di Sabah ‘sakit atau berada di ICU’. Mengapa kadar kerosakan ambulans begitu tinggi? Mengapakah kita tidak boleh dapatkan lebih banyak ambulans yang baik di Sabah demi untuk menyelamatkan nyawa.
Di Labuan, hospital memerlukan peralatan baru seperti mesin imbasan CT dan peralatan baru untuk menyokong kerja-kerja doktor pakar dan tanpanya mereka tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa bila pesakit dimasukkan ke hospital.
Bilakah pula masalah tapak letak kereta di QEH1 diselesaikan dan bilakah rancangan untuk bangunan tapak letak kereta akan dibina? Cadangan untuk mengutip bayaran letak kereta adalah tidak boleh diterima buat masa sekarang.
Membasmi rasuah adalah salah suatu tindakan yang harus dijalankan dan kita dapat melihat rasuah di Sabah dan di Malaysia sedang berkembang tinggi mengikut indeks rasuah antarabangsa. Kami mahu semua kerja-kerja dan projek-projek Kerajaan ditender secara terbuka supaya mengadakan persaingan yang adil di kalangan kontraktor yang layak, dan bukan diberikan kepada syarikat-syarikat kroni.
Banyak kerja-kerja telah gagal kerana kontraktor yang tidak berkelayakan terutama jenis 'Ali Baba'. Ini telah merosakan negara kita. Mengapa kita perlu membiayai harga yang begitu tinggi untuk mendapatkan sesuatu projek dijalankan? Terdapat banyak rasuah berlaku di pejabat, di Lebuh Raya dan di mana-mana sahaja.Adakah kita mahu tabiat ini menjadi amalan biasa atau budaya? Ada satu kataan “I help you, you help me”!
Infrastruktur di Sabah paling teruk sekali. Di Kota Kinabalu, banyak simpang jalan memerlukan jejambat atau 'flyovers' (DI) dan lampu isyarat, tetapi ia mengambil masa selama 5 tahun untuk membina satu Jejambat.
Manakala di Semenanjung, flyovers dibina di tempat yang tiada jalanraya dan di tempat yang tidak diguna hingga tahun 2040? Banyak jalanraya di Sabah hanya sesuai untuk lembu sahaja, di manakah ‘super highway’ (DI) yang dijanjikan? Kita di Sabah sudah tetap tidak mempunyai jalanraya yang baik, penduduk luar bandar marah betul apabila gunakan jalan-jalan yang rosak dan teruk.
Sekali lagi saya meminta kerajaan untuk berikan perhatian kepada Sabah, jika tidak, ‘simpanan tetap’ atau ‘ fix deposit’ tetap hilang. - Sabahkini


  1. 15 years behind west malaysia ? why? not just pointing figures. The locals have to check their attitude esp those in the government sector.They are too complacent and contented with easy life."diamond" employment.

    Always think that E-Malaysian "fixed depoosit",do not know how to protest or request for things...whose fault?

  2. People in Sabah have experienced marked progress in terms of development and life quality after the state gained independence by joining the Federation to form Malaysia on Sept 16, 1963.

    Before, many in the state were living below the poverty line but now the situation has significantly changed with those categorised as poor and hardcore poor have been drastically reduced in their number.

  3. Based on the Mid Term Review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP), the poverty rate in Sabah has dropped to 16 per cent as compared to 23.0 per cent in 2004.

    As for the hardcore poor in the state, their number has declined significantly to 3.7 per cent in 2007 as against 6.5 per cent in 2004.

  4. This marked drop in the poverty rate showed the state government's efforts and determination to resolve issues faced by the people particularly the lower income group who live in the rural areas and interiors of the state.

    Hence, it is no surpsrise that the Sabah government expected to completely eradicate the harcore poverty issue by the year 2020.

  5. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has expressed his desires to see a balanced development throughout the country including Sabah and Sarawak.

    To ensure that this happens, one of the six NKRAs – Rural Basic Infrastructure (RBI) – of the GTP has been especially designed to ensure that adequate basic amenities are provided for the rural population.

  6. Development-wise, Najib said the country has witnessed the highest increase in terms of the construction of roads, supply of electricity and clean water as well as housing in the rural areas.

    The Prime Minister said the government has never neglected the needs of the rural people as it strives to ensure a balanced development throughout the nation.

  7. Kerajaan sentiasa berusaha membela nasib rakyat, pelbagai program dirancang dan dilaksanakan untuk membantu rakyat dalam meningkatkan tahap kehidupan mereka.

  8. kini usaha dalam membangunkan Sabah pesat dilakukan, byk projek seperti SDC, projek SOGT, Samur dilaksanakan bagi membangunkan lagi Sabah. dgn ini pasti Sabah akan dpt membangun dgn pesat.

  9. Pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan bagi memastikan masalah kemudahan yang tidak terlaksana ini dapat diselesaikan.

  10. when all mega projects initiated by the government has been rejected by opposition leaders, then Sabah will definitely left behind Malaya more than 15 years..


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